Ended 4 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Ziggytheone pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Into the Roil Subtle Strike Shatterskull Smashing  Flip Rabid Bite Tajuru Paragon Vanquish the Weak Phylath, World Sculptor Sneaking Guide
1 - 2 Into the Roil Swarm Shambler Skyclave Apparition Skyclave Cleric  Flip Into the Roil Skyclave Shadowcat Cleric of Chill Depths Akoum Hellhound
1 - 3 Magmatic Channeler Archpriest of Iona Roost of Drakes Pelakka Predation  Flip Umara Wizard  Flip Subtle Strike Rockslide Sorcerer Needleverge Pathway  Flip
1 - 4 Kabira Takedown  Flip Scion of the Swarm Mind Drain Umara Mystic Bala Ged Recovery  Flip Shadow Stinger Oran-Rief Ooze Reclaim the Wastes
1 - 5 Attended Healer Roost of Drakes Brushfire Elemental Merfolk Windrobber Tangled Florahedron  Flip Skyclave Geopede Shell Shield Tuktuk Rubblefort
1 - 6 Thundering Rebuke Expedition Diviner Skyclave Plunder Lithoform Blight Acquisitions Expert Field Research Angelheart Protector Inordinate Rage
1 - 7 Spare Supplies Relic Golem Cliffhaven Sell-Sword Shepherd of Heroes Resolute Strike Blood Price Molten Blast Scavenged Blade
1 - 8 Shell Shield Highborn Vampire Kazuul's Fury  Flip Ardent Electromancer Prowling Felidar Practiced Tactics Adventure Awaits Utility Knife
1 - 9 Territorial Scythecat Joraga Visionary Kazandu Nectarpot Living Tempest Utility Knife Expedition Diviner Inordinate Rage Scorch Rider
1 - 10 Deadly Alliance Cleansing Wildfire Resolute Strike Murasa Brute Skyclave Squid Nahiri's Binding Scale the Heights Canopy Baloth
1 - 11 Marauding Blight-Priest Marauding Blight-Priest Glacial Grasp Dauntless Survivor Fissure Wizard Feed the Swarmfoil Blood Beckoning Territorial Scythecat
1 - 12 Cliffhaven Kitesail Highborn Vampire Sizzling Barrage Reclaim the Wastes Nimana Skydancer Tuktuk Rubblefort Malakir Blood-Priest Seafloor Stalker
1 - 13 Expedition Healer Tajuru Blightblade Guul Draz Mucklord Dauntless Unity Sea Gate Banneret Oblivion's Hunger Sea Gate Colossus Cliffhaven Sell-Sword
1 - 14 Expedition Healer Deliberate Angelheart Protector Zulaport Duelist Kor Celebrant Drana's Silencer Negate Skyclave Squid
2 - 1 Vanquish the Weak Rabid Bite Subtle Strike Maddening Cacophony Tormenting Voice Murasa Rootgrazer Vanquish the Weak Grotag Bug-Catcher
2 - 2 Into the Roil Crawling Barrens Spoils of Adventure Drana, the Last Bloodchief Kazandu Mammoth  Flip Squad Commander Nimble Trapfinder Expedition Champion
2 - 3 Springmantle Cleric Zof Consumption  Flip Mind Drain Skyclave Cleric  Flip Windrider Wizard Kabira Takedown  Flip Into the Roil Cragcrown Pathway  Flip
2 - 4 Attended Healer Soaring Thought-Thief Lullmage's Domination Skyclave Shadowcat Soaring Thought-Thief Riverglide Pathway  Flip Shadow Stinger Ardent Electromancer
2 - 5 Malakir Rebirth  Flip Bala Ged Recovery  Flip Acquisitions Expert Bloodchief's Thirst Mind Drain Skyclave Cleric  Flip Lullmage's Familiar Expedition Champion
2 - 6 Shepherd of Heroes Highborn Vampire Bubble Snare Ravager's Mace Canyon Jerboa Allied Assault Nissa's Zendikon Scorch Rider
2 - 7 Shepherd of Heroes Anticognition Tangled Florahedron  Flip Might of Murasa Joraga Visionary Oblivion's Hunger Might of Murasa Inordinate Rage
2 - 8 Strength of Solidarity Cleansing Wildfire Risen Riptide Tazeem Roilmage Cleric of Chill Depths Murasa Brute Tajuru Blightblade Nissa's Zendikon
2 - 9 Malakir Blood-Priest Feed the Swarmfoil Cliffhaven Kitesail Adventure Awaits Nahiri's Binding Cleric of Chill Depths Deadly Alliance Cleansing Wildfire
2 - 10 Resolute Strike Marauding Blight-Priest Scavenged Blade Expedition Champion Practiced Tactics Broken Wings Kor Celebrant Molten Blast
2 - 11 Sizzling Barrage Grotag Bug-Catcher Deadly Alliance Roil Eruption Bubble Snare Nahiri's Binding Cascade Seer Strength of Solidarity
2 - 12 Might of Murasa Dauntless Survivor Tazeem Roilmage Expedition Diviner Chilling Trap Expedition Diviner Malakir Blood-Priest Sea Gate Colossus
2 - 13 Tazeem Roilmage Cleansing Wildfire Zulaport Duelist Territorial Scythecat Cliffhaven Kitesail Prowling Felidar Expedition Healer Tajuru Snarecaster
2 - 14 Joraga Visionary Negate Tazeem Roilmage Guul Draz Mucklord Guul Draz Mucklord Makindi Ox Utility Knife Nimana Skitter-Sneak
3 - 1 Mina and Denn, Wildborn Oblivion Strike Mina and Denn, Wildborn Eldrazi Obligator Thought-Knot Seer Reality Smasher Eldrazi Obligator Cinder Hellion
3 - 2 Linvala, the Preserver Prophet of Distortion Inverter of Truth Boulder Salvo Oblivion Strike Immolating Glare Devour in Flames Timber Gorge
3 - 3 Stormchaser Mage Immolating Glare Scion Summoner Hedron Crawler Warden of Geometries Reality Hemorrhage Boulder Salvo Brute Strength
3 - 4 Hedron Crawler Vampire Envoy Dimensional Infiltrator Saddleback Lagac Flayer Drone Walker of the Wastes Warden of Geometries Tajuru Pathwarden
3 - 5 Flaying Tendrils Vampire Envoy Scion Summoner Cyclone Sire Shoulder to Shoulder Reality Hemorrhage Void Shatter Cinder Hellion
3 - 6 Chitinous Cloak Holdout Settlement Tajuru Pathwarden Tajuru Pathwarden Reality Hemorrhage Tranquil Expanse Jwar Isle Avenger Akoum Flameseeker
3 - 7 Makindi Aeronaut Iona's Blessing Spawnbinder Mage Sweep Away Seer's Lantern Blinding Drone Wastes Timber Gorge
3 - 8 Crumbling Vestige Expedition Raptor Loam Larva Submerged Boneyard Baloth Pup Kor Scythemaster Jwar Isle Avenger Bone Saw
3 - 9 Cinder Barrens Cultivator Drone Gravity Negator Gravity Negator Zulaport Chainmage Saddleback Lagac Baloth Pup Pulse of Murasa
3 - 10 Scion Summoner Affa Protector Stalking Drone Sky Scourer Ruin in Their Wake Consuming Sinkhole Zulaport Chainmage Lead by Example
3 - 11 Spawnbinder Mage Spawnbinder Mage Loam Larva Slaughter Drone Affa Protector Abstruse Interference Elemental Uprising Sparkmage's Gambit
3 - 12 Stoneforge Acolyte Umara Entangler Submerged Boneyard Expedite Warping Wail Witness the End Ancient Crab Lead by Example
3 - 13 Mighty Leap Witness the End Mighty Leap Unnatural Endurance Unnatural Endurance Sparkmage's Gambit Ruin in Their Wake Consuming Sinkhole
3 - 14 Corpse Churn Canopy Gorger Dazzling Reflection Pulse of Murasa Dazzling Reflection Consuming Sinkhole Natural State Untamed Hunger
4 - 1 Comet Storm Strength of the Tajuru Goliath Sphinx Archon of Redemption Novablast Wurm Permafrost Trap Bojuka Bog Grotag Thrasher
4 - 2 Walking Atlas Cunning Sparkmage Hada Freeblade Horizon Drake Walking Atlas Bull Rush Brink of Disaster Cosi's Ravager
4 - 3 Loam Lion Groundswell Permafrost Trap Quest for Renewal Hada Freeblade Vastwood Zendikon Smoldering Spires Skitter of Lizards
4 - 4 Shoreline Salvager Groundswell Wind Zendikon Ruin Ghost Joraga Warcaller Veteran's Reflexes Tideforce Elemental Grotag Thrasher
4 - 5 Graypelt Hunter Rest for the Weary Seer's Sundial Sejiri Merfolk Kor Firewalker Join the Ranks Mysteries of the Deep Slavering Nulls
4 - 6 Sejiri Steppe Fledgling Griffin Leatherback Baloth Tectonic Edge Rest for the Weary Hedron Rover Feral Contest Bull Rush
4 - 7 Pilgrim's Eye Kor Firewalker Enclave Elite Surrakar Banisher Everflowing Chalice Quicksand Feral Contest Bazaar Trader
4 - 8 Searing Blaze Quest for Renewal Ricochet Trap Apex Hawks Enclave Elite Mire's Toll Bojuka Bog Skitter of Lizards
4 - 9 Claws of Valakut Battle Hurda Bojuka Brigand Bojuka Brigand Everflowing Chalice Quicksand Kitesail Apprentice Claws of Valakut
4 - 10 Razor Boomerang Iona's Judgment Brink of Disaster Rest for the Weary Marsh Threader Pulse Tracker Ruthless Cullblade Akoum Battlesinger
4 - 11 Tomb Hex Khalni Garden Halimar Excavator Enclave Elite Dread Statuary Guardian Zendikon Brink of Disaster Crusher Zendikon
4 - 12 Explore Join the Ranks Halimar Excavator Explore Ruin Ghost Kitesail Apprentice Twitch Akoum Battlesinger
4 - 13 Brink of Disaster Ricochet Trap Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt Join the Ranks Jagwasp Swarm Dispel Crusher Zendikon
4 - 14 Dispel Kitesail Jagwasp Swarm AEther Tradewinds Goblin Roughrider Gnarlid Pack Calcite Snapper Enclave Elite
5 - 1 Resolute Blademaster Gideon's Reproach Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Stasis Snare Radiant Flames Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Grip of Desolation Valakut Invoker
5 - 2 Bane of Bala Ged Brood Butcher Ulamog's Nullifier Expedition Envoy Drana's Emissary Reckless Cohort Reckless Cohort Belligerent Whiptail
5 - 3 Nissa's Renewal Angelic Captain Nettle Drone Defiant Bloodlord Courier Griffin Eldrazi Skyspawner Makindi Patrol Lavastep Raider
5 - 4 Complete Disregard Bloodbond Vampire Firemantle Mage Adverse Conditions Carrier Thrall Chasm Guide Sheer Drop Rush of Ice
5 - 5 Benthic Infiltrator Zulaport Cutthroat Culling Drone Kalastria Healer Snapping Gnarlid Angelic Gift Looming Spires Looming Spires
5 - 6 Lumbering Falls Malakir Familiar Lifespring Druid Demon's Grasp Courier Griffin Cloud Manta Cliffside Lookout Boiling Earth
5 - 7 Demon's Grasp Kor Castigator Catacomb Sifter Vampiric Rites Nirkana Assassin Stonefury Vampiric Rites Lavastep Raider
5 - 8 Makindi Patrol Kalastria Nightwatch Grave Birthing Horribly Awry Turn Against Looming Spires Lifespring Druid Unnatural Aggression
5 - 9 Ondu Greathorn Fortified Rampart Snapping Gnarlid Titan's Presence Ghostly Sentinel Looming Spires Sandstone Bridge Retreat to Valakut
5 - 10 Felidar Cub Altar's Reap Sludge Crawler Cryptic Cruiser Bone Splinters Coralhelm Guide Swell of Growth Fertile Thicket
5 - 11 Felidar Cub Snapping Gnarlid Fertile Thicket Demon's Grasp Salvage Drone Murk Strider Skyline Cascade Spell Shrivel
5 - 12 Tandem Tactics Cloud Manta Eyeless Watcher Natural Connection Grovetender Druids Bone Splinters Shatterskull Recruit Dispel
5 - 13 Altar's Reap Sludge Crawler Void Attendant Skyline Cascade Call the Scions Boiling Earth Murk Strider Dispel
5 - 14 Broodhunter Wurm Roilmage's Trick Broodhunter Wurm Roilmage's Trick Volcanic Upheaval Oran-Rief Invoker Ondu Greathorn Broodhunter Wurm
6 - 1 Munda, Ambush Leader Unified Front Windrider Patrol Shambling Vent Akoum Hellkite Shambling Vent Emeria Shepherd Looming Spires
6 - 2 Barrage Tyrant Complete Disregard Drana's Emissary Drana's Emissary Firemantle Mage Slab Hammer Gideon's Reproach Belligerent Whiptail
6 - 3 Angelic Captain Lithomancer's Focus Dampening Pulse Skitterskin Gideon's Reproach Herald of Kozilek Felidar Cub Fertile Thicket
6 - 4 Rush of Ice Stone Haven Medic Touch of the Void Molten Nursery Ondu Rising Brood Monitor Kitesail Scout Ondu Champion
6 - 5 Nettle Drone Dampening Pulse Catacomb Sifter Ally Encampment Mist Intruder Swarm Surge Blighted Steppe Eldrazi Devastator
6 - 6 Rush of Ice Makindi Patrol Spell Shrivel Molten Nursery Ondu Rising Giant Mantis Grovetender Druids Ruin Processor
6 - 7 Grave Birthing Felidar Cub Blighted Fen Catacomb Sifter Kor Bladewhirl Lifespring Druid Cloud Manta Valakut Predator
6 - 8 Ruin Processor Inspired Charge Nirkana Assassin Demon's Grasp Anticipate Rush of Ice Felidar Cub Valakut Invoker
6 - 9 Wave-Wing Elemental Fortified Rampart Eyeless Watcher Cloud Manta Retreat to Valakut Tandem Tactics Volcanic Upheaval Boiling Earth
6 - 10 Murk Strider Spell Shrivel Natural Connection Kalastria Nightwatch Culling Drone Smite the Monstrous Kozilek's Sentinel Swell of Growth
6 - 11 Tajuru Stalwart Slab Hammer Earthen Arms Boiling Earth Incubator Drone Oran-Rief Invoker Salvage Drone Seek the Wilds
6 - 12 Altar's Reap Dispel Ondu Greathorn Spell Shrivel Fertile Thicket Natural Connection Mire's Malice Eldrazi Devastator
6 - 13 Broodhunter Wurm Dutiful Return Call the Scions Infuse with the Elements Oracle of Dust Altar's Reap Brilliant Spectrum Broodhunter Wurm
6 - 14 Shadow Glider Coralhelm Guide Reclaiming Vines Dispel Shadow Glider Bone Splinters Blisterpod Roilmage's Trick
7 - 1 Kazandu Blademaster Gigantiform Gomazoa Luminarch Ascension Beastmaster Ascension Bog Tatters Carnage Altar Molten Ravager
7 - 2 River Boa Grazing Gladehart Disfigure Harrow Trusty Machete Lethargy Trap Quest for Ancient Secrets Hellfire Mongrel
7 - 3 Luminarch Ascension Halo Hunter Marsh Casualties Cobra Trap River Boa Seismic Shudder Mindless Null Goblin War Paint
7 - 4 Frontier Guide Khalni Heart Expedition Hideous End Highland Berserker Nissa's Chosen Bold Defense Molten Ravager Highland Berserker
7 - 5 Trusty Machete Joraga Bard Disfigure Mind Sludge Explorer's Scope Trapfinder's Trick Hedron Scrabbler Goblin Bushwhacker
7 - 6 Quest for the Gravelord Into the Roil Teetering Peaksfoil Stonework Puma Sunspring Expedition Tanglesap Bog Tatters Ruinous Minotaur
7 - 7 Khalni Heart Expedition Expedition Mapfoil Jwar Isle Refuge Blood Seeker Hedron Crab Trapfinder's Trick Kabira Crossroads Seismic Shudder
7 - 8 Joraga Bard Mold Shambler Hideous End Quest for Pure Flame Crypt of Agadeem Tanglesap Soaring Seacliff Goblin Bushwhacker
7 - 9 Makindi Shieldmate Needlebite Trap Magosi, the Waterveil Caravan Hurda Umara Raptor Tanglesap Summoner's Bane Seismic Shudder
7 - 10 Ior Ruin Expedition Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle Soaring Seacliff Vampire's Bite Surrakar Marauder Spire Barrage Bold Defense Goblin War Paint
7 - 11 Crypt Ripper Kor Skyfisher Giant Scorpion Kor Duelist Nimbus Wings Hedron Scrabbler Kor Outfitter Demolish
7 - 12 Ior Ruin Expedition Vines of Vastwood Sky Ruin Drake Grim Discovery Expedition Mapfoil Beast Hunt Welkin Tern Vampire Hexmage
7 - 13 Kor Skyfisher Quest for the Holy Relic Caller of Gales Quest for the Holy Relic Mark of Mutiny Hedron Scrabbler Brave the Elements Blazing Torch
7 - 14 Vastwood Gorger Summoner's Bane Cancel Hagra Crocodile Desecrated Earth Tuktuk Grunts Vastwood Gorger Kor Skyfisher
8 - 1 Nissa Revane Terra Stomper Gomazoa Kazandu Blademaster Kazandu Blademaster Kabira Crossroads Relic Crush Verdant Catacombs
8 - 2 Greenweaver Druid Malakir Bloodwitch Misty Rainforest Scute Mob Arid Mesa Quest for Ancient Secrets Trapfinder's Trick Goblin Shortcutter
8 - 3 Harrow Khalni Heart Expedition Windrider Eel Kor Aeronaut River Boa Kabira Crossroads Trapfinder's Trick Torch Slinger
8 - 4 Hellfire Mongrel Oran-Rief Survivalist Blood Seeker Rite of Replicationfoil Goblin Ruinblaster AEther Figment Into the Roil Goblin Bushwhacker
8 - 5 Arrow Volley Trap Explorer's Scope Kor Cartographer Punishing Fire Ondu Cleric Kor Cartographer Ravenous Trap Goblin Shortcutter
8 - 6 Sejiri Refuge Joraga Bard Hideous End Highland Berserker Stonework Puma Slaughter Cry Soaring Seacliff Spire Barrage
8 - 7 Kabira Crossroads Journey to Nowhere Adventuring Gear Giant Scorpion Khalni Heart Expedition Mindless Null Caravan Hurda Mindless Null
8 - 8 Khalni Heart Expedition Caravan Hurda Adventuring Gear Jwar Isle Refuge Adventuring Gear Adventuring Gear Desecrated Earth Ruinous Minotaur
8 - 9 Vampire's Bite Kor Duelist Heartstabber Mosquito Nimana Sell-Sword Makindi Shieldmate Noble Vestige Tanglesap Highland Berserker
8 - 10 Carnage Altar Steppe Lynx Magma Rift Vampire's Bite Gomazoa Living Tsunami Goblin Bushwhacker Shatterskull Giant
8 - 11 Sunspring Expedition Kor Duelist Expedition Mapfoil Grim Discovery Windrider Eel Merfolk Seastalkers Merfolk Wayfinder Tuktuk Grunts
8 - 12 Hedron Scrabbler Spreading Seas Ior Ruin Expedition Spreading Seas Vines of Vastwood Seascape Aerialist Turntimber Grove Hedron Scrabbler
8 - 13 Feast of Blood Sunspring Expedition Welkin Tern Whiplash Trap Noble Vestige Caller of Gales Giant Scorpion Spire Barrage
8 - 14 Savage Silhouette Vampire Lacerator Kraken Hatchling Tempest Owl Tempest Owl Vastwood Gorger Demolish Demolish