Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Wumbologist_PhD pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Insatiable Harpy Favored Hoplite ---- Karametra's Acolyte Agent of the Fates Arena Athlete Ordeal of Thassa Erebos's Emissary
1 - 2 Ordeal of Purphoros Shipwreck Singer ---- Tormented Hero Hammer of Purphoros Flamespeaker Adept Arbor Colossus Reverent Hunter
1 - 3 Destructive Revelry Anthousa, Setessan Hero ---- Lightning Strike Chronicler of Heroes Gray Merchant of Asphodel Battlewise Hoplite Griptide
1 - 4 Hopeful Eidolon Voyage's End ---- Anax and Cymede Gray Merchant of Asphodel Lightning Strike Pharika's Cure Gray Merchant of Asphodel
1 - 5 Magma Jet Voyaging Satyr ---- Coordinated Assault Sealock Monster Pharika's Mender Wingsteed Rider Arena Athlete
1 - 6 Battlewise Valor Omenspeaker ---- Spearpoint Oread Prescient Chimera Horizon Scholar Fate Foretold Sealock Monster
1 - 7 Horizon Scholar Setessan Battle Priest ---- Sentry of the Underworld Blood-Toll Harpy Spearpoint Oread Divine Verdict Scourgemark
1 - 8 Two-Headed Cerberus Benthic Giant ---- Opaline Unicorn Vulpine Goliath Wild Celebrants Wavecrash Triton Messenger's Speed
1 - 9 Benthic Giant Thassa's Bounty ---- Two-Headed Cerberus Returned Phalanx Divine Verdict Leonin Snarecaster Benthic Giant
1 - 10 Yoked Ox Bronze Sable ---- Dragon Mantle Vulpine Goliath Divine Verdict Benthic Giant March of the Returned
1 - 11 Scholar of Athreos Blood-Toll Harpy ---- Viper's Kiss Scourgemark Gods Willing Leonin Snarecaster Breaching Hippocamp
1 - 12 Pheres-Band Centaurs Loathsome Catoblepas ---- Satyr Hedonist Yoked Ox Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lagonna-Band Elder
1 - 13 Traveler's Amulet Ephara's Warden ---- Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Setessan Griffin Blood-Toll Harpy Felhide Minotaur
1 - 14 Savage Surge Satyr Hedonist ---- Traveling Philosopher Fleetfeather Sandals Silent Artisan Witches' Eye Pheres-Band Centaurs
2 - 1 Satyr Firedancer Floodtide Serpent ---- Fate Unraveler Ghostblade Eidolon Spiteful Returned Archetype of Courage Archetype of Courage
2 - 2 Siren of the Fanged Coast Nyxborn Eidolon ---- Raised by Wolves Gild Satyr Firedancer Gild Bolt of Keranos
2 - 3 Forlorn Pseudamma Floodtide Serpent ---- Pheres-Band Tromper Archetype of Endurance Retraction Helix Skyreaping Hero of Iroas
2 - 4 Lightning Volley Felhide Brawler ---- Ephara's Enlightenment Shrike Harpy Peregrination Reap What Is Sown Bolt of Keranos
2 - 5 Thunder Brute Evanescent Intellect ---- Nyxborn Eidolon Nyxborn Rollicker Retraction Helix Nyxborn Triton Asphyxiate
2 - 6 Pillar of War Nyxborn Shieldmate ---- Thunderous Might Lightning Volley Aspect of Hydra Kiora's Follower Bolt of Keranos
2 - 7 Fall of the Hammer Nyxborn Shieldmate ---- Nyxborn Triton Acolyte's Reward Weight of the Underworld Retraction Helix Oreskos Sun Guide
2 - 8 Pharagax Giant Mortal's Ardor ---- Servant of Tymaret Nullify Aspect of Hydra Mortal's Ardor Claim of Erebos
2 - 9 Mortal's Resolve Akroan Skyguard ---- Revoke Existence Pharagax Giant Deepwater Hypnotist Hold at Bay Evanescent Intellect
2 - 10 Excoriate Hold at Bay ---- Fearsome Temper Hold at Bay Ephara's Radiance Griffin Dreamfinder Marshmist Titan
2 - 11 Fearsome Temper Loyal Pegasus ---- Satyr Wayfinder Culling Mark Felhide Brawler Felhide Brawler Felhide Brawler
2 - 12 Hold at Bay Rise to the Challenge ---- Epiphany Storm Nyxborn Rollicker Culling Mark Ephara's Radiance Felhide Brawler
2 - 13 Hold at Bay Great Hart ---- Impetuous Sunchaser Reckless Reveler Culling Mark Evanescent Intellect Scouring Sands
2 - 14 Warchanter of Mogis Eye Gouge ---- Epiphany Storm Eternity Snare Elite Skirmisher Elite Skirmisher Reckless Reveler
3 - 1 Dawnbringer Charioteers Banishing Light ---- Eidolon of the Great Revel Scourge of Fleets Spawn of Thraxes Sage of Hours Deicide
3 - 2 Sigiled Starfish Bloodcrazed Hoplite ---- Brain Maggot Mogis's Warhound Nightmarish End Akroan Line Breaker Font of Return
3 - 3 Eidolon of Rhetoric Pharika's Chosen ---- Extinguish All Hope Solidarity of Heroes Nightmarish End Golden Hind Strength from the Fallen
3 - 4 Grim Guardian Forgeborn Oreads ---- Sigiled Starfish Golden Hind Thoughtrender Lamia Chariot of Victory Banishing Light
3 - 5 Ajani's Presence Supply-Line Cranes ---- Oakheart Dryads Sightless Brawler Sigiled Starfish Temple of Malady Ajani's Presence
3 - 6 Harvestguard Alseids Grim Guardian ---- Flurry of Horns Riddle of Lightning Satyr Hoplite Pharika's Chosen Nessian Game Warden
3 - 7 Pin to the Earth Mortal Obstinacy ---- Satyr Hoplite Flamespeaker's Will Satyr Hoplite Akroan Line Breaker Cyclops of Eternal Fury
3 - 8 Ritual of the Returned Pensive Minotaur ---- Oreskos Swiftclaw Pull from the Deep Starfall Eagle of the Watch Gold-Forged Sentinel
3 - 9 Mortal Obstinacy Flamespeaker's Will ---- Feast of Dreams Pensive Minotaur Nyx Infusion Disciple of Deceit Sigiled Skink
3 - 10 Pull from the Deep Armament of Nyx ---- Cruel Feeding Starfall Triton Shorestalker Aspect of Gorgon Pheres-Band Thunderhoof
3 - 11 Rotted Hulk Armament of Nyx ---- Dreadbringer Lampads Starfall Cruel Feeding Aerial Formation Cast into Darkness
3 - 12 Consign to Dust Gluttonous Cyclops ---- Pensive Minotaur Aerial Formation Oreskos Swiftclaw Oreskos Swiftclaw Desecration Plague
3 - 13 Font of Return Desecration Plague ---- Font of Vigor Knowledge and Power Tormented Thoughts Triton Shorestalker Desecration Plague
3 - 14 Desecration Plague Returned Reveler ---- Dreadbringer Lampads Countermand Tormented Thoughts Kruphix's Insight Kruphix's Insight