Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart LittleFizzle pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Selesnya Signet Golgari Guildmage ---- Vinelasher Kudzu Primordial Sage Privileged Position Pollenbright Wings Tolsimir Wolfblood
1 - 2 Darkblast Razia's Purification ---- Grave-Shell Scarab Spectral Searchlight Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion Lightning Helix Vigor Mortis
1 - 3 Bloodbond March Dimir Signet ---- Grave-Shell Scarab Clutch of the Undercity Psychic Drain Farseek Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi
1 - 4 Seeds of Strength Brainspoil ---- Siege Wurm Selesnya Evangel Nightguard Patrol Siege Wurm Scatter the Seeds
1 - 5 Viashino Fangtail Elves of Deep Shadow ---- Golgari Signet Boros Swiftblade Instill Furor Auratouched Mage Infectious Host
1 - 6 Conclave Equenaut Seeds of Strength ---- Civic Wayfinder Perplex Clinging Darkness Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi Elves of Deep Shadow
1 - 7 Boros Signet Fiery Conclusion ---- Recollect Bathe in Light Boros Fury-Shield Stinkweed Imp Selesnya Sagittars
1 - 8 Boros Garrison Infectious Host ---- Boros Recruit Flow of Ideas Boros Garrison Conclave Equenaut Moldervine Cloak
1 - 9 Stone-Seeder Hierophant Muddle the Mixture ---- Conclave Phalanx Boros Garrison Thoughtpicker Witch Clinging Darkness Clinging Darkness
1 - 10 Dimir Infiltrator Vedalken Entrancer ---- Gather Courage Induce Paranoia Boros Fury-Shield Roofstalker Wight Lurking Informant
1 - 11 Dimir Infiltrator Votary of the Conclave ---- Terrarion War-Torch Goblin Dryad's Caress Conclave's Blessing Convolute
1 - 12 Dryad's Caress Gather Courage ---- Rolling Spoil Necromantic Thirst Induce Paranoia Ordruun Commando Sandsower
1 - 13 Smash Golgari Rotwurm ---- Necromantic Thirst Convolute Surge of Zeal Mortipede Goblin Fire Fiend
1 - 14 Sell-Sword Brute Caregiver ---- Mortipede Vindictive Mob Stasis Cell Shred Memory Shred Memory
2 - 1 Orzhova, the Church of Deals To Arms! ---- To Arms! Culling Sun Storm Herd Shrieking Grotesque Dune-Brood Nephilim
2 - 2 Silhana Starfletcher Leyline of Lifeforce ---- Belfry Spirit Droning Bureaucrats Savage Twister Shrieking Grotesque Skarrgan Pit-Skulk
2 - 3 Wild Cantor Shrieking Grotesque ---- Blind Hunter Izzet Signet Skarrgan Skybreaker Restless Bones Ghor-Clan Savage
2 - 4 Harrier Griffin Wild Cantor ---- Train of Thought Orzhov Basilica Blind Hunter Guardian's Magemark Savage Twister
2 - 5 Pillory of the Sleepless Guardian's Magemark ---- Gruul Signet Cry of Contrition Predatory Focus Orzhov Basilica Restless Bones
2 - 6 Izzet Signet Lionheart Maverick ---- Izzet Guildmage Bloodscale Prowler Wee Dragonauts Cry of Contrition Ghor-Clan Savage
2 - 7 Leyline of the Meek Bloodscale Prowler ---- Necromancer's Magemark Castigate Bloodscale Prowler Castigate Gruul Signet
2 - 8 Repeal Orzhov Basilica ---- Daggerclaw Imp Izzet Boilerworks Daggerclaw Imp Feral Animist Burning-Tree Bloodscale
2 - 9 Train of Thought Scab-Clan Mauler ---- Lionheart Maverick Gruul Turf Silhana Ledgewalker Ghost Warden Scab-Clan Mauler
2 - 10 Yore-Tiller Nephilim Ostiary Thrull ---- Orzhov Euthanist Gigadrowse Absolver Thrull Ghost Warden Lionheart Maverick
2 - 11 Burning-Tree Bloodscale Douse in Gloom ---- Caustic Rain Gruul Nodorog Beastmaster's Magemark Silhana Ledgewalker Caustic Rain
2 - 12 Leyline of the Meek Poisonbelly Ogre ---- Frazzle Cremate Petrahydrox Beastmaster's Magemark Streetbreaker Wurm
2 - 13 Streetbreaker Wurm Absolver Thrull ---- Scorched Rusalka Wreak Havoc Infiltrator's Magemark Petrahydrox Caustic Rain
2 - 14 Pyromatics Crash Landing ---- Bioplasm Benediction of Moons Tin Street Hooligan Gruul Scrapper Gruul Nodorog
3 - 1 Novijen, Heart of Progress Stoic Ephemera ---- Crime / Punishment Bound / Determined Bond of Agony Seal of Doom Research / Development
3 - 2 Riot Spikes Nihilistic Glee ---- Rakdos Riteknife Seal of Doom Supply / Demand Psychic Possession Shielding Plax
3 - 3 Sporeback Troll Brain Pry ---- Dovescape Freewind Equenaut Sporeback Troll Seal of Doom Shielding Plax
3 - 4 Azorius Signet Pure / Simple ---- Riot Spikes Azorius Herald Court Hussar Assault Zeppelid Azorius Signet
3 - 5 Ragamuffyn Riot Spikes ---- Rakdos Signet Aquastrand Spider Plaxcaster Frogling Riot Spikes Seal of Fire
3 - 6 Ragamuffyn Simic Growth Chamber ---- Rakdos Signet Kindle the Carnage Taste for Mayhem Plumes of Peace Rakdos Signet
3 - 7 Slithering Shade Rakdos Carnarium ---- Blessing of the Nephilim Simic Signet Mistral Charger Kill-Suit Cultist Demon's Jester
3 - 8 Wrecking Ball Street Savvy ---- Rakdos Carnarium Verdant Eidolon Plumes of Peace Steeling Stance Nettling Curse
3 - 9 Rakdos Ickspitter Azorius Chancery ---- Cackling Flames Taste for Mayhem Plumes of Peace Street Savvy Kill-Suit Cultist
3 - 10 Silkwing Scout Supply / Demand ---- Wrecking Ball Whiptail Moloch Entropic Eidolon Demon's Jester Skullmead Cauldron
3 - 11 Rakdos Ickspitter Sandstorm Eidolon ---- Kill-Suit Cultist Beacon Hawk Simic Initiate Gobhobbler Rats Coiling Oracle
3 - 12 Enemy of the Guildpact Soulsworn Jury ---- Whiptail Moloch Nettling Curse Thrive Simic Ragworm Helium Squirter
3 - 13 Vigean Hydropon Nettling Curse ---- Enigma Eidolon Carom Vigean Hydropon Sandstorm Eidolon Prahv, Spires of Order
3 - 14 Skyscribing Azorius Ploy ---- Whiptail Moloch Simic Initiate Delirium Skeins Ogre Gatecrasher Ogre Gatecrasher