Ended 7 years ago

Player Aleczander pie chart DraftBot pie chart Smurgle12 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart timaholt420 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Baffling End ---- Tilonalli's Summoner Tendershoot Dryad ---- Trapjaw Tyrant Bombard
1 - 2 ---- Merfolk Mistbinder ---- Azor's Gateway  Flip Daring Buccaneer ---- Woodland Stream Wayward Swordtooth
1 - 3 ---- Everdawn Champion ---- Curious Obsession Forerunner of the Heralds ---- Crested Herdcaller Bombard
1 - 4 ---- Storm Fleet Swashbuckler ---- Deadeye Brawler Martyr of Dusk ---- Forerunner of the Coalition Thunderherd Migration
1 - 5 ---- Waterknot ---- Majestic Heliopterus Luminous Bonds ---- Goblin Trailblazer Waterknot
1 - 6 ---- Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Dusk Legion Zealot Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Jungleborn Pioneer Giltgrove Stalker
1 - 7 ---- Deadeye Rig-Hauler ---- Riverwise Augur Majestic Heliopterus ---- Martyr of Dusk Frilled Deathspitter
1 - 8 ---- Crashing Tide ---- Giltgrove Stalker Sanguine Glorifier ---- Thunderherd Migration Pride of Conquerors
1 - 9 ---- Pirate's Pillage ---- Knight of the Stampede Soul of the Rapids ---- Mutiny Release to the Wind
1 - 10 ---- Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Sun Sentinel Sun Sentinel ---- Spire Winder Cacophodon
1 - 11 ---- Stampeding Horncrest ---- Fanatical Firebrand Sun-Collared Raptor ---- Secrets of the Golden City Secrets of the Golden City
1 - 12 ---- Giltgrove Stalker ---- Tilonalli's Crown Stampeding Horncrest ---- Spire Winder River Darter
1 - 13 ---- Overgrown Armasaur ---- Orazca Raptor Secrets of the Golden City ---- Overgrown Armasaur Gleaming Barrier
1 - 14 ---- Sea Legs ---- Fathom Fleet Boarder Canal Monitor ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Gruesome Fate
2 - 1 ---- Legion Lieutenant ---- Baffling End Stone Quarry ---- Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Captain's Hook
2 - 2 ---- Nezahal, Primal Tide ---- Bombard Curious Obsession ---- Forerunner of the Coalition Reckless Rage
2 - 3 ---- Bombard ---- Dead Man's Chest Deadeye Brawler ---- Forerunner of the Legion Silverclad Ferocidons
2 - 4 ---- Forerunner of the Empire ---- Daring Buccaneer Dire Fleet Neckbreaker ---- Bombard Riverwise Augur
2 - 5 ---- Oathsworn Vampire ---- Waterknot Famished Paladin ---- Frilled Deathspitter Protean Raider
2 - 6 ---- Giltgrove Stalker ---- Mist-Cloaked Herald Storm Fleet Sprinter ---- Impale Cherished Hatchling
2 - 7 ---- Cherished Hatchling ---- Buccaneer's Bravado Mutiny ---- Giltgrove Stalker Cherished Hatchling
2 - 8 ---- Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Cherished Hatchling Curious Obsession ---- Moment of Triumph Buccaneer's Bravado
2 - 9 ---- Knight of the Stampede ---- Resplendent Griffin Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Gleaming Barrier Moment of Triumph
2 - 10 ---- Moment of Triumph ---- Blood Sun Sun Sentinel ---- Deadeye Rig-Hauler Soul of the Rapids
2 - 11 ---- Sun-Crested Pterodon ---- Spire Winder Orazca Frillback ---- Hardy Veteran Sun-Collared Raptor
2 - 12 ---- Fanatical Firebrand ---- Orazca Raptor Swaggering Corsair ---- Jade Bearer Tilonalli's Crown
2 - 13 ---- Gruesome Fate ---- Jadecraft Artisan Overgrown Armasaur ---- Dark Inquiry Jade Bearer
2 - 14 ---- Canal Monitor ---- Orazca Raptor Gruesome Fate ---- Overgrown Armasaur Jadecraft Artisan
3 - 1 ---- Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin  Flip ---- Dreamcaller Siren Deeproot Champion ---- Walk the Plank Gishath, Sun's Avatar
3 - 2 ---- Deeproot Champion ---- Snapping Sailback Deathless Ancient ---- Perilous Voyage Firecannon Blast
3 - 3 ---- Tempest Caller ---- Raptor Hatchling Fell Flagship ---- Fiery Cannonade Colossal Dreadmaw
3 - 4 ---- Star of Extinction ---- Bonded Horncrest Tilonalli's Knight ---- Lookout's Dispersal Deeproot Warrior
3 - 5 ---- Storm Sculptor ---- Air Elemental Colossal Dreadmaw ---- Marauding Looter Tishana's Wayfinder
3 - 6 ---- Storm Fleet Spy ---- Sailor of Means Skymarch Bloodletter ---- March of the Drowned Colossal Dreadmaw
3 - 7 ---- Watertrap Weaver ---- Pious Interdiction Unknown Shores ---- Ixalli's Diviner Blossom Dryad
3 - 8 ---- Fathom Fleet Firebrand ---- Storm Fleet Pyromancer Sun-Crowned Hunters ---- Sailor of Means Ravenous Daggertooth
3 - 9 ---- Frenzied Raptor ---- Paladin of the Bloodstained Dire Fleet Interloper ---- Prosperous Pirates Pterodon Knight
3 - 10 ---- Depths of Desire ---- Sun-Crowned Hunters Fathom Fleet Cutthroat ---- Looming Altisaur Pterodon Knight
3 - 11 ---- Storm Fleet Pyromancer ---- Queen's Bay Soldier Blossom Dryad ---- Pterodon Knight Commune with Dinosaurs
3 - 12 ---- Shipwreck Looter ---- Lurking Chupacabra Hierophant's Chalice ---- Grim Captain's Call Ravenous Daggertooth
3 - 13 ---- Sunrise Seeker ---- Pirate's Prize Costly Plunder ---- Crash the Ramparts Skittering Heartstopper
3 - 14 ---- Gilded Sentinel ---- Ancient Brontodon Jungle Delver ---- Gilded Sentinel Swashbuckling