Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart Vilvernan pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Captain's Hook ---- Sadistic Skymarcher Atzocan Seer Foul Orchard Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Slaughter the Strong Radiant Destiny
1 - 2 Impale ---- Foul Orchard Luminous Bonds Martyr of Dusk Woodland Stream Bombard Reaver Ambush
1 - 3 Forerunner of the Legion ---- Reckless Rage Radiant Destiny Dead Man's Chest Forerunner of the Coalition Angrath, the Flame-Chained Dusk Legion Zealot
1 - 4 Atzocan Seer ---- Bombard Forerunner of the Legion Reckless Rage Famished Paladin Jungleborn Pioneer Legion Lieutenant
1 - 5 Waterknot ---- See Red Thrashing Brontodon Squire's Devotion Martyr of Dusk Storm Fleet Sprinter Frilled Deathspitter
1 - 6 Arterial Flow ---- See Red Goblin Trailblazer Swift Warden Riverwise Augur Cherished Hatchling Kitesail Corsair
1 - 7 Martyr of Dusk ---- Kitesail Corsair Voracious Vampire Moment of Triumph Storm Fleet Sprinter Mutiny Jungleborn Pioneer
1 - 8 Sun Sentinel ---- Giltgrove Stalker Voracious Vampire Arterial Flow Sun-Collared Raptor Squire's Devotion Dinosaur Hunter
1 - 9 Swaggering Corsair ---- Frilled Deathspitter Sanguine Glorifier Mutiny Dinosaur Hunter Snubhorn Sentry Giltgrove Stalker
1 - 10 Moment of Triumph ---- Jade Bearer Tilonalli's Crown Sun-Crested Pterodon Knight of the Stampede Fanatical Firebrand Dusk Charger
1 - 11 Overgrown Armasaur ---- Tilonalli's Crown River Darter Hardy Veteran Tilonalli's Crown Sanguine Glorifier Spire Winder
1 - 12 Gleaming Barrier ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Brazen Freebooter Gruesome Fate Dusk Charger Silent Gravestone Sun Sentinel
1 - 13 Brazen Freebooter ---- Orazca Raptor Grasping Scoundrel Orazca Frillback Sea Legs Gruesome Fate Overgrown Armasaur
1 - 14 Canal Monitor ---- Orazca Raptor Canal Monitor Gleaming Barrier Canal Monitor Dark Inquiry Sea Legs
2 - 1 Highland Lake ---- Jadelight Ranger Luminous Bonds Vona's Hunger Woodland Stream Woodland Stream Forerunner of the Heralds
2 - 2 Reckless Rage ---- Form of the Dinosaur Sadistic Skymarcher Highland Lake Slaughter the Strong Sadistic Skymarcher Majestic Heliopterus
2 - 3 Charging Tuskodon ---- Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Moment of Craving Sadistic Skymarcher Luminous Bonds Storm the Vault  Flip Pride of Conquerors
2 - 4 Raging Regisaur ---- Forerunner of the Legion Dire Fleet Neckbreaker World Shaper Forerunner of the Coalition Jungleborn Pioneer Waterknot
2 - 5 Kitesail Corsair ---- Mutiny Waterknot Jungleborn Pioneer Voracious Vampire Martyr of Dusk Waterknot
2 - 6 Path of Mettle  Flip ---- Atzocan Seer Voracious Vampire Goblin Trailblazer Exultant Skymarcher Oathsworn Vampire Martyr of Dusk
2 - 7 Goblin Trailblazer ---- Mutiny Dinosaur Hunter Cherished Hatchling Relentless Raptor Goblin Trailblazer Dusk Legion Zealot
2 - 8 Squire's Devotion ---- Sanguine Glorifier Voracious Vampire Frilled Deathspitter Moment of Triumph Dinosaur Hunter Dinosaur Hunter
2 - 9 Fanatical Firebrand ---- Moment of Triumph Dinosaur Hunter Spire Winder Buccaneer's Bravado Giltgrove Stalker Jungleborn Pioneer
2 - 10 Spire Winder ---- Deadeye Rig-Hauler Stampeding Horncrest Fathom Fleet Boarder Hardy Veteran Buccaneer's Bravado Sun Sentinel
2 - 11 Hardy Veteran ---- Swaggering Corsair Vampire Revenant Gleaming Barrier Sun-Crested Pterodon Sun-Collared Raptor Snubhorn Sentry
2 - 12 Snubhorn Sentry ---- Sun-Crested Pterodon River Darter Brazen Freebooter Orazca Relic Blazing Hope Gleaming Barrier
2 - 13 Tilonalli's Crown ---- Orazca Relic Snubhorn Sentry Gruesome Fate Gruesome Fate Cleansing Ray Overgrown Armasaur
2 - 14 Swaggering Corsair ---- Dark Inquiry Sea Legs Dark Inquiry Dark Inquiry Dark Inquiry Orazca Raptor
3 - 1 Kinjalli's Sunwing ---- River's Rebuke Ixalan's Binding Vanquish the Weak Shapers of Nature Savage Stomp Ripjaw Raptor
3 - 2 Pious Interdiction ---- Deathgorge Scavenger Sanctum Seeker Contract Killing Kopala, Warden of Waves Vanquish the Weak Kitesail Freebooter
3 - 3 Glacial Fortress ---- Ranging Raptors Dark Nourishment Bonded Horncrest Angrath's Marauders Grazing Whiptail Pious Interdiction
3 - 4 Imperial Lancer ---- Ruthless Knave Air Elemental Duskborne Skymarcher Ruthless Knave Legion's Judgment Dire Fleet Captain
3 - 5 Sun-Crowned Hunters ---- Territorial Hammerskull Unclaimed Territory Unfriendly Fire Ravenous Daggertooth Watertrap Weaver River Heralds' Boon
3 - 6 Raptor Companion ---- Deeproot Warrior Heartless Pillage Sailor of Means Siren Lookout Headstrong Brute Pirate's Cutlass
3 - 7 Grazing Whiptail ---- Pirate's Cutlass Prosperous Pirates Jade Guardian Wind Strider Skymarch Bloodletter Sun-Crowned Hunters
3 - 8 Belligerent Brontodon ---- Prosperous Pirates Duskborne Skymarcher Depths of Desire Opt Skulduggery Fathom Fleet Firebrand
3 - 9 Spike-Tailed Ceratops ---- Duskborne Skymarcher Ravenous Daggertooth Dire Fleet Hoarder Overflowing Insight Sun-Crowned Hunters Ravenous Daggertooth
3 - 10 Commune with Dinosaurs ---- Spike-Tailed Ceratops Fathom Fleet Firebrand Skyblade of the Legion Deadeye Tormentor Dire Fleet Hoarder Shore Keeper
3 - 11 Ixalli's Keeper ---- Sunrise Seeker Skittering Heartstopper Ixalli's Keeper Heartless Pillage Queen's Commission Pirate's Prize
3 - 12 Ravenous Daggertooth ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Queen's Agent Ixalli's Keeper Sunrise Seeker Raiders' Wake Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
3 - 13 Mark of the Vampire ---- Deadeye Tormentor Emergent Growth Blight Keeper Costly Plunder Rummaging Goblin Cancel
3 - 14 Sunrise Seeker ---- Queen's Commission Cobbled Wings Gilded Sentinel Elaborate Firecannon Ancient Brontodon Gilded Sentinel