Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart karmo pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Jadelight Ranger Champion of Twilight Stone Quarry Foul Orchard ---- Form of the Dinosaur Jungle Creeper Reaver Ambush
1 - 2 Path of Mettle  Flip Thrashing Brontodon Forerunner of the Heralds Highland Lake ---- Jungle Creeper Needletooth Raptor Path of Mettle  Flip
1 - 3 Daring Buccaneer Pirate's Pillage Raging Regisaur Majestic Heliopterus ---- Luminous Bonds Impale Luminous Bonds
1 - 4 Dusk Legion Zealot Dinosaur Hunter Voracious Vampire Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Luminous Bonds Dusk Legion Zealot Bombard
1 - 5 Pride of Conquerors Frilled Deathspitter Sun Sentinel Everdawn Champion ---- Martyr of Dusk Voracious Vampire Expel from Orazca
1 - 6 Exultant Skymarcher Enter the Unknown Squire's Devotion Deadeye Rig-Hauler ---- Jungleborn Pioneer Exultant Skymarcher Sanguine Glorifier
1 - 7 Vampire Revenant Dinosaur Hunter Giltgrove Stalker Storm Fleet Sprinter ---- Dinosaur Hunter Buccaneer's Bravado Buccaneer's Bravado
1 - 8 River Darter Grasping Scoundrel Fanatical Firebrand Grasping Scoundrel ---- Secrets of the Golden City Sanguine Glorifier Goblin Trailblazer
1 - 9 Sun-Collared Raptor Gleaming Barrier Aquatic Incursion Buccaneer's Bravado ---- Goblin Trailblazer Tilonalli's Crown Grasping Scoundrel
1 - 10 Swaggering Corsair Sun-Crested Pterodon Vraska's Conquistador Gleaming Barrier ---- Mutiny Sun-Crested Pterodon Vraska's Conquistador
1 - 11 Cleansing Ray Tilonalli's Crown Swaggering Corsair Cleansing Ray ---- Stampeding Horncrest Sun-Crested Pterodon Swaggering Corsair
1 - 12 Orazca Frillback Orazca Relic Orazca Raptor Hornswoggle ---- Orazca Raptor Spire Winder Jadecraft Artisan
1 - 13 Orazca Relic Flood of Recollection Sworn Guardian Sworn Guardian ---- Orazca Raptor Jade Bearer Pitiless Plunderer
1 - 14 Cleansing Ray Dark Inquiry Swab Goblin Canal Monitor ---- Canal Monitor Swab Goblin Swab Goblin
2 - 1 Etali, Primal Storm Foul Orchard Path of Mettle  Flip Form of the Dinosaur ---- Sphinx's Decree Forerunner of the Coalition Sphinx's Decree
2 - 2 Stone Quarry Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Reaver Ambush ---- Vona's Hunger Merfolk Mistbinder Sadistic Skymarcher
2 - 3 Voracious Vampire See Red Daring Buccaneer Sadistic Skymarcher ---- Forerunner of the Coalition Imperial Ceratops Hadana's Climb  Flip
2 - 4 Exultant Skymarcher Moment of Triumph See Red Frilled Deathspitter ---- Squire's Devotion Deadeye Brawler Enter the Unknown
2 - 5 Sanguine Glorifier Storm Fleet Sprinter Exultant Skymarcher Luminous Bonds ---- Voracious Vampire Kitesail Corsair Everdawn Champion
2 - 6 Jungleborn Pioneer Imperial Ceratops Martyr of Dusk Knight of the Stampede ---- Riverwise Augur Fanatical Firebrand Soul of the Rapids
2 - 7 Mist-Cloaked Herald Enter the Unknown Fanatical Firebrand Dinosaur Hunter ---- Buccaneer's Bravado Vampire Revenant Sanguine Glorifier
2 - 8 Vampire Revenant Grasping Scoundrel Buccaneer's Bravado Stampeding Horncrest ---- Grasping Scoundrel Giltgrove Stalker Moment of Triumph
2 - 9 Mutiny Mutiny Sun-Crested Pterodon Goblin Trailblazer ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Knight of the Stampede Goblin Trailblazer
2 - 10 Fathom Fleet Boarder Gleaming Barrier Grasping Scoundrel Arterial Flow ---- Stampeding Horncrest Deadeye Rig-Hauler Aquatic Incursion
2 - 11 Jadecraft Artisan Secrets of the Golden City Fathom Fleet Boarder Grasping Scoundrel ---- Mutiny River Darter Swaggering Corsair
2 - 12 Orazca Frillback Tilonalli's Crown Sun-Crested Pterodon Swaggering Corsair ---- Brazen Freebooter Tilonalli's Crown Orazca Frillback
2 - 13 Jadecraft Artisan Dusk Charger Canal Monitor Jadecraft Artisan ---- Jadecraft Artisan Orazca Raptor Orazca Raptor
2 - 14 Swab Goblin Swab Goblin Cleansing Ray Orazca Relic ---- Swab Goblin Canal Monitor Jade Bearer
3 - 1 Fell Flagship Waker of the Wilds Otepec Huntmaster Carnage Tyrant ---- Lightning Strike Rampaging Ferocidon Ruin Raider
3 - 2 Tempest Caller Raging Swordtooth Vanquish the Weak Drover of the Mighty ---- Imperial Aerosaur Tishana, Voice of Thunder Snapping Sailback
3 - 3 Drover of the Mighty Dark Nourishment Sleek Schooner Fiery Cannonade ---- Deadeye Plunderers Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun  Flip Raging Swordtooth
3 - 4 Jade Guardian Siren Lookout Siren Lookout Skymarch Bloodletter ---- Dark Nourishment Contract Killing Otepec Huntmaster
3 - 5 Vanquish the Weak Run Aground Bishop's Soldier Pious Interdiction ---- Watertrap Weaver Tishana's Wayfinder Vineshaper Mystic
3 - 6 Legion's Judgment Unfriendly Fire Dire Fleet Hoarder Run Aground ---- Pious Interdiction Tilonalli's Knight Nest Robber
3 - 7 River Heralds' Boon Pious Interdiction Ruthless Knave Headwater Sentries ---- Rigging Runner Blossom Dryad Pillar of Origins
3 - 8 Shaper Apprentice Skyblade of the Legion Vicious Conquistador Storm Sculptor ---- Paladin of the Bloodstained Jade Guardian March of the Drowned
3 - 9 Prying Blade Raptor Companion Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Storm Sculptor ---- Fathom Fleet Firebrand Sun-Crowned Hunters Costly Plunder
3 - 10 Shore Keeper Skyblade of the Legion Spreading Rot Shipwreck Looter ---- Pirate's Prize Fire Shrine Keeper Heartless Pillage
3 - 11 Fathom Fleet Cutthroat Encampment Keeper Blight Keeper Hijack ---- Sure Strike Ravenous Daggertooth Brazen Buccaneers
3 - 12 Shore Keeper Mark of the Vampire Headstrong Brute Pterodon Knight ---- Skittering Heartstopper Crash the Ramparts Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
3 - 13 Queen's Agent Legion Conquistador Dual Shot Spell Pierce ---- Sure Strike Ritual of Rejuvenation Encampment Keeper
3 - 14 Blinding Fog Cobbled Wings Makeshift Munitions Swashbuckling ---- Makeshift Munitions Mark of the Vampire Costly Plunder