Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DANHERNFSQ pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Aethersphere Harvester Shock ---- Ridgescale Tusker Tezzeret the Schemer Metallic Mimic Ridgescale Tusker Aetherwind Basker
1 - 2 Thopter Arrest Reckless Racer ---- Lightning Runner Deadeye Harpooner Maverick Thopterist Aeronaut Admiral Hope of Ghirapur
1 - 3 Wind-Kin Raiders Maulfist Revolutionary ---- Druid of the Cowl Renegade Map Heroic Intervention Chandra's Revolution Aetherstream Leopard
1 - 4 Consulate Dreadnought Caught in the Brights ---- Scrounging Bandar Renegade Map Rogue Refiner Prey Upon Renegade Map
1 - 5 Prey Upon Hidden Stockpile ---- Renegade Map Dawnfeather Eagle Aether Poisoner Implement of Ferocity Aetherstream Leopard
1 - 6 Renegade Wheelsmith Restoration Specialist ---- Aetherstream Leopard Prey Upon Ironclad Revolutionary Aeronaut Admiral Efficient Construction
1 - 7 Highspire Infusion Cruel Finality ---- Audacious Infiltrator Siege Modification Aether Swooper Aether Herder Aether Swooper
1 - 8 Peema Aether-Seer Fen Hauler ---- Lifecraft Awakening Hinterland Drake Irontread Crusher Implement of Ferocity Fen Hauler
1 - 9 Decommission Dawnfeather Eagle ---- Mobile Garrison Audacious Infiltrator Implement of Examination Ghirapur Osprey Night Market Aeronaut
1 - 10 Watchful Automaton Leave in the Dust ---- Universal Solvent Hinterland Drake Bastion Inventor Night Market Guard Implement of Examination
1 - 11 Foundry Assembler Conviction ---- Hidden Stockpile Natural Obsolescence Universal Solvent Ice Over Natural Obsolescence
1 - 12 Shipwreck Moray Embraal Gear-Smasher ---- Natural Obsolescence Defiant Salvager Negate Fourth Bridge Prowler Natural Obsolescence
1 - 13 Implement of Improvement Wrangle ---- Negate Wrangle Ice Over Dispersal Technician Bastion Enforcer
1 - 14 Aegis Automaton Bastion Enforcer ---- Shipwreck Moray Fourth Bridge Prowler Dispersal Technician Precise Strike Prizefighter Construct
2 - 1 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner Pacification Array ---- Walking Ballista Scrap Trawler Fatal Push Daring Demolition Maverick Thopterist
2 - 2 Gifted Aetherborn Kari Zev's Expertise ---- Gifted Aetherborn Winding Constrictor Airdrop Aeronauts Inspiring Statuary Hungry Flames
2 - 3 Implement of Ferocity Ridgescale Tusker ---- Druid of the Cowl Hope of Ghirapur Druid of the Cowl Deadeye Harpooner Heroic Intervention
2 - 4 Daredevil Dragster Lifecraft Cavalry ---- Perilous Predicament Lifecrafter's Gift Scrounging Bandar Lifecraft Awakening Ravenous Intruder
2 - 5 Sweatworks Brawler Hidden Stockpile ---- Siege Modification Renegade Map Implement of Ferocity Silkweaver Elite Druid of the Cowl
2 - 6 Unbridled Growth Hinterland Drake ---- Lifecraft Cavalry Irontread Crusher Implement of Malice Hidden Stockpile Cogwork Assembler
2 - 7 Ice Over Sweatworks Brawler ---- Implement of Examination Fen Hauler Unbridled Growth Deft Dismissal Dark Intimations
2 - 8 Unbridled Growth Outland Boar ---- Conviction Mobile Garrison Night Market Aeronaut Aether Herder Ghirapur Osprey
2 - 9 Implement of Ferocity Implement of Combustion ---- Irontread Crusher Fen Hauler Hinterland Drake Verdant Automaton Night Market Aeronaut
2 - 10 Fen Hauler Gonti's Machinations ---- Aether Inspector Defiant Salvager Alley Evasion Filigree Crawler Implement of Examination
2 - 11 Resourceful Return Bastion Inventor ---- Implement of Malice Wrangle Reservoir Walker Frontline Rebel Aether Inspector
2 - 12 Silkweaver Elite Implement of Improvement ---- Lathnu Sailback Resourceful Return Night Market Guard Implement of Improvement Negate
2 - 13 Consulate Turret Leave in the Dust ---- Negate Negate Consulate Turret Take into Custody Bastion Enforcer
2 - 14 Dispersal Technician Take into Custody ---- Aegis Automaton Prizefighter Construct Prizefighter Construct Prizefighter Construct Precise Strike
3 - 1 Sky Skiff Metalwork Colossus ---- Master Trinketeer Glint-Sleeve Artisan Nissa, Vital Force Scrapheap Scrounger Aether Hub
3 - 2 Ovalchase Daredevil Glimmer of Genius ---- Fairgrounds Warden Snare Thopter Embraal Bruiser Armorcraft Judge Harnessed Lightning
3 - 3 Ballista Charger Wildest Dreams ---- Thriving Rhino Deadlock Trap Longtusk Cub Attune with Aether Tidy Conclusion
3 - 4 Riparian Tiger Brazen Scourge ---- Restoration Gearsmith Experimental Aviator Fairgrounds Trumpeter Self-Assembler Foundry Screecher
3 - 5 Wind Drake Dhund Operative ---- Maulfist Doorbuster Empyreal Voyager Fairgrounds Trumpeter Kujar Seedsculptor Prakhata Pillar-Bug
3 - 6 Spontaneous Artist Spontaneous Artist ---- Glint-Sleeve Artisan Self-Assembler Hunt the Weak Minister of Inquiries Malfunction
3 - 7 Aether Theorist Built to Last ---- Eddytrail Hawk Attune with Aether Eager Construct Malfunction Rush of Vitality
3 - 8 Diabolic Tutor Maulfist Squad ---- Spark of Creativity Wild Wanderer Eddytrail Hawk Subtle Strike Gearseeker Serpent
3 - 9 Eddytrail Hawk Nimble Innovator ---- Rush of Vitality Ninth Bridge Patrol Wind Drake Narnam Cobra Prakhata Pillar-Bug
3 - 10 Skyswirl Harrier Sage of Shaila's Claim ---- Live Fast Consulate Surveillance Vedalken Blademaster Minister of Inquiries Aradara Express
3 - 11 Highspire Artisan Glassblower's Puzzleknot ---- Wayward Giant Appetite for the Unnatural Fortuitous Find Revolutionary Rebuff Spark of Creativity
3 - 12 Ninth Bridge Patrol Disappearing Act ---- Ghirapur Orrery Pressure Point Accomplished Automaton Ornamental Courage Lost Legacy
3 - 13 Perpetual Timepiece Vedalken Blademaster ---- Take Down Highspire Artisan Mind Rot Hightide Hermit Fireforger's Puzzleknot
3 - 14 Commencement of Festivities Dramatic Reversal ---- Giant Spectacle Ornamental Courage Metalspinner's Puzzleknot Demolish Tasseled Dromedary