Ended 4 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart jlane pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Strategic Planning Cyclone Summoner Showdown of the Skalds Annul Draugr Necromancer Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Invoke the Divine
1 - 2 The Bears of Littjara Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire Saw it Coming Spirit of the Aldergard The World Tree Frenzied Raider Horizon Seeker Rune of Sustenance
1 - 3 Sarulf, Realm Eater Frost Augur Bretagard Stronghold Bloodline Pretender Aegar, the Freezing Flame The Three Seasons Moritte of the Frost Frost Bite
1 - 4 Waking the Trolls Aegar, the Freezing Flame Rune of Mortality The Three Seasons Crush the Weak Maja, Bretagard Protector Shepherd of the Cosmos Axgard Braggart
1 - 5 Doomskar Titan Clarion Spirit Frenzied Raider Port of Karfell Spirit of the Aldergard Masked Vandal Guardian Gladewalker Seize the Spoils
1 - 6 Niko Defies Destiny Axgard Cavalry Maja, Bretagard Protector Draugr's Helm Master Skald Jarl of the Forsaken Elderleaf Mentor Axgard Braggart
1 - 7 Gnottvold Recluse Demonic Gifts Shimmerdrift Vale Rune of Speed Behold the Multiverse Wings of the Cosmos Priest of the Haunted Edge Story Seeker
1 - 8 Littjara Kinseekers Goldmaw Champion King Harald's Revenge Elderleaf Mentor Gnottvold Recluse Tuskeri Firewalker Goldmaw Champion Invoke the Divine
1 - 9 Demonic Gifts Stalwart Valkyrie Stalwart Valkyrie Master Skald Mists of Littjara Raise the Draugr Giant Ox Fearless Pup
1 - 10 Horizon Seeker Deathknell Berserker Koma's Faithful Raise the Draugr Grim Draugr Raven Wings Wings of the Cosmos Shackles of Treachery
1 - 11 Infernal Pet Karfell Kennel-Master Run Ashore Raise the Draugr Funeral Longboat Draugr Recruiter Dwarven Reinforcements Axgard Braggart
1 - 12 Sculptor of Winter Battlefield Raptor Roots of Wisdom Karfell Harbinger Deathknell Berserker Littjara Kinseekers Snakeskin Veil Broken Wings
1 - 13 Horizon Seeker Bound in Gold Goldmaw Champion Karfell Harbinger Draugr Thought-Thief Warhorn Blast Jarl of the Forsaken Arachnoform
1 - 14 Deathknell Berserker Dread Rider Pilfering Hawk Starnheim Courser Revitalize Run Amok Starnheim Courser Struggle for Skemfar
2 - 1 Into the Roil Shadows' Verdict Vanquish the Weak Tormenting Voice Rabid Bite Disenchant Inscription of Abundance Lithoform Engine
2 - 2 Soaring Thought-Thief Smite the Monstrous Magmatic Channeler Inscription of Abundance Soul Shatter Scion of the Swarm Iridescent Hornbeetle Relic Golem
2 - 3 Jace, Mirror Mage Murasa Sproutling Concerted Defense Umara Mystic Pelakka Predation  Flip Sure-Footed Infiltrator Confounding Conundrum Canyon Jerboa
2 - 4 Sure-Footed Infiltrator Silundi Vision  Flip Malakir Rebirth  Flip Ravager's Mace Moss-Pit Skeleton Merfolk Falconer Paired Tactician Dauntless Unity
2 - 5 Beyeen Veil  Flip Iridescent Hornbeetle Turntimber Ascetic Expedition Champion Taunting Arbormage Chilling Trap Thundering Sparkmage Canyon Jerboa
2 - 6 Tuktuk Rubblefort Sizzling Barrage Tajuru Blightblade Stonework Packbeast Synchronized Spellcraft Mind Carver Skyclave Squid Tazeem Raptor
2 - 7 Reclaim the Wastes Dauntless Unity Expedition Champion Scavenged Blade Scion of the Swarm Makindi Ox Strength of Solidarity Skyclave Sentinel
2 - 8 Spitfire Lagac Scavenged Blade Zulaport Duelist Nahiri's Binding Deadly Alliance Field Research Pyroclastic Hellion Stonework Packbeast
2 - 9 Anticognition Akoum Hellhound Cliffhaven Sell-Sword Feed the Swarmfoil Expedition Skulker Malakir Blood-Priest Kabira Outrider Makindi Ox
2 - 10 Nissa's Zendikon Sea Gate Colossus Shell Shield Farsight Adept Anticognition Chilling Trap Cascade Seer Roil Eruption
2 - 11 Ardent Electromancer Oblivion's Hunger Nahiri's Binding Hagra Constrictor Practiced Tactics Canopy Baloth Malakir Blood-Priest Tazeem Raptor
2 - 12 Reclaim the Wastes Cliffhaven Kitesail Blood Price Feed the Swarmfoil Territorial Scythecat Shepherd of Heroes Sizzling Barrage Feed the Swarmfoil
2 - 13 Scale the Heights Joraga Visionary Seafloor Stalker Oblivion's Hunger Grotag Bug-Catcher Joraga Visionary Dreadwurm Inordinate Rage
2 - 14 Negate Resolute Strike Malakir Blood-Priest Pyroclastic Hellion Drana's Silencer Negate Tajuru Snarecaster Blood Beckoning
3 - 1 Blood on the Snow Disdainful Stroke Annul Reflections of Littjara The World Tree Calamity Bearer Harald Unites the Elves Surtland Frostpyre
3 - 2 Halvar, God of Battle  Flip Blizzard Brawl Reckless Crew Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip Forging the Tyrite Sword Dwarven Hammer Gates of Istfell Cinderheart Giant
3 - 3 Spectral Steel Binding the Old Gods Skemfar Elderhall Path to the World Tree Rootless Yew Saw it Coming Skemfar Elderhall Seize the Spoils
3 - 4 Poison the Cup Icebind Pillar Poison the Cup Dwarven Hammer Replicating Ring Colossal Plow Blizzard Brawl Seize the Spoils
3 - 5 Saw it Coming Skemfar Shadowsage Blizzard Brawl Dogged Pursuit Mammoth Growth Tergrid's Shadow Narfi, Betrayer King Warhorn Blast
3 - 6 Guardian Gladewalker Beskir Shieldmate Koma's Faithful Funeral Longboat Ravenform Broken Wings Elderfang Disciple Warhorn Blast
3 - 7 Ravenform Depart the Realm Grizzled Outrider Sarulf's Packmate Horizon Seeker Seize the Spoils Pilfering Hawk Bound in Gold
3 - 8 Tuskeri Firewalker Draugr Recruiter Sarulf's Packmate Breakneck Berserker Master Skald Karfell Kennel-Master Skull Raid Squash
3 - 9 Seize the Spoils Ravenous Lindwurm Dogged Pursuit Hagi Mob Jarl of the Forsaken Littjara Kinseekers Scorn Effigy Wings of the Cosmos
3 - 10 Undersea Invader Behold the Multiverse Vault Robber Tuskeri Firewalker Shimmerdrift Vale Karfell Kennel-Master Jarl of the Forsaken Open the Omenpaths
3 - 11 Vault Robber Depart the Realm Guardian Gladewalker Hagi Mob Breakneck Berserker Raiders' Karve Koma's Faithful Goldmaw Champion
3 - 12 Feed the Serpent Frostpeak Yeti Iron Verdict Run Ashore Breakneck Berserker Gnottvold Recluse Elderleaf Mentor Story Seeker
3 - 13 Elderfang Disciple Ravenform Struggle for Skemfar Sculptor of Winter Hagi Mob Giant Ox Arachnoform Revitalize
3 - 14 Funeral Longboat Littjara Kinseekers Vault Robber Jarl of the Forsaken Village Rites Revitalize Axgard Cavalry Codespell Cleric