Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart takepyr94 pie chart Minorinchan pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Winged Temple of Orazca  Flip Nezahal, Primal Tide Highland Lake Zetalpa, Primal Dawn Elenda, the Dusk Rose Merfolk Mistbinder ---- ----
1 - 2 Legion Lieutenant Daring Buccaneer Forerunner of the Empire Protean Raider Impale Wayward Swordtooth ---- ----
1 - 3 Kitesail Corsair Path of Mettle  Flip Dusk Legion Zealot Luminous Bonds Skymarcher Aspirant Martyr of Dusk ---- ----
1 - 4 Metzali, Tower of Triumph  Flip Jungleborn Pioneer Forerunner of the Empire Famished Paladin Dusk Legion Zealot Kitesail Corsair ---- ----
1 - 5 Squire's Devotion Jungleborn Pioneer Voracious Vampire Daring Buccaneer Squire's Devotion Jungleborn Pioneer ---- ----
1 - 6 Frilled Deathspitter Jungleborn Pioneer Fanatical Firebrand Enter the Unknown Waterknot Thunderherd Migration ---- ----
1 - 7 Frilled Deathspitter Mutiny Mutiny Stampeding Horncrest Sanguine Glorifier Frilled Deathspitter ---- ----
1 - 8 Buccaneer's Bravado Enter the Unknown Stampeding Horncrest Arterial Flow Pitiless Plunderer Buccaneer's Bravado ---- ----
1 - 9 Vampire Revenant Sun Sentinel Stampeding Horncrest Shake the Foundations Fathom Fleet Boarder Hardy Veteran ---- ----
1 - 10 Mutiny Soul of the Rapids River Darter Sun Sentinel Jungle Creeper Sun-Collared Raptor ---- ----
1 - 11 Blood Sun Fathom Fleet Boarder Swaggering Corsair Snubhorn Sentry Soul of the Rapids Pitiless Plunderer ---- ----
1 - 12 Brazen Freebooter Tilonalli's Crown Jadecraft Artisan Sun-Crested Pterodon Orazca Frillback Secrets of the Golden City ---- ----
1 - 13 Swab Goblin Orazca Frillback Overgrown Armasaur Swab Goblin Brazen Freebooter Blazing Hope ---- ----
1 - 14 Canal Monitor Dark Inquiry Gruesome Fate Sea Legs Sea Legs Orazca Raptor ---- ----
2 - 1 Foul Orchard Foul Orchard Highland Lake Angrath's Ambusher Elenda, the Dusk Rose Tendershoot Dryad ---- ----
2 - 2 Jadelight Ranger Hadana's Climb  Flip Tendershoot Dryad Bombard Merfolk Mistbinder Impale ---- ----
2 - 3 Waterknot Bombard Charging Tuskodon Siren Reaver Bombard Angrath's Ambusher ---- ----
2 - 4 Majestic Heliopterus Deadeye Brawler Dusk Legion Zealot Sadistic Skymarcher Champion of Dusk Etali, Primal Storm ---- ----
2 - 5 Expel from Orazca Kitesail Corsair Raging Regisaur Skymarcher Aspirant Forerunner of the Legion Forerunner of the Coalition ---- ----
2 - 6 Jungleborn Pioneer Jungleborn Pioneer Kitesail Corsair Raging Regisaur Oathsworn Vampire Dusk Legion Zealot ---- ----
2 - 7 Voracious Vampire Imperial Ceratops Kitesail Corsair Exultant Skymarcher Famished Paladin Frilled Deathspitter ---- ----
2 - 8 Frilled Deathspitter Squire's Devotion Voracious Vampire Martyr of Dusk Goblin Trailblazer Mutiny ---- ----
2 - 9 Mutiny Fathom Fleet Boarder Squire's Devotion Stampeding Horncrest Vraska's Conquistador Resplendent Griffin ---- ----
2 - 10 Sun-Collared Raptor Voracious Vampire Grasping Scoundrel Sun-Crested Pterodon Mutiny Thunderherd Migration ---- ----
2 - 11 Goblin Trailblazer Pitiless Plunderer Brazen Freebooter Buccaneer's Bravado Buccaneer's Bravado Goblin Trailblazer ---- ----
2 - 12 Snubhorn Sentry Cleansing Ray Vampire Revenant Soul of the Rapids Soul of the Rapids Goblin Trailblazer ---- ----
2 - 13 Swab Goblin Soul of the Rapids Sun-Collared Raptor Swab Goblin Dinosaur Hunter Orazca Relic ---- ----
2 - 14 Sun-Crested Pterodon Canal Monitor Canal Monitor Orazca Relic Gruesome Fate Pitiless Plunderer ---- ----
3 - 1 Charging Monstrosaur Merfolk Branchwalker Lost Vale  Flip Rampaging Ferocidon Rampaging Ferocidon Air Elemental ---- ----
3 - 2 Firecannon Blast Conqueror's Galleon  Flip Territorial Hammerskull Vanquish the Weak Territorial Hammerskull Bonded Horncrest ---- ----
3 - 3 Walk the Plank Siren Lookout Ranging Raptors Bonded Horncrest Air Elemental Tempest Caller ---- ----
3 - 4 Jade Guardian Deeproot Champion Bellowing Aegisaur Deadeye Quartermaster Bishop's Soldier Pirate's Cutlass ---- ----
3 - 5 Adanto Vanguard Sword-Point Diplomacy Adanto Vanguard Dusk Legion Dreadnought Unfriendly Fire Run Aground ---- ----
3 - 6 Sky Terror Seekers' Squire Dinosaur Stampede Dire Fleet Hoarder New Horizons Sailor of Means ---- ----
3 - 7 March of the Drowned Storm Fleet Pyromancer Thrash of Raptors Deadeye Tormentor Depths of Desire Rigging Runner ---- ----
3 - 8 Opt Marauding Looter Blossom Dryad Paladin of the Bloodstained Ixalli's Keeper Sure Strike ---- ----
3 - 9 Pious Interdiction Commune with Dinosaurs Frenzied Raptor Prying Blade Ancient Brontodon Queen's Commission ---- ----
3 - 10 Sun-Crowned Hunters Skyblade of the Legion Hijack Shipwreck Looter River Heralds' Boon Shore Keeper ---- ----
3 - 11 Desperate Castaways Tocatli Honor Guard Pterodon Knight Queen's Agent Looming Altisaur Dire Fleet Interloper ---- ----
3 - 12 Wily Goblin Ritual of Rejuvenation Rallying Roar Queen's Bay Soldier Makeshift Munitions Ixalli's Keeper ---- ----
3 - 13 Anointed Deacon Ritual of Rejuvenation Duress Ritual of Rejuvenation Brazen Buccaneers Demystify ---- ----
3 - 14 Rile Swashbuckling Sure Strike Rile Duress Shore Keeper ---- ----