Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart KCMike21 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Oketra's Attendant ---- Plague Belcher Cut / Ribbons
1 - 2 Magma Spray ---- Cartouche of Knowledge Devoted Crop-Mate
1 - 3 Wasteland Scorpion ---- Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun Galestrike
1 - 4 Minotaur Sureshot ---- Gust Walker Faith of the Devoted
1 - 5 Doomed Dissenter ---- Nest of Scarabs Tah-Crop Elite
1 - 6 Evolving Wilds ---- Desert Cerodon Nef-Crop Entangler
1 - 7 Winged Shepherd ---- Flameblade Adept Gift of Paradise
1 - 8 Supernatural Stamina ---- Gravedigger Desert Cerodon
1 - 9 Brute Strength ---- Cartouche of Zeal Spring / Mind
1 - 10 Initiate's Companion ---- Reduce / Rubble Minotaur Sureshot
1 - 11 Thresher Lizard ---- Supply Caravan Hekma Sentinels
1 - 12 Painful Lesson ---- Those Who Serve Painful Lesson
1 - 13 Forsake the Worldly ---- Dune Beetle Bloodlust Inciter
1 - 14 Supply Caravan ---- Gate to the Afterlife Sacred Excavation
2 - 1 Liliana's Mastery ---- Gideon of the Trials Gust Walker
2 - 2 Gust Walker ---- Evolving Wilds Oketra's Monument
2 - 3 Trueheart Twins ---- Cartouche of Ambition Censor
2 - 4 Seraph of the Suns ---- Tah-Crop Elite Horror of the Broken Lands
2 - 5 Aven Wind Guide ---- Festering Mummy Honored Crop-Captain
2 - 6 Evolving Wilds ---- Pitiless Vizier Colossapede
2 - 7 Anointer Priest ---- Miasmic Mummy Gravedigger
2 - 8 Bontu's Monument ---- Quarry Hauler Gift of Paradise
2 - 9 Miasma Mummy ---- Hekma Sentinels Miasmic Mummy
2 - 10 Glorious End ---- Tormenting Voice Supernatural Stamina
2 - 11 Fling ---- Sparring Mummy Nimble-Blade Khenra
2 - 12 Painted Bluffs ---- Honed Khopesh Grasping Dunes
2 - 13 Tormenting Voice ---- Dissenter's Deliverance Forsake the Worldly
2 - 14 Painted Bluffs ---- Dispossess Bloodlust Inciter
3 - 1 Trueheart Duelist ---- Commit / Memory Lord of the Accursed
3 - 2 Fan Bearer ---- Ahn-Crop Crasher Neheb, the Worthy
3 - 3 Compulsory Rest ---- Battlefield Scavenger Unwavering Initiate
3 - 4 Honored Crop-Captain ---- Approach of the Second Sun Doomed Dissenter
3 - 5 Sacred Cat ---- Watchful Naga Horror of the Broken Lands
3 - 6 Minotaur Sureshot ---- Destined / Lead Seraph of the Suns
3 - 7 Sacred Cat ---- Pathmaker Initiate Colossapede
3 - 8 Anointer Priest ---- Shadowstorm Vizier Hazoret's Favor
3 - 9 Dune Beetle ---- Cancel Unburden
3 - 10 Tormenting Voice ---- Tormenting Voice Renewed Faith
3 - 11 Dune Beetle ---- Compelling Argument Hekma Sentinels
3 - 12 Painful Lesson ---- Fling Cradle of the Accursed
3 - 13 Scarab Feast ---- Fling Pursue Glory
3 - 14 Forsake the Worldly ---- Forsake the Worldly Scribe of the Mindful