dekkaru cubewe

Ended 3 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart elder-b pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart bengalini pie chart DraftBot pie chart scumdogbajillionaire pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Mystic Confluence ---- Bala Ged Recovery  Flip Search for Azcanta  Flip ---- Clearwater Pathway  Flip ---- Barkchannel Pathway  Flip
1 - 2 Hagra Mauling  Flip ---- Chromatic Lantern Sin Prodder ---- Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ---- Needleverge Pathway  Flip
1 - 3 Sheoldred, Whispering One ---- History of Benalia Counterspell ---- Dig Through Time ---- Mimic Vat
1 - 4 Craterhoof Behemoth ---- Walking Ballista Hornet Queen ---- Mirage Mirror ---- Ancestral Vision
1 - 5 Llanowar Elves ---- Misty Rainforest Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis ---- Polluted Delta ---- Night's Whisper
1 - 6 Sinister Sabotage ---- Bramble Sovereign Baral, Chief of Compliance ---- Sylvan Advocate ---- Flooded Strand
1 - 7 Thragtusk ---- Felidar Retreat Mist-Syndicate Naga ---- Cloudkin Seer ---- Sphinx's Revelation
1 - 8 Heartfire Immolator ---- Saheeli, Sublime Artificer Scattered Groves ---- Inferno Titan ---- Fyndhorn Elves
1 - 9 Dark Confidant ---- Exploration Godless Shrinefoil ---- Ancient Stone Idol ---- Glasspool Mimic  Flip
1 - 10 Drowned Catacomb ---- Skyclave Cleric  Flip Young Pyromancer ---- Kitesail Freebooter ---- Fetid Pools
1 - 11 Dread Wanderer ---- Victimize Bloodbraid Elf ---- Chart a Course ---- Intangible Virtue
1 - 12 Scute Swarm ---- Kuldotha Forgemaster Daze ---- Eternal Witness ---- Sea Gate Stormcaller
1 - 13 Waterlogged Grove ---- Reflector Mage Clifftop Retreat ---- Brightclimb Pathway  Flip ---- Genesis Ultimatum
1 - 14 Grand Coliseum ---- Westvale Abbey  Flip Knight of the Reliquary ---- Escape to the Wilds ---- Narset, Parter of Veils
1 - 15 Memory Lapse ---- Ransack the Lab Forbidden Alchemy ---- Earthquake ---- Dragonskull Summit
2 - 1 Voracious Greatshark ---- Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath Gilded Lotusfoil ---- Sensei's Divining Top ---- Oracle of Mul Daya
2 - 2 Cragcrown Pathway  Flip ---- Zagoth Triome Coalition Relic ---- Sea Gate Restoration  Flip ---- Dimir Signet
2 - 3 Ketria Triome ---- Jaya's Greeting Sundering Titan ---- Steam Ventsfoil ---- Primeval Titan
2 - 4 Paradise Druid ---- Find / Finality Preordain ---- Brainstorm ---- Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip
2 - 5 Whirler Rogue ---- Mind Stone Go for the Throat ---- Tireless Tracker ---- Baleful Strix
2 - 6 Supreme Will ---- Archmage's Charm Lotus Cobra ---- Treasure Cruise ---- Woe Strider
2 - 7 Hanweir Garrison  Meld ---- Compulsive Research Flame Slash ---- Kolaghan's Command ---- Farseek
2 - 8 Charming Prince ---- Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Cryptbreaker ---- Cultivate ---- Mass Manipulation
2 - 9 Avenger of Zendikar ---- Chasm Skulker Watery Gravefoil ---- Coercive Portal ---- Cruel Ultimatum
2 - 10 Condemn ---- Mana Confluence Joraga Treespeaker ---- Approach of the Second Sun ---- Emry, Lurker of the Loch
2 - 11 Ayara, First of Locthwain ---- Genesis Hydra Opt ---- Sea-Dasher Octopus ---- Field of the Dead
2 - 12 Mother of Runes ---- Goblin Chainwhirler Inquisition of Kozilek ---- Exclude ---- Blood Artist
2 - 13 Prismatic Lens ---- Thassa's Intervention Shatterskull Smashing  Flip ---- Leovold, Emissary of Trest ---- Avacyn's Pilgrim
2 - 14 Mythos of Illuna ---- Mutavault Temple Gardenfoil ---- Dragonlord Atarka ---- Thought Scour
2 - 15 Staggershock ---- Gavony Township Nurturing Peatland ---- Daretti, Scrap Savant ---- Isolated Chapel
3 - 1 Fall from Favor ---- Spiteful Prankster Emeria's Call  Flip ---- Blightstep Pathway  Flip ---- Omnath, Locus of Creation
3 - 2 Snapcaster Mage ---- Silundi Vision  Flip Spikefield Hazard  Flip ---- Doom Blade ---- Deliberate
3 - 3 Mana Leak ---- Jace, the Mind Sculptor Batterskull ---- Llanowar Visionary ---- Hexdrinker
3 - 4 Sower of Temptation ---- Shark Typhoon Agent of Treachery ---- Riverglide Pathway  Flip ---- Three Visits
3 - 5 Everflowing Chalice ---- Fire Prophecy Winota, Joiner of Forces ---- Thran Dynamo ---- Indatha Triome
3 - 6 Courser of Kruphix ---- Spellseeker Crucible of Worlds ---- Swords to Plowshares ---- Consecrated Sphinx
3 - 7 The Eldest Reborn ---- Wooded Foothills Agonizing Remorse ---- Hangarback Walker ---- Valakut Awakening  Flip
3 - 8 Sylvan Library ---- Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Boros Signet ---- Gray Merchant of Asphodel ---- Gonti, Lord of Luxury
3 - 9 Sneak Attack ---- Wretched Confluence Ilharg, the Raze-Boar ---- Agadeem's Awakening  Flip ---- Impulse
3 - 10 Growth Spiral ---- Fight with Fire Pia Nalaar ---- Breeding Poolfoil ---- Scavenging Ooze
3 - 11 Wildfire Devils ---- Hedron Archivefoil Thassa's Oracle ---- Ramunap Excavator ---- Vindicate
3 - 12 Search for Tomorrow ---- Negate Censor ---- Kitchen Finks ---- Order of Midnight
3 - 13 Mystic Snake ---- Judith, the Scourge Diva Grafted Wargear ---- Rotting Regisaur ---- Goblin Cratermaker
3 - 14 Light Up the Stage ---- Mardu Skullhunter Sheltered Thicket ---- Explore ---- Bone Shredder
3 - 15 Sprite Dragon ---- Canyon Slough Ethereal Forager ---- Bomat Courier ---- Thespian's Stage