Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart symjus04 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Forerunner of the Legion ---- Form of the Dinosaur Stone Quarry Crested Herdcaller Champion of Twilight Sphinx's Decree Stone Quarry
1 - 2 Seafloor Oracle ---- Ravenous Chupacabra Deadeye Brawler Angrath, the Flame-Chained Forerunner of the Coalition Impale Pirate's Pillage
1 - 3 Bombard ---- Mausoleum Harpy Mausoleum Harpy Luminous Bonds Relentless Raptor Deadeye Brawler Thrashing Brontodon
1 - 4 Forerunner of the Coalition ---- Waterknot Mist-Cloaked Herald Knight of the Stampede Relentless Raptor Everdawn Champion Protean Raider
1 - 5 Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Cacophodon Cherished Hatchling Vampire Revenant Squire's Devotion Waterknot Fathom Fleet Boarder
1 - 6 Sun Sentinel ---- Waterknot Voracious Vampire Buccaneer's Bravado Pitiless Plunderer Sanguine Glorifier Dinosaur Hunter
1 - 7 Sanguine Glorifier ---- Fanatical Firebrand Kitesail Corsair Martyr of Dusk Stampeding Horncrest Jungleborn Pioneer Blazing Hope
1 - 8 Stampeding Horncrest ---- Exultant Skymarcher Swaggering Corsair Squire's Devotion Everdawn Champion Secrets of the Golden City Grasping Scoundrel
1 - 9 River Darter ---- Jungleborn Pioneer Secrets of the Golden City Secrets of the Golden City Buccaneer's Bravado Secrets of the Golden City Gleaming Barrier
1 - 10 Sworn Guardian ---- Exultant Skymarcher Orazca Frillback Brazen Freebooter Jadecraft Artisan Sun Sentinel Orazca Frillback
1 - 11 Gruesome Fate ---- Jadecraft Artisan Grasping Scoundrel Hardy Veteran River Darter Crashing Tide Sworn Guardian
1 - 12 Hornswoggle ---- Jadecraft Artisan Orazca Raptor Cleansing Ray See Red Dusk Charger Dusk Charger
1 - 13 Orazca Raptor ---- Orazca Raptor Dark Inquiry Hardy Veteran Dusk Charger Awakened Amalgam Orazca Relic
1 - 14 Sea Legs ---- Orazca Relic Dark Inquiry Swab Goblin Swab Goblin Canal Monitor Swab Goblin
2 - 1 Reaver Ambush ---- Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Legion Lieutenant Nezahal, Primal Tide Woodland Stream Pirate's Pillage Woodland Stream
2 - 2 Blood Sun ---- Protean Raider Pirate's Pillage Bishop of Binding Skymarcher Aspirant Charging Tuskodon Skymarcher Aspirant
2 - 3 Charging Tuskodon ---- Needletooth Raptor Reaver Ambush Voracious Vampire Blood Sun Induced Amnesia Bombard
2 - 4 Knight of the Stampede ---- Voracious Vampire Martyr of Dusk Bombard Frilled Deathspitter Oathsworn Vampire Voracious Vampire
2 - 5 Relentless Raptor ---- Mist-Cloaked Herald Dusk Legion Zealot Mausoleum Harpy Mausoleum Harpy Dinosaur Hunter Kitesail Corsair
2 - 6 Mausoleum Harpy ---- Expel from Orazca Dusk Legion Zealot Dinosaur Hunter Fathom Fleet Boarder Sanguine Glorifier Dusk Legion Zealot
2 - 7 Spire Winder ---- Knight of the Stampede Mist-Cloaked Herald Soul of the Rapids Goblin Trailblazer Knight of the Stampede Knight of the Stampede
2 - 8 Dinosaur Hunter ---- Sun Sentinel Exultant Skymarcher Jungleborn Pioneer Vampire Revenant Kitesail Corsair Stampeding Horncrest
2 - 9 Squire's Devotion ---- Secrets of the Golden City Deadeye Rig-Hauler Sun Sentinel Mist-Cloaked Herald Sun-Collared Raptor Fathom Fleet Boarder
2 - 10 Blazing Hope ---- Grasping Scoundrel Stampeding Horncrest Squire's Devotion Giltgrove Stalker Jungleborn Pioneer Grasping Scoundrel
2 - 11 Sworn Guardian ---- Overgrown Armasaur Sanguine Glorifier Crafty Cutpurse Secrets of the Golden City Gleaming Barrier Giltgrove Stalker
2 - 12 Sun-Collared Raptor ---- Spire Winder Crashing Tide Crashing Tide Hardy Veteran River Darter Gruesome Fate
2 - 13 Gleaming Barrier ---- Jade Bearer Cleansing Ray Canal Monitor Orazca Frillback Orazca Relic Orazca Relic
2 - 14 Cleansing Ray ---- Dark Inquiry Swab Goblin Canal Monitor Swab Goblin Shake the Foundations Sworn Guardian
3 - 1 Savage Stomp ---- Spires of Orazca  Flip Imperial Aerosaur Tempest Caller Ixalan's Binding Fathom Fleet Captain Storm Fleet Aerialist
3 - 2 Adanto Vanguard ---- Rampaging Ferocidon Deadeye Plunderers Fell Flagship Pounce Steadfast Armasaur Run Aground
3 - 3 Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- Pounce Savage Stomp Adanto Vanguard Contract Killing Siren Lookout Tempest Caller
3 - 4 Unfriendly Fire ---- Siren Lookout Dire Fleet Captain Thundering Spineback Colossal Dreadmaw Vanquish the Weak Bellowing Aegisaur
3 - 5 Watertrap Weaver ---- Sun-Crowned Hunters Slice in Twain Watertrap Weaver Legion's Judgment Duskborne Skymarcher Sky Terror
3 - 6 Headwater Sentries ---- Grazing Whiptail Skyblade of the Legion Tishana's Wayfinder Prosperous Pirates Fathom Fleet Firebrand Paladin of the Bloodstained
3 - 7 River Heralds' Boon ---- Unknown Shores Sailor of Means Queen's Commission Thrash of Raptors Pirate's Cutlass Sun-Crowned Hunters
3 - 8 Paladin of the Bloodstained ---- Grazing Whiptail Storm Sculptor Storm Fleet Pyromancer Sheltering Light Fathom Fleet Firebrand Pirate's Prize
3 - 9 Shore Keeper ---- Pirate's Prize Pirate's Cutlass Arcane Adaptation Shaper Apprentice Lurking Chupacabra New Horizons
3 - 10 Sun-Crowned Hunters ---- Skulduggery Queen's Bay Soldier Thrash of Raptors Jungle Delver Queen's Agent Sure Strike
3 - 11 Shore Keeper ---- Mark of the Vampire March of the Drowned Hierophant's Chalice Ravenous Daggertooth Swashbuckling Commune with Dinosaurs
3 - 12 Vampire's Zeal ---- Tocatli Honor Guard Duress Queen's Bay Soldier Gilded Sentinel Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Blinding Fog
3 - 13 Hijack ---- Slice in Twain Vampire's Zeal Demystify Shining Aerosaur Spell Pierce Vampire's Zeal
3 - 14 Rile ---- Desperate Castaways Demystify Shore Keeper Siren's Ruse Duress Dual Shot