
Ended 3 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DarthSauron pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Exclusion Mage Dream Eater Lathliss, Dragon Queen Mistblade Shinobi
1 - 2 Wispweaver Angel Ingenious Infiltrator Eerie Interlude Cloudblazer
1 - 3 Aurelia's Fury Mesmerizing Benthid Augur of Bolas Gudul Lurker
1 - 4 Azorius Guildgate Lavinia of the Tenth Syr Konrad, the Grim Boros Locket
1 - 5 Aether Tunnel Familiar's Ruse Aria of Flame Wailing Ghoul
1 - 6 Akroan Conscriptor Sensor Splicer Gnaw to the Bone Plaguecrafter
1 - 7 Shock Soulherder Dragon Hatchling Draconic Disciple
1 - 8 Mist-Syndicate Naga Azorius Locket Valentin, Dean of the Vein  Flip Familiar's Ruse
1 - 9 Hunt for Specimens Felidar Guardian Regrowth Temur Battle Rage
1 - 10 Higure, the Still Wind Armed / Dangerous Beast Whisperer Throatseeker
1 - 11 Volcanic Dragon Moment of Heroism Hunt the Weak Naturalize
1 - 12 Moonblade Shinobi Atarka, World Render Jungle Hollow Unleash Fury
1 - 13 Frontier Siege Anax and Cymede Circle of Elders Grapple with the Past
1 - 14 Leonin Lightscribe Expedite Wind-Scarred Crag Scourge of Valkas
1 - 15 Godtracker of Jund Efreet Flamepainter Boros Charmfoil Boros Guildgate
2 - 1 Kor Cartographer Mistmeadow Witch Boros Signet Chandra, Fire Artisan
2 - 2 Corpse Churn Ephemerate Ephemerate Mistblade Shinobi
2 - 3 Gruul Ragebeast Semester's End Moonblade Shinobi Aqueous Form
2 - 4 Battlewise Valor Eerie Interlude Show of Confidence Ninja of the Deep Hours
2 - 5 Velomachus Lorehold Amphin Pathmage Reconnaissance Mission Crucible of Fire
2 - 6 Skarrg Guildmage Astral Steel Dimir Aqueduct Mist-Syndicate Naga
2 - 7 Archaeomancer Watcher for Tomorrow Sage Owl Sarkhan's Rage
2 - 8 Ninja of the Deep Hours Ghostly Flicker Sensor Splicer Rip Apart
2 - 9 Heartwarming Redemption Forbidding Spirit Ninja of the New Moon Cunning Evasion
2 - 10 Guttersnipe Ixidron Wildfire Eternal Mist-Cloaked Herald
2 - 11 Zada, Hedron Grinder Mavinda, Students' Advocate Master Splicer Mage Duel
2 - 12 Young Pyromancer Settle Beyond Reality Viscera Seer Fists of Flame
2 - 13 Jaya Ballard Paragon of Fierce Defiance Sanitarium Skeleton Ghoultree
2 - 14 Herdchaser Dragon Samut, the Tested Cruel Revival Adamant Will
2 - 15 Dragonlord's Servant Titanoth Rex Feather, the Redeemed Titanoth Rex
3 - 1 Brago, King Eternal Brago, King Eternal Thragtusk Golgari Signet
3 - 2 Grim Backwoods Sun Titan Mistmeadow Witch Grapeshot
3 - 3 Mnemonic Wall Wall of Omens Augury Owl Underworld Breach
3 - 4 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame Mulldrifter Hellkite Hatchling Slither Blade
3 - 5 Azra Smokeshaper Tempest Caller Dualcaster Mage Feather, the Redeemed
3 - 6 Skullsnatcher Canal Courier Eerie Interlude Pit Fight
3 - 7 Whirler Rogue Mist Raven Sunforger Oriq Loremage
3 - 8 Lyev Skyknight Slaughter the Strong Archaeomancer Gravebreaker Lamia
3 - 9 Stitcher's Supplier Wing Splicer Bolt Bend Perpetual Timepiece
3 - 10 Dread Return Light of Hope Ilysian Caryatid Krosan Drover
3 - 11 Sedge Scorpion Gudul Lurker Skullsnatcher Beaming Defiance
3 - 12 Rootless Yew Lightning Helix Undercity Informer Firebrand Archer
3 - 13 Fists of Flame Golgari Locket Destructor Dragon Back for More
3 - 14 Port of Karfell Ninja of the Deep Hours Benefaction of Rhonas Rugged Highlands
3 - 15 Runes of the Deus Forgestoker Dragon Dread Return Lorehold Pledgemage