jakes pauper cube

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart wrigley47 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Raise Dead Anointer Priest ---- Slither Blade Kolaghan Stormsinger Frontline Devastator Gilt-Leaf Ambush Counterspell
1 - 2 Terror Trespasser's Curse ---- Supply Caravan Inspiring Roar Striped Riverwinder Highspire Artisan Growth Spasm
1 - 3 Rolling Thunder Thunderous Wrath ---- Unwavering Initiate Hive Stirrings Azorius Signet Doomed Dissenter Crocanura
1 - 4 Pouncing Jaguar Pacifism ---- Grixis Panorama Shriekgeist Cartouche of Solidarity Thermo-Alchemist Peregrine Drake
1 - 5 Flame Slash Triton Shorestalker ---- Falkenrath Noble Sandsteppe Outcast Sky Skiff Preordain Quirion Ranger
1 - 6 Sylvan Ranger Prophetic Prism ---- Golgari Signet Cenn's Enlistment Mana Leak Cancel Sea Gate Oracle
1 - 7 Gruul Signet Kujar Seedsculptor ---- Attended Knight Tithe Drinker Pilfered Plans Dead Weight Pulse of Murasa
1 - 8 Grotesque Mutation Rakdos Drake ---- Civic Wayfinder Grim Roustabout Anticipate Castigate Gravedigger
1 - 9 Kozilek's Predator Typhoid Rats ---- Deathcult Rogue Chittering Rats Rancor Blazing Torch Goblin Heelcutter
1 - 10 Bloodfell Caves Thorn of the Black Rose ---- Jund Panorama Revolutionary Rebuff Wakedancer Cloudfin Raptor Foundry Street Denizen
1 - 11 Unsummon Rotting Rats ---- Young Wolf Orzhov Guildgate Midnight Charm Blastoderm Raise the Alarm
1 - 12 Battering Krasis Dream Stalker ---- Groundswell Basking Rootwalla Golgari Guildgate Jungle Hollow Drown in Filth
1 - 13 Thornwood Falls Selesnya Evangel ---- Adventuring Gear Duskhunter Bat Selesnya Guildgate Beetleform Mage Wrangle
1 - 14 Borrowed Grace Psychic Strike ---- Skull Rend Selfless Cathar Break of Day Breaching Hippocamp Desert of the Glorified
1 - 15 Aradara Express Cloudshift ---- Momentary Blink Arrogant Wurm Eyeless Watcher Gurmag Angler Horncaller's Chant
2 - 1 Petrahydrox Fogwalker ---- Sickleslicer Seraph of Dawn Fierce Invocation Cradle of the Accursed Vampire Aristocrat
2 - 2 Khenra Eternal Skarrgan Pit-Skulk ---- Gideon's Reproach Coralhelm Guide Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Screamreach Brawler Master's Call
2 - 3 Impeccable Timing Thassa's Bounty ---- Curse of the Pierced Heart Shambling Shell Lightning Shrieker Dimir Signet Miasmic Mummy
2 - 4 Deadly Recluse Coursers' Accord ---- Mardu Hordechief Plumes of Peace Nimbus Naiad Midnight Scavengers  Meld Presence of Gond
2 - 5 Firefiend Elemental Conclave Equenaut ---- Leonin Armorguard Rakdos Shred-Freak Scab-Clan Charger Eyes in the Skies Orzhov Signet
2 - 6 Pallid Mycoderm Tragic Slip ---- Bathe in Dragonfire Sandcrafter Mage Tendrils of Corruption Oblivion Ring Boomerang
2 - 7 Ambush Viper Mind Rot ---- Kill Shot Izzet Guildgate Subtle Strike Scion of the Wild Putrid Leech
2 - 8 Dauthi Slayer Heirs of Stromkirk ---- Paranoid Delusions Scab-Clan Mauler Slaughterhorn Mire Boa Hunger of the Howlpack
2 - 9 Faerie Miscreant Nest Invader ---- Akroan Crusader Renegade Map Cogworker's Puzzleknot Selesnya Signet Corrupt
2 - 10 Altar's Reap Doomed Traveler ---- Lightning Axe Bonesplitter Magma Spray Faith's Fetters Flayer Husk
2 - 11 Terminate Abundant Growth ---- Garruk's Companion Hanweir Lancer Dead Reveler Deft Duelist Maul Splicer
2 - 12 Naya Panorama Gather the Townsfolk ---- Elvish Visionary Gruul Guildgate Glint-Sleeve Artisan Eel Umbra Chatter of the Squirrel
2 - 13 Fortify Agony Warp ---- Dimir Guildgate Burning-Tree Bloodscale Traveler's Amulet Crossway Vampire Azorius Guildgate
2 - 14 Carrion Feeder Silhana Ledgewalker ---- Stonybrook Schoolmaster Assault Zeppelid Rakdos Guildgate Call of the Herd Hunt the Weak
2 - 15 Esper Panorama Collateral Damage ---- Dramatic Rescue Drakewing Krasis Wild Mongrel Goblin Fireslinger Shambleshark
3 - 1 Aven Reedstalker Geist Snatch ---- Desert of the True Fiend Binder Torment of Venom Thraben Standard Bearer Sacred Cat
3 - 2 Rally the Righteous Aether Poisoner ---- Universal Solvent Strategic Planning Sprout Swarm Firebrand Archer Mudbrawler Cohort
3 - 3 Renegade Freighter Vitality Charm ---- Liliana's Specter Trostani's Judgment Raid Bombardment Izzet Signet Mobile Garrison
3 - 4 Scatter the Seeds Triplicate Spirits ---- Steadfast Sentinel Disperse Aqueous Form Brainstorm Ponder
3 - 5 Kingpin's Pet Mulldrifter ---- In Oketra's Name Simic Signet Thraben Inspector Stormbound Geist Wake the Reflections
3 - 6 Man-o'-War Driver of the Dead ---- Hedron Crawler Shamble Back Hymn to Tourach Dragon Fodder Phyrexian Rager
3 - 7 Conclave Phalanx Careful Study ---- Capsize Golgari Rotwurm Night Market Lookout Rakdos Signet Bant Panorama
3 - 8 Deputy of Acquittals Ninja of the Deep Hours ---- Safehold Elite Electrickery Unruly Mob Night's Whisper Thallid Germinator
3 - 9 Rootborn Defenses Dregscape Zombie ---- Olivia's Dragoon Gray Merchant of Asphodel Read the Bones Dynacharge Boros Signet
3 - 10 Spellstutter Sprite Journey to Nowhere ---- Purge the Profane Midnight Guard Skyknight Legionnaire Fists of Ironwood Feat of Resistance
3 - 11 Bone Splinters Victim of Night ---- Narnam Cobra Delver of Secrets  Flip Zhur-Taa Druid Soul Summons Act of Treason
3 - 12 Auger Spree Thallid ---- Ajani's Presence Desert of the Fervent Wind-Scarred Crag Scoured Barrens Augur of Bolas
3 - 13 Simic Guildgate Viashino Firstblade ---- Bone Saw Epic Confrontation Martial Glory Swordwise Centaur Carnophage
3 - 14 Adaptive Snapjaw Grisly Salvage ---- Blossoming Sands Riot Spikes Wickerbough Elder Boros Guildgate Zhur-Taa Swine
3 - 15 Artful Dodge Sangrophage ---- Sundering Growth Putrid Impfoil Disfigure Beckon Apparition Wojek Halberdiers