HOU / RIX / M20

Ended 5 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart FatalizaTor pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Champion of Wits Torment of Hailfire Resilient Khenra Sunscourge Champion Overwhelming Splendor ---- Manticore Eternal Resilient Khenra
1 - 2 Open Fire Ambuscade Banewhip Punisher Tenacious Hunter Torment of Scarabs ---- Earthshaker Khenra Driven / Despair
1 - 3 Unquenchable Thirst Vizier of the True Sunscourge Champion Manticore Eternal Khenra Scrapper ---- Ramunap Ruins Sand Strangler
1 - 4 Fervent Paincaster Aerial Guide Bitterbow Sharpshooters Hope Tender Oketra's Avenger ---- Khenra Scrapper Vizier of the True
1 - 5 Spellweaver Eternal Firebrand Archer Appeal / Authority Ruin Rat Rhonas's Stalwart ---- Aerial Guide Aerial Guide
1 - 6 Unsummon Frontline Devastator Rampaging Hippo Brambleweft Behemoth Thorned Moloch ---- Aerial Guide Firebrand Archer
1 - 7 Strategic Planning Hazoret's Undying Fury Angel of the God-Pharaoh Khenra Eternal Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs ---- Desert of the Fervent Spellweaver Eternal
1 - 8 Aven Reedstalker Wretched Camel Blur of Blades Gilded Cerodon Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs ---- Ipnu Rivulet Desert of the True
1 - 9 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Lurching Rotbeast Manalith Harrier Naga Aven of Enduring Hope ---- Solitary Camel Marauding Boneslasher
1 - 10 Solitary Camel Tragic Lesson Beneath the Sands Claim / Fame Gilded Cerodon ---- Strategic Planning Countervailing Winds
1 - 11 Beneath the Sands Chandra's Defeat Crypt of the Eternals Gift of Strength Granitic Titan ---- Beneath the Sands Wretched Camel
1 - 12 Unsummon Crypt of the Eternals Steadfast Sentinel Act of Heroism Cunning Survivor ---- Strategic Planning Moaning Wall
1 - 13 Disposal Mummy Disposal Mummy Djeru's Renunciation Moaning Wall Kindled Fury ---- Moaning Wall Sidewinder Naga
1 - 14 Act of Heroism Nissa's Defeat Jace's Defeat Crash Through Dutiful Servants ---- Djeru's Renunciation Disposal Mummy
2 - 1 Captain's Hook Silvergill Adept Silvergill Adept Highland Lake Highland Lake ---- Forerunner of the Legion Raptor Companion
2 - 2 Golden Guardian  Flip Foul Orchard Dire Fleet Daredevil Azor, the Lawbringer Forerunner of the Heralds ---- Woodland Stream Bombard
2 - 3 Jadelight Ranger Impale Sadistic Skymarcher Bombard Luminous Bonds ---- Relentless Raptor Dusk Legion Zealot
2 - 4 Curious Obsession Waterknot Curious Obsession Expel from Orazca Colossal Dreadmaw ---- Storm Fleet Sprinter Impale
2 - 5 Moment of Craving Kitesail Corsair Exultant Skymarcher Storm the Vault  Flip Dusk Legion Zealot ---- Bombard Exultant Skymarcher
2 - 6 Squire's Devotion Jungleborn Pioneer Cherished Hatchling Squire's Devotion Thunderherd Migration ---- Cherished Hatchling Majestic Heliopterus
2 - 7 Pirate's Pillage Voracious Vampire Frilled Deathspitter Frilled Deathspitter Exultant Skymarcher ---- Martyr of Dusk Mutiny
2 - 8 Enter the Unknown Mist-Cloaked Herald Dinosaur Hunter Jungleborn Pioneer Voracious Vampire ---- Aquatic Incursion Swaggering Corsair
2 - 9 Aquatic Incursion Buccaneer's Bravado Mutiny Dinosaur Hunter Sanguine Glorifier ---- Jade Bearer Goblin Trailblazer
2 - 10 Fanatical Firebrand Sun-Crested Pterodon Buccaneer's Bravado Deadeye Rig-Hauler Fanatical Firebrand ---- Giltgrove Stalker Dinosaur Hunter
2 - 11 Sun-Collared Raptor Sun Sentinel Stampeding Horncrest Secrets of the Golden City Gleaming Barrier ---- Deadeye Rig-Hauler Sun Sentinel
2 - 12 Sun-Collared Raptor Sun Sentinel Jade Bearer Sphinx's Decree Sanguine Glorifier ---- Swaggering Corsair Secrets of the Golden City
2 - 13 Gleaming Barrier Negate Orazca Relic Sun Sentinel Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Flood of Recollection Grasping Scoundrel
2 - 14 Plummet Naturalize Grasping Scoundrel Sun Sentinel River Darter ---- Sea Legs Dark Inquiry
3 - 1 Vorstclaw Chandra's Spitfire Sedge Scorpion Vorstclaw Gift of Paradise ---- Moorland Inquisitor Moorland Inquisitor
3 - 2 Anticipate Air Elemental Dragon Mage Griffin Protector Griffin Protector ---- Leyline of Anticipation Reduce to Ashes
3 - 3 Maniacal Rage Barony Vampire Sage's Row Denizen Sedge Scorpion Anticipate ---- Sanitarium Skeleton Chandra's Spitfire
3 - 4 Vorstclaw Unsummon Undead Servant Reduce to Ashes Unsummon ---- Rabid Bite Might of the Masses
3 - 5 Act of Treason Unsummon Fire Elemental Bone to Ash Pacifism ---- Uncaged Fury Angelic Gift
3 - 6 Tranquil Cove Shock Act of Treason Rugged Highlands Zephyr Charge ---- Scorch Spitter Gods Willing
3 - 7 Netcaster Spider Gravedigger Zephyr Charge Vial of Dragonfire Ironroot Warlord ---- Act of Treason Gift of Paradise
3 - 8 Aerial Assault Act of Treason Soulmender Scampering Scorcher Blightbeetle ---- Mind Rot Bone to Ash
3 - 9 Thornwood Falls Sage's Row Denizen Loaming Shaman Leafkin Druid Scorch Spitter ---- Corpse Knight Rule of Law
3 - 10 Aerial Assault Soulmender Grafdigger's Cage Greenwood Sentinel Brineborn Cutthroat ---- Lavakin Brawler Shared Summons
3 - 11 Epicure of Blood Manifold Key Starfield Mystic Barony Vampire Zephyr Charge ---- Apostle of Purifying Light Eternal Isolation
3 - 12 Healer of the Glade Greenwood Sentinel Blood Burglar Lightning Stormkin Heart-Piercer Bow ---- Cerulean Drake Marauder's Axe
3 - 13 Unholy Indenture Moat Piranhas Goblin Bird-Grabber Steadfast Sentry Meteor Golem ---- Daggersail Aeronaut Negate
3 - 14 Prismite Feral Abomination Negate Brightwood Tracker Thought Distortion ---- Might of the Masses Frilled Sea Serpent