Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Shadow2007 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Wall of Shadows Recall Ivory Guardians ---- Wall of Shadows Wall of Shadows Wall of Shadows Stangg
1 - 2 Wall of Shadows Rubinia Soulsinger Primordial Ooze ---- Stangg Feldon's Cane Repentant Blacksmith Arena of the Ancients
1 - 3 Storm Seeker Remove Soul Runesword ---- Mountain Yeti Remove Soul Repentant Blacksmith Wall of Opposition
1 - 4 Ashnod's Transmogrant Fountain of Youth Tor Wauki ---- Erhnam Djinn Ashnod's Transmogrant Fallen Angel Fire Drake
1 - 5 Runesword Rabid Wombat Beasts of Bogardan ---- Repentant Blacksmith Remove Soul Angelic Voices Kei Takahashi
1 - 6 Ashnod's Transmogrant Storm Seeker Active Volcano ---- Repentant Blacksmith Ashnod's Transmogrant Runesword Living Armor
1 - 7 Bog Rats Repentant Blacksmith Wall of Heat ---- Ghazban Ogre Scavenger Folk Active Volcano Angelic Voices
1 - 8 Ashnod's Transmogrant Hasran Ogress Feldon's Cane ---- Wall of Heat Bog Rats Keepers of the Faith Feldon's Cane
1 - 9 Argothian Pixies Cuombajj Witches Tobias Andrion ---- Cuombajj Witches D'Avenant Archer Living Armor Transmutation
1 - 10 Enchantment Alteration Keepers of the Faith War Elephant ---- Hasran Ogress Bog Rats Hasran Ogress Enchantment Alteration
1 - 11 Goblins of the Flarg Flash Flood D'Avenant Archer ---- Giant Slug Keepers of the Faith Scavenger Folk Indestructible Aura
1 - 12 Sivitri Scarzam Indestructible Aura Dandan ---- Giant Slug D'Avenant Archer Indestructible Aura Puppet Master
1 - 13 D'Avenant Archer Keepers of the Faith War Elephant ---- Goblin Shrine Goblin Shrine Metamorphosis War Elephant
1 - 14 Sivitri Scarzam Cat Warriors Emerald Dragonfly ---- Cat Warriors Ivory Guardians Flash Flood Fishliver Oil
1 - 15 Blood of the Martyr Metamorphosis Revelation ---- Dandan Fishliver Oil Emerald Dragonfly Hasran Ogress
2 - 1 Recall Ashnod's Altar Witch Hunter ---- Indestructible Aura Fishliver Oil Keepers of the Faith Runesword
2 - 2 Teleport Indestructible Aura Abu Ja'far ---- Feldon's Cane Gabriel Angelfire Keepers of the Faith The Fallen
2 - 3 Remove Soul Ashnod's Altar Palladia-Mors ---- Scavenger Folk Banshee Indestructible Aura The Fallen
2 - 4 Banshee Living Armor Fallen Angel ---- Divine Offering Axelrod Gunnarson Divine Offering Repentant Blacksmith
2 - 5 Fallen Angel Cocoon Wall of Opposition ---- Ashnod's Transmogrant Feldon's Cane Divine Offering Fountain of Youth
2 - 6 Wall of Heat Repentant Blacksmith Fountain of Youth ---- Cocoon Wall of Heat D'Avenant Archer Runesword
2 - 7 Bog Rats Ashnod's Transmogrant Runesword ---- Argothian Pixies Ashnod's Transmogrant Goblins of the Flarg Wall of Vapor
2 - 8 Wall of Shadows Wall of Shadows Banshee ---- Argothian Pixies Wall of Vapor Bog Rats Takklemaggot
2 - 9 Wall of Heat Bog Rats Giant Slug ---- Giant Slug Goblins of the Flarg Argothian Pixies Active Volcano
2 - 10 Runesword Keepers of the Faith Repentant Blacksmith ---- Takklemaggot Transmutation Goblins of the Flarg Living Armor
2 - 11 Cat Warriors Hasran Ogress War Elephant ---- Azure Drake Giant Slug D'Avenant Archer Argothian Pixies
2 - 12 Cat Warriors Flash Flood Flash Flood ---- Flash Flood Wall of Vapor Transmutation Ghazban Ogre
2 - 13 Metamorphosis Emerald Dragonfly Dandan ---- Hasran Ogress War Elephant Transmutation Giant Slug
2 - 14 Arcades Sabboth Emerald Dragonfly Shield Wall ---- Emerald Dragonfly Azure Drake Ghazban Ogre Takklemaggot
2 - 15 Metamorphosis Tormod's Crypt Puppet Master ---- Blood of the Martyr Puppet Master Fishliver Oil Metamorphosis
3 - 1 Stangg Stangg Runesword ---- Feldon's Cane Tobias Andrion Craw Giant Recall
3 - 2 Remove Soul Witch Hunter Fire Drake ---- Fire Drake Goblins of the Flarg Gabriel Angelfire Kei Takahashi
3 - 3 Dance of Many Kei Takahashi Banshee ---- Fire Drake Akron Legionnaire Fallen Angel Storm Seeker
3 - 4 Scavenger Folk Living Armor Concordant Crossroads ---- Ashnod's Transmogrant Living Armor Wall of Heat Marhault Elsdragon
3 - 5 Urza's Power Plant Keepers of the Faith Runesword ---- Feldon's Cane Wall of Vapor Storm Seeker Cocoon
3 - 6 Runesword Runesword Flash Flood ---- Fountain of Youth Bog Rats Mountain Yeti Repentant Blacksmith
3 - 7 Angelic Voices War Elephant Repentant Blacksmith ---- Wall of Heat Goblins of the Flarg Wall of Shadows Cat Warriors
3 - 8 Tobias Andrion Active Volcano Wall of Vapor ---- Goblins of the Flarg D'Avenant Archer D'Avenant Archer Keepers of the Faith
3 - 9 D'Avenant Archer Divine Offering Wall of Heat ---- Remove Soul Argothian Pixies Fountain of Youth War Elephant
3 - 10 Cuombajj Witches Goblins of the Flarg Hasran Ogress ---- Ghazban Ogre City of Brass Transmutation Indestructible Aura
3 - 11 Flash Flood Ashnod's Altar Divine Offering ---- Rabid Wombat Indestructible Aura Transmutation Ashnod's Altar
3 - 12 War Elephant Hasran Ogress Enchantment Alteration ---- Indestructible Aura Wall of Vapor Emerald Dragonfly Mountain Yeti
3 - 13 Hasran Ogress Fishliver Oil Divine Offering ---- War Elephant Ashnod's Altar Ghazban Ogre Tormod's Crypt
3 - 14 Fishliver Oil Tormod's Crypt Tormod's Crypt ---- Goblin Shrine Emerald Dragonfly Dandan Flash Flood
3 - 15 War Elephant Puppet Master Emerald Dragonfly ---- Sivitri Scarzam Metamorphosis Fishliver Oil Fishliver Oil