A25 / A25 / A25 / A25

Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart goblinsniffer pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Jalira, Master Polymorphist ---- Zada, Hedron Grinder Armageddon Fetid Heath Hordeling Outburst Ruthless Ripper Hordeling Outburst
1 - 2 Will-o'-the-Wisp ---- Vindicate Geist of the Moors Skeletonize Will-o'-the-Wisp Savannah Lions Iwamori of the Open Fist
1 - 3 Crimson Mage ---- Savannah Lions Hordeling Outburst Undead Gladiator Savannah Lions Geist of the Moors Skeletonize
1 - 4 Primal Clay ---- Savannah Lions Geist of the Moors Geist of the Moors Ruthless Ripper Dragon's Eye Savants Zada, Hedron Grinder
1 - 5 Brainstorm ---- Brainstorm Skeletonize Dragon's Eye Savants Ruthless Ripper Brainstorm Crimson Mage
1 - 6 Primal Clay ---- Brainstorm Dragon's Eye Savants Shadowmage Infiltrator Colossal Dreadmaw Dragon's Eye Savants Crimson Mage
1 - 7 Fencing Ace ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Perilous Myr Ainok Survivalist Brainstorm Brainstorm Ainok Survivalist
1 - 8 Primal Clay ---- Ancient Stirrings Dragon's Eye Savants Assembly-Worker Frenzied Goblin Sundering Titan Fencing Ace
1 - 9 Primal Clay ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Fallen Angel Loyal Sentry Ruthless Ripper Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Fencing Ace
1 - 10 Ruthless Ripper ---- Krosan Tusker Flooded Grove Pillage Frenzied Goblin Fencing Ace Assembly-Worker
1 - 11 Congregate ---- Angelic Page Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Court Hussar Renewed Faith Assembly-Worker Undead Gladiator
1 - 12 Pillage ---- Geist of the Moors Assembly-Worker Pillage Frenzied Goblin Jackal Pup Ghost Ship
1 - 13 Plummet ---- Pillage Dragon's Eye Savants Pillage Congregate Quicksilver Dagger Sai of the Shinobi
1 - 14 Plummet ---- Renewed Faith Jackal Pup Assembly-Worker Conflux Ghost Ship Plummet
2 - 1 Luminarch Ascension ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Assembly-Worker Luminarch Ascension Skeletonize Cascade Bluffs Skeletonize
2 - 2 Assembly-Worker ---- Zada, Hedron Grinder Skeletonize Assembly-Worker Skeletonize Hordeling Outburst Cinder Storm
2 - 3 Crimson Mage ---- Fencing Ace Crimson Mage Assembly-Worker Ruthless Ripper Ancient Craving Skeletonize
2 - 4 Hordeling Outburst ---- Savannah Lions Crimson Mage Geist of the Moors Colossal Dreadmaw Niv-Mizzet, the Firemindfoil Will-o'-the-Wisp
2 - 5 Geist of the Moors ---- Brainstorm Fencing Ace Crimson Mage Geist of the Moors Savannah Lions Geist of the Moors
2 - 6 Ruthless Ripper ---- Blood Moon Ruthless Ripper Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Brainstorm Dragon's Eye Savants Loyal Sentry
2 - 7 Hordeling Outburst ---- Shadowmage Infiltrator Savannah Lions Flooded Grove Savannah Lions Ainok Survivalist Primal Clay
2 - 8 Frenzied Goblin ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Primal Clay Ainok Survivalist Dragon's Eye Savants Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Geist of the Moors
2 - 9 Brainstorm ---- Frenzied Goblin Perilous Myr Promise of Bunrei Brainstorm Loyal Sentry Pillage
2 - 10 Congregate ---- Primal Clay Spikeshot Goblin Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Ruthless Ripper Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Frenzied Goblin
2 - 11 Pillage ---- Pillage Rugged Prairie Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Jackal Pup Ghost Ship Rugged Prairie
2 - 12 Blood Moon ---- Street Wraith Jackal Pup Court Hussar Renewed Faith Exclude Simian Spirit Guide
2 - 13 Renewed Faith ---- Zombify Sai of the Shinobi Jackal Pup Renewed Faith Renewed Faith Pillage
2 - 14 Pillage ---- Plummet Court Hussar Plummet Court Hussar Renewed Faith Angelic Page
3 - 1 Zada, Hedron Grinder ---- Cinder Storm Cascade Bluffs Jalira, Master Polymorphist Assembly-Worker Hordeling Outburst Cinder Storm
3 - 2 Relentless Rats ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Skeletonize Cinder Storm Luminarch Ascension Ruthless Ripper Geist of the Moors
3 - 3 Fencing Ace ---- Vindicate Assembly-Worker Geist of the Moors Ire Shaman Loyal Sentry Dragon's Eye Savants
3 - 4 Primal Clay ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Assembly-Worker Crimson Mage Ruthless Ripper Hordeling Outburst Dragon's Eye Savants
3 - 5 Ruthless Ripper ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Loyal Sentry Loyal Sentry Ruthless Ripper Ainok Survivalist Crimson Mage
3 - 6 Geist of the Moors ---- Colossal Dreadmaw Dragon's Eye Savants Sundering Titan Primal Clay Will-o'-the-Wisp Primal Clay
3 - 7 Brainstorm ---- Brainstorm Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Fallen Angel Dragon's Eye Savants Regrowth Primal Clay
3 - 8 Savannah Lions ---- Savannah Lions Ainok Survivalist Brainstorm Pillage Ainok Survivalist Borrowing 100,000 Arrows
3 - 9 Brainstorm ---- Blood Moon Loyal Sentry Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Congregate Ihsan's Shade Savannah Lions
3 - 10 Frenzied Goblin ---- Frenzied Goblin Fallen Angel Ainok Survivalist Regrowth Rugged Prairie Rugged Prairie
3 - 11 Renewed Faith ---- Frenzied Goblin Dragon's Eye Savants Ghost Ship Colossal Dreadmaw Pillage Renewed Faith
3 - 12 Court Hussar ---- Renewed Faith Pillage Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Street Wraith Fallen Angel Renewed Faith
3 - 13 Angelic Page ---- Court Hussar Ihsan's Shade Freed from the Real Jackal Pup Court Hussar Renewed Faith
3 - 14 Jackal Pup ---- Plummet Sai of the Shinobi Plummet Renewed Faith Simian Spirit Guide Mesmeric Fiend
4 - 1 Cinder Storm ---- Doomsday Cinder Storm Cinder Storm Akroma, Angel of Fury Jalira, Master Polymorphist Cinder Storm
4 - 2 Cinder Storm ---- Vindicate Hordeling Outburst Crimson Mage Cinder Storm Hordeling Outburst Zada, Hedron Grinder
4 - 3 Cinder Storm ---- Crimson Mage Dragon's Eye Savants Crimson Mage Pact of Negation Hordeling Outburst Skeletonize
4 - 4 Dragon's Eye Savants ---- Savannah Lions Vindicate Undead Gladiator Geist of the Moors Hordeling Outburst Assembly-Worker
4 - 5 Assembly-Worker ---- Assembly-Worker Loyal Sentry Ainok Survivalist Fetid Heath Hordeling Outburst Akroma's Vengeance
4 - 6 Ruthless Ripper ---- Geist of the Moors Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Geist of the Moors Crimson Mage Fencing Ace Undead Gladiator
4 - 7 Loyal Sentry ---- Brainstorm Loyal Sentry Ruthless Ripper Colossal Dreadmaw Loyal Sentry Ainok Survivalist
4 - 8 Brainstorm ---- Dragon's Eye Savants Will-o'-the-Wisp Brainstorm Primal Clay Spikeshot Goblin Primal Clay
4 - 9 Primal Clay ---- Brainstorm Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" Living Deathfoil Brainstorm Regrowth Ainok Survivalist
4 - 10 Brainstorm ---- Pillage Utopia Sprawl Promise of Bunrei Angelic Page Regrowth Lightning Bolt
4 - 11 Browbeat ---- Renewed Faith Fencing Ace Jackal Pup Street Wraith Ghost Ship Primal Clay
4 - 12 Angelic Page ---- Primal Clay Ghost Ship Ghost Ship Street Wraith Promise of Bunrei Freed from the Real
4 - 13 Ghost Ship ---- Court Hussar Renewed Faith Jackal Pup Frenzied Goblin Court Hussar Jackal Pup
4 - 14 Renewed Faith ---- Court Hussar Court Hussar Myriad Landscape Plummet Court Hussar Plummet