Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart RurikThar pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Phyrexian Swarmlord Spinebiter Puresteel Paladin ---- Dismember Psychic Surgery Melira, Sylvok Outcast Phyrexian Metamorph
1 - 2 Darksteel Relic Master Splicer Suture Priest ---- Porcelain Legionnaire Porcelain Legionnaire Mindcrank Entomber Exarch
1 - 3 Remember the Fallen Suture Priest Deceiver Exarch ---- Blighted Agent Myr Superion Darksteel Relic Due Respect
1 - 4 Spined Thopter Hovermyr Remember the Fallen ---- Blinding Souleater Entomber Exarch Parasitic Implant Thundering Tanadon
1 - 5 War Report Numbing Dose Lost Leonin ---- Volt Charge Artillerize Parasitic Implant Hovermyr
1 - 6 Glissa's Scorn Chancellor of the Tangle Furnace Scamp ---- Parasitic Implant Grim Affliction Geosurge Vault Skirge
1 - 7 Shriek Raptor Forced Worship Forced Worship ---- Marrow Shards Pristine Talisman Shriek Raptor Spined Thopter
1 - 8 War Report Pith Driller Surge Node ---- Leeching Bite Immolating Souleater Marrow Shards Trespassing Souleater
1 - 9 Numbing Dose Razor Swine Lost Leonin ---- Parasitic Implant Apostle's Blessing Death-Hood Cobra Priest of Urabrask
1 - 10 Flameborn Viron Pestilent Souleater Phyrexian Hulk ---- Leeching Bite Exclusion Ritual Immolating Souleater Ogre Menial
1 - 11 Dementia Bat Loxodon Convert Phyrexian Hulk ---- Evil Presence Brutalizer Exarch Impaler Shrike Artillerize
1 - 12 Flameborn Viron Postmortem Lunge Apostle's Blessing ---- Viridian Harvest Artillerize Death-Hood Cobra Phyrexian Hulk
1 - 13 Viridian Harvest Chained Throatseeker Ruthless Invasion ---- Evil Presence Xenograft Auriok Survivors Immolating Souleater
1 - 14 Shrine of Limitless Power Apostle's Blessing Grim Affliction ---- Scrapyard Salvo Furnace Scamp Dementia Bat Slash Panther
1 - 15 Victorious Destruction Ogre Menial Insatiable Souleater ---- Victorious Destruction Rotted Hystrix Ogre Menial Postmortem Lunge
2 - 1 Tangle Hulk Slagstorm Flesh-Eater Imp ---- Flesh-Eater Imp Darksteel Plate Phyresis Spin Engine
2 - 2 Tangle Hulk Into the Core Mirran Crusader ---- Glissa's Courier Victory's Herald Glissa's Courier Spin Engine
2 - 3 Quicksilver Geyser Silverskin Armor Sphere of the Suns ---- Horrifying Revelation Silverskin Armor Hexplate Golem Plague Myr
2 - 4 Razorfield Rhino Melira's Keepers Plague Myr ---- Mirran Mettle Piston Sledge Razorfield Rhino Phyrexian Vatmother
2 - 5 Fuel for the Cause Go for the Throat Septic Rats ---- Brass Squire Nested Ghoul Mirran Mettle Master's Call
2 - 6 Crush Nested Ghoul Septic Rats ---- Skinwing Master's Call Quicksilver Geyser Phyrexian Digester
2 - 7 Spiraling Duelist Blue Sun's Zenith Mirran Mettle ---- Blightwidow Virulent Wound Phyrexian Rager Myr Welder
2 - 8 Kuldotha Ringleader Ichor Wellspring Tine Shrike ---- Oculus Spine of Ish Sah Mirran Mettle Oculus
2 - 9 Burn the Impure Concussive Bolt Virulent Wound ---- Vivisection Priests of Norn Spread the Sickness Rusted Slasher
2 - 10 Glissa's Courier Spire Serpent Spread the Sickness ---- Rot Wolf Flayer Husk Steel Sabotage Leonin Relic-Warder
2 - 11 Tine Shrike Into the Core Hexplate Golem ---- Divine Offering Phyrexian Digester Oculus Fuel for the Cause
2 - 12 Spin Engine Blisterstick Shaman Blisterstick Shaman ---- Serum Raker Contested War Zone Spread the Sickness Rally the Forces
2 - 13 Crush Morbid Plunder Mirran Spy ---- Mirran Spy Divine Offering Pistus Strike Kuldotha Ringleader
2 - 14 Hexplate Golem Gnathosaur Tangle Mantis ---- Dross Ripper Rusted Slasher Dross Ripper Kuldotha Ringleader
2 - 15 Banishment Decree Melira's Keepers Gnathosaur ---- Ogre Resister Koth's Courier Koth's Courier Copper Carapace
3 - 1 Scrounge Scrounge Angel's Feather ---- Demon's Horn Essence Drain Essence Drain Arcbound Crusher
3 - 2 Dragon's Claw Darksteel Gargoyle Test of Faith ---- Magnetic Flux Specter's Shroud Echoing Courage Screams from Within
3 - 3 Hunger of the Nim Myr Matrix Crazed Goblin ---- Screams from Within Darksteel Citadel Darksteel Ingot Lich's Tomb
3 - 4 Hunger of the Nim Wand of the Elements Crazed Goblin ---- Screams from Within Whispersilk Cloak Serum Powder Surestrike Trident
3 - 5 Darksteel Pendant Stand Together Vex ---- Darksteel Citadel Leonin Shikari Darksteel Ingot Barbed Lightning
3 - 6 Loxodon Mystic Pulse of the Forge Purge ---- Barbed Lightning Arcbound Hybrid Echoing Truth Chittering Rats
3 - 7 Loxodon Mystic Leonin Battlemage Vex ---- Surestrike Trident Spire Golem Barbed Lightning Arcbound Hybrid
3 - 8 Hunger of the Nim Vedalken Engineer Chimeric Egg ---- Quicksilver Behemoth Chittering Rats Tangle Golem Ur-Golem's Eye
3 - 9 Arcane Spyglass Arcbound Worker Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer ---- Neurok Prodigy Chittering Rats Drooling Ogre Chittering Rats
3 - 10 Vedalken Engineer Chimeric Egg Razor Golem ---- Dross Golem Ur-Golem's Eye Test of Faith Drill-Skimmer
3 - 11 Arcane Spyglass Quicksilver Behemoth Krark-Clan Stoker ---- Arcbound Bruiser Machinate Spire Golem Oxidda Golem
3 - 12 Inflame Loxodon Mystic Arcbound Bruiser ---- Dross Golem Ur-Golem's Eye Oxidda Golem Grimclaw Bats
3 - 13 Metal Fatigue Krark-Clan Stoker Oxidda Golem ---- Unforge Oxidda Golem Neurok Prodigy Neurok Prodigy
3 - 14 Tangle Spider Burden of Greed Machinate ---- Talon of Pain Burden of Greed Hallow Grimclaw Bats
3 - 15 Wirefly Hive Echoing Ruin Tel-Jilad Outrider ---- Tangle Spider Metal Fatigue Tel-Jilad Outrider Machinate
4 - 1 Bonehoard Corrupted Conscience Phyrexian Revoker ---- Bonehoard Bonehoard Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas Psychosis Crawler
4 - 2 Ichor Wellspring Corrupted Conscience Bonehoard ---- Flesh-Eater Imp Phyresis Vedalken Anatomist Plague Myr
4 - 3 Rusted Slasher Mortarpod Phyrexian Juggernaut ---- Quilled Slagwurm Ichor Wellspring Phyrexian Juggernaut Tangle Hulk
4 - 4 Ichor Wellspring Ichor Wellspring Septic Rats ---- Strandwalker Rusted Slasher Flensermite Phyresis
4 - 5 Rusted Slasher Choking Fumes Priests of Norn ---- Oculus Creeping Corrosion Into the Core Fuel for the Cause
4 - 6 Rusted Slasher Rusted Slasher Priests of Norn ---- Myr Sire Priests of Norn Rot Wolf Phyresis
4 - 7 Oculus Scourge Servant Nested Ghoul ---- Rot Wolf Myr Sire Tangle Hulk Oculus
4 - 8 Phyrexian Rager Virulent Wound Virulent Wound ---- Spread the Sickness Flensermite Virulent Wound Blightwidow
4 - 9 Viridian Emissary Dross Ripper Blightwidow ---- Spread the Sickness Tine Shrike Flensermite Horrifying Revelation
4 - 10 Banishment Decree Glissa's Courier Metallic Mastery ---- Unnatural Predation Nested Ghoul Steel Sabotage Flayer Husk
4 - 11 Banishment Decree Glissa's Courier Flayer Husk ---- Myr Sire Vivisection Dross Ripper Viridian Emissary
4 - 12 Banishment Decree Into the Core Steel Sabotage ---- Tine Shrike Steel Sabotage Mortarpod Horrifying Revelation
4 - 13 Horrifying Revelation Dross Ripper Virulent Wound ---- Pistus Strike Serum Raker Virulent Wound Horrifying Revelation
4 - 14 Banishment Decree Fuel for the Cause Quilled Slagwurm ---- Gruesome Encore Viridian Emissary Unnatural Predation Blightwidow
4 - 15 Phyrexian Digester Tangle Hulk Banishment Decree ---- Vivisection Steel Sabotage Gore Vassal Pistus Strike
5 - 1 Phyrexian Crusader Psychosis Crawler Psychosis Crawler ---- Flesh-Eater Imp Bonehoard Choking Fumes Phyrexian Rebirth
5 - 2 Core Prowler Vedalken Anatomist Phyresis ---- Phyrexian Hydra Phyrexian Revoker Core Prowler Phyrexian Revoker
5 - 3 Viridian Corrupter Viridian Corrupter Strandwalker ---- Corrupted Conscience Phyrexian Juggernaut Phyresis Phyresis
5 - 4 Glissa's Courier Priests of Norn Horrifying Revelation ---- Ichor Wellspring Ichor Wellspring Phyresis Rusted Slasher
5 - 5 Glissa's Courier Into the Core Rot Wolf ---- Rusted Slasher Fuel for the Cause Phyresis Oculus
5 - 6 Fuel for the Cause Oculus Oculus ---- Septic Rats Tangle Hulk Oculus Flayer Husk
5 - 7 Rusted Slasher Into the Core Rot Wolf ---- Spread the Sickness Glissa's Courier Horrifying Revelation Viridian Emissary
5 - 8 Phyrexian Digester Phyrexian Digester Glissa's Courier ---- Rot Wolf Flayer Husk Unnatural Predation Dross Ripper
5 - 9 Steel Sabotage Blightwidow Phyrexian Rager ---- Septic Rats Septic Rats Phyrexian Digester Vivisection
5 - 10 Myr Sire Viridian Emissary Steel Sabotage ---- Viridian Emissary Virulent Wound Unnatural Predation Steel Sabotage
5 - 11 Oculus Viridian Emissary Virulent Wound ---- Tine Shrike Myr Sire Scourge Servant Dross Ripper
5 - 12 Fuel for the Cause Tine Shrike Caustic Hound ---- Gruesome Encore Horrifying Revelation Dross Ripper Phyrexian Digester
5 - 13 Myr Sire Myr Sire Quilled Slagwurm ---- Scourge Servant Pistus Strike Glissa's Courier Spread the Sickness
5 - 14 Steel Sabotage Steel Sabotage Vivisection ---- Pistus Strike Serum Raker Gore Vassal Steel Sabotage
5 - 15 Vivisection Gore Vassal Vivisection ---- Pistus Strike Flayer Husk Pistus Strike Caustic Hound
6 - 1 Inkmoth Nexus Phyrexian Crusader Psychosis Crawler ---- Psychosis Crawler Core Prowler Pierce Strider Inkmoth Nexus
6 - 2 Skinwing Metallic Mastery Vedalken Anatomist ---- Blightsteel Colossus Strandwalker Viridian Corrupter Corrupted Conscience
6 - 3 Ichor Wellspring Nested Ghoul Corrupted Conscience ---- Flensermite Strandwalker Phyresis Ichor Wellspring
6 - 4 Phyresis Quilled Slagwurm Virulent Wound ---- Phyresis Skinwing Phyresis Vedalken Anatomist
6 - 5 Rusted Slasher Fuel for the Cause Blightwidow ---- Flensermite Pierce Strider Tangle Hulk Flayer Husk
6 - 6 Rot Wolf Unnatural Predation Virulent Wound ---- Rusted Slasher Rusted Slasher Phyrexian Digester Tangle Hulk
6 - 7 Dross Ripper Skinwing Viridian Emissary ---- Rot Wolf Metallic Mastery Rot Wolf Myr Sire
6 - 8 Rusted Slasher Myr Sire Priests of Norn ---- Tangle Hulk Scourge Servant Scourge Servant Phyrexian Digester
6 - 9 Scourge Servant Oculus Septic Rats ---- Flayer Husk Into the Core Scourge Servant Oculus
6 - 10 Glissa's Courier Dross Ripper Oculus ---- Metallic Mastery Steel Sabotage Unnatural Predation Phyrexian Digester
6 - 11 Banishment Decree Unnatural Predation Phyrexian Digester ---- Fuel for the Cause Glissa's Courier Horrifying Revelation Scourge Servant
6 - 12 Blightwidow Phyrexian Rager Tangle Hulk ---- Viridian Emissary Vivisection Viridian Emissary Scourge Servant
6 - 13 Into the Core Horrifying Revelation Spread the Sickness ---- Quilled Slagwurm Fuel for the Cause Virulent Wound Vivisection
6 - 14 Steel Sabotage Phyrexian Rager Pistus Strike ---- Caustic Hound Serum Raker Caustic Hound Vivisection
6 - 15 Gruesome Encore Banishment Decree Tangle Hulk ---- Caustic Hound Pistus Strike Pistus Strike Vivisection