
Ended 4 years ago

Player Heliumbaby pie chart Jake_Lane pie chart TriforceofPorridge pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 ---- ---- ---- Command Tower
1 - 2 ---- ---- ---- Demonic Tutor
1 - 3 ---- ---- ---- Grim Monolith
1 - 4 ---- ---- ---- Tectonic Giant
1 - 5 ---- ---- ---- Voltaic Key
1 - 6 ---- ---- ---- Thriving Bluff
1 - 7 ---- ---- ---- Upheaval
1 - 8 ---- ---- ---- Thalia, Heretic Cathar
1 - 9 ---- ---- ---- Pack Rat
1 - 10 ---- ---- ---- Craterhoof Behemoth
1 - 11 ---- ---- ---- Secure the Wastes
1 - 12 ---- ---- ---- Hidden Stockpile
1 - 13 ---- ---- ---- Pestermite
1 - 14 ---- ---- ---- Selesnya Signet
1 - 15 ---- ---- ---- Assure / Assemble
2 - 1 ---- ---- ---- Hexdrinker
2 - 2 ---- ---- ---- Command Tower
2 - 3 ---- ---- ---- Adorned Pouncer
2 - 4 ---- ---- ---- Cloudblazer
2 - 5 ---- ---- ---- Murder
2 - 6 ---- ---- ---- Fastbond
2 - 7 ---- ---- ---- Fyndhorn Elves
2 - 8 ---- ---- ---- Booster Tutor
2 - 9 ---- ---- ---- Yeva, Nature's Herald
2 - 10 ---- ---- ---- Verdurous Gearhulk
2 - 11 ---- ---- ---- Celestial Colonnade
2 - 12 ---- ---- ---- March of the Multitudes
2 - 13 ---- ---- ---- Flame Slash
2 - 14 ---- ---- ---- Fertile Ground
2 - 15 ---- ---- ---- Ajani, the Greathearted
3 - 1 ---- ---- ---- Seedborn Muse
3 - 2 ---- ---- ---- Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
3 - 3 ---- ---- ---- Lotus Bloom
3 - 4 ---- ---- ---- Temporal Mastery
3 - 5 ---- ---- ---- Wrath of God
3 - 6 ---- ---- ---- Dismember
3 - 7 ---- ---- ---- Sneak Attack
3 - 8 ---- ---- ---- Regal Caracal
3 - 9 ---- ---- ---- Fireball
3 - 10 ---- ---- ---- Recruiter of the Guard
3 - 11 ---- ---- ---- Woodfall Primus
3 - 12 ---- ---- ---- Shifting Ceratops
3 - 13 ---- ---- ---- Spinerock Knoll
3 - 14 ---- ---- ---- Hellrider
3 - 15 ---- ---- ---- Mother of Runes