MilloCube - 1000 Cards

Ended 4 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart Ilario0902 pie chart Shasha pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart kascata606 pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Karn, Scion of Urza Tireless Tracker Basalt Monolith Extract Jace, the Mind Sculptor Sword of Fire and Ice Maelstrom Wanderer Thwart
1 - 2 Darkness Linvala, Keeper of Silence Vendilion Clique Sword of War and Peace Glimpse of Nature Birds of Paradise Spellbreaker Behemoth Shattered Angel
1 - 3 Lotus Blossom Grave Titan Dragon Arch Argothian Wurm Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip Craterhoof Behemoth Mystical Tutor Sword of Sinew and Steel
1 - 4 Mox Tantalite Dragonlord Silumgar Wayfarer's Bauble Rebuff the Wicked Garruk Wildspeaker Scorched Ruins Ilharg, the Raze-Boar Vulturous Zombie
1 - 5 Rampaging Baloths Steel Hellkite Mycosynth Wellspring Doom Blade Dust Elemental Vendetta Awakening Zone Forbid
1 - 6 Phyrexian Obliterator Nyx-Fleece Ram Stomping Groundfoil Ponder Pyrokinesis Strip Mine Xenagos, the Reveler Master of the Wild Hunt
1 - 7 Crypt Ghastfoil Merciless Eviction Fist of Suns Sarkhan the Mad Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Jace's Erasure Mind Stone Vraska the Unseen
1 - 8 Arbor Elf The Abyss Murderous Cut Stoke the Flames Crush of Tentacles Champion of Lambholt Lightning Greaves Darksteel Colossus
1 - 9 Night's Whisper Maelstrom Pulse Enlightened Tutor Bow of Nylea Arc Lightning Retribution of the Meek Mind's Eye Infest
1 - 10 Master Warcraft Necromancy Vampire Hexmage Rancor Crackling Doom Ball Lightning Angel of Serenity Chandra, the Firebrand
1 - 11 Catastrophe Abzan Charm Morphling Den Protector Archwing Dragon Memory Lapse Scryb Ranger Might of Old Krosa
1 - 12 Cloudthresher Azure Mage Child of Alara Savage Twister Imposing Sovereign Consume the Meek Fire Covenant Monastery Swiftspear
1 - 13 Bident of Thassa Naturalize Firemane Avenger Rockslide Elemental Feldon of the Third Path Blistering Firecat Regrowth Bloodghast
1 - 14 Spark Trooper Kor Skyfisher Serra Avenger Chalice of the Void Petrified Field Treasured Find Undiscovered Paradise Pernicious Deed
1 - 15 Stormbind The Rack Kird Ape Hellrider Torch Fiend Goblin Ruinblaster Burrenton Forge-Tender Loam Lion
2 - 1 Show and Tell Dark Depths Voltaic Key Karn Liberated Seismic Assault Bribery Wurmcoil Engine Cyclonic Rift
2 - 2 Fact or Fiction Hypnotic Specter Skullclamp Snapcaster Mage Wingmate Roc Cryptic Command *list* Staff of Domination Jace, Architect of Thought
2 - 3 Titan Forge Austere Command Bitterblossom Reanimate Odric, Master Tactician Burgeoning Bottle Gnomes Loyal Sentry
2 - 4 Tidings Gerrard's Verdict Nevinyrral's Disk Hero of Bladehold Thief of Sanity Humility Bonfire of the Damned Nissa, Who Shakes the World
2 - 5 Liege of the Pit Banisher Priest Seaside Citadel Muldrotha, the Gravetide Crucible of Worlds Sorin Markov Deep Analysis Moonsilver Spear
2 - 6 Heart of Kiran Council's Judgment Hellkite Overlord Devoted Caretaker Consuming Vapors Rhox War Monk Vithian Renegades Glorybringer
2 - 7 Dragonmaster Outcast Teneb, the Harvester Goblin Charbelcher Entreat the Angels Desertion Consume Spirit Sakura-Tribe Elder Gideon Jura
2 - 8 Sphinx's Revelation Sultai Charm Terminate Unburial Rites Huatli, Warrior Poet Xenagos, God of Revels Moltensteel Dragon Balance
2 - 9 Spell Queller Condemn Phenax, God of Deception Akroma, Angel of Wrath Pull from Tomorrow Ionize Magma Jet Oath of Druids
2 - 10 Skylasher Blightning Wildfire Dismiss Fiery Confluence Looter il-Kor Fauna Shaman Desecration Demon
2 - 11 Memnite Vigor Mortis Kargan Dragonlord Clan Defiance Innocent Blood Crumbling Necropolis Snakeform Lighthouse Chronologist
2 - 12 Reborn Hope Etherwrought Page Fulminator Mage Seething Song Lightning Skelemental Mind Funeral Fires of Yavimaya Dark Hatchling
2 - 13 Stifle Knight of Autumn Sulfuric Vortex Far / Away Skinrender Duress Undermine Stromkirk Noble
2 - 14 Day's Undoing Submerge Isolated Chapel Rakdos's Return White Knight Hall of Triumph Naya Charm Cold-Eyed Selkie
2 - 15 Jeskai Charm Dimir Charm Dust Bowl Turn to Slag Liliana's Caress Hall of the Bandit Lord Smallpox Zurgo Bellstriker
3 - 1 Hide / Seek Phyrexian Metamorph Rekindling Phoenix Virtue's Ruin Temporal Mastery Selenia, Dark Angel Mox Sapphire Skyscribing
3 - 2 Force of Will Vindicate Dragonlord Atarka Swords to Plowshares Elvish Piper Hangarback Walker Nissa, Steward of Elements Adorned Pouncer
3 - 3 Consecrated Sphinx Garruk, Apex Predator Pithing Needle Geist-Honored Monk Jace Beleren Kruphix, God of Horizons Stormbreath Dragon Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip
3 - 4 Monastery Mentor Sphinx of the Steel Wind Thraximundar Thought-Knot Seer Courser of Kruphix Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Breeding Poolfoil Murder
3 - 5 Prismatic Vista Akroma's Vengeance Maelstrom Archangel Hexdrinker Noble Hierarch Murderous Redcap Time Warp Deathrite Shaman
3 - 6 Chasm Skulker Vorosh, the Hunter Koth of the Hammerfoil Unmake Vexing Devil Vraska's Contempt Obstinate Baloth Recurring Nightmare
3 - 7 Mana Leak Armada Wurm Molten-Tail Masticore Swiftfoot Boots Prognostic Sphinx Mirri the Cursed Beast Within Reliquary Tower
3 - 8 Blinkmoth Nexus Lim-Dul's Vault Rugged Prairie Crovax the Cursed Return to Dust Verix Bladewing Nissa, Worldwaker Whip of Erebos
3 - 9 AEther Adept Corpse Dance Realm Razer Terastodon Divinity of Pride Undertaker Desert Twister Painter's Servant
3 - 10 Life / Death Profane Command Expedition Mapfoil Hindering Light Lightning Angel Might of Oaks Elder Deep-Fiend Nomad Outpost
3 - 11 Rewind Judge's Familiar Exquisite Firecraft Shizo, Death's Storehouse Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Liliana's Specter Ajani Vengeantfoil Rings of Brighthearth
3 - 12 Necropotence Cloudgoat Ranger Fling Memory Jar Render Silent Ryusei, the Falling Star Thada Adel, Acquisitor Agony Warp
3 - 13 Tombstalker Brittle Effigy Lightning Strike Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Thespian's Stage Waterfront Bouncer Trygon Predator Boros Reckoner
3 - 14 Cloudshift Energy Bolt Wooded Bastion Troll Ascetic Meddling Mage Bituminous Blast Reveillark Banefire
3 - 15 Sprouting Thrinax Leonin Relic-Warder Cadaverous Bloom False Prophet Hokori, Dust Drinker Zuran Orb Solitary Confinement Gift of Orzhova