Ended 7 years ago

Player wizardpch pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- Magus of the Vineyard Even the Odds Ramosian Revivalist Centaur Omenreader Spin into Myth Goldmeadow Lookout Mystic Speculation
1 - 2 ---- Glittering Wish Even the Odds Skizzik Surger Aven Mindcensor Bonded Fetch Sword of the Meek Quagnoth
1 - 3 ---- Heartwood Storyteller Virulent Sliver Keldon Megaliths Frenzy Sliver Nacatl War-Pride Pyromancer's Swath Emblem of the Warmind
1 - 4 ---- Shimian Specter Dryad Arbor Imperiosaur Spin into Myth Darksteel Garrison Virulent Sliver Homing Sliver
1 - 5 ---- Homing Sliver Festering March Death Rattle Quiet Disrepair Thornweald Archer Leaden Fists Darksteel Garrison
1 - 6 ---- Leaden Fists Augur of Skulls Nessian Courser Leaden Fists Thornweald Archer Infiltrator il-Kor Nessian Courser
1 - 7 ---- Ghostfire Wrap in Vigor Pact of the Titan Samite Censer-Bearer Nessian Courser Narcomoeba Nessian Courser
1 - 8 ---- Whip-Spine Drake Oblivion Crown Narcomoeba Nessian Courser Judge Unworthy Mesmeric Sliver Judge Unworthy
1 - 9 ---- Llanowar Empath Judge Unworthy Judge Unworthy Venser's Diffusion Whip-Spine Drake Venser's Diffusion Arcanum Wings
1 - 10 ---- Marshaling Cry Venser's Diffusion Bogardan Lancer Venser's Diffusion Bogardan Lancer Wrap in Vigor Augur il-Vec
1 - 11 ---- Emberwilde Augur Bogardan Lancer Fomori Nomad Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction Unblinking Bleb Llanowar Augur
1 - 12 ---- Grave Scrabbler Henchfiend of Ukor Emberwilde Augur Deepcavern Imp Augur il-Vec Henchfiend of Ukor Rift Elemental
1 - 13 ---- Vedalken Aethermage Mass of Ghouls Gathan Raiders Aven Augur Rift Elemental Gathan Raiders Unblinking Bleb
1 - 14 ---- Flowstone Embrace Aven Augur Deepcavern Imp Gift of Granite Unblinking Bleb Saltskitter Flowstone Embrace
2 - 1 ---- Spin into Myth Second Wind Angel of Salvation Quagnoth Grove of the Burnwillows Spin into Myth Bonded Fetch
2 - 2 ---- Seht's Tiger Death Rattle Sword of the Meek Spellwild Ouphe Nihilith Utopia Mycon Graven Cairns
2 - 3 ---- Leaden Fists Spellwild Ouphe Stronghold Rats Spellwild Ouphe Mistmeadow Skulk Dryad Arbor Tolaria West
2 - 4 ---- Homing Sliver Grinning Ignus Sliversmith Leaden Fists Frenzy Sliver Magus of the Abyss Riddle of Lightning
2 - 5 ---- Llanowar Empath Homing Sliver Mesmeric Sliver Virulent Sliver Thunderblade Charge Cryptic Annelid Kavu Primarch
2 - 6 ---- Thornweald Archer Samite Censer-Bearer Leaden Fists Ghostfire Nessian Courser Street Wraith Char-Rumbler
2 - 7 ---- Kavu Primarch Blade of the Sixth Pride Festering March Logic Knot Venser's Diffusion Llanowar Augur Lost Hours
2 - 8 ---- Oblivion Crown Llanowar Empath Marshaling Cry Vedalken Aethermage Marshaling Cry Sarcomite Myr Infiltrator il-Kor
2 - 9 ---- Grave Peril Haze of Rage Grave Scrabbler Fomori Nomad Aven Augur Oblivion Crown Vedalken Aethermage
2 - 10 ---- Aven Augur Patrician's Scorn Emberwilde Augur Patrician's Scorn Lost Hours Augur il-Vec Cloudseeder
2 - 11 ---- Rift Elemental Augur il-Vec Blind Phantasm Emberwilde Augur Henchfiend of Ukor Fatal Attraction Logic Knot
2 - 12 ---- Aven Augur Rift Elemental Patrician's Scorn Unblinking Bleb New Benalia Bogardan Lancer Deepcavern Imp
2 - 13 ---- Putrid Cyclops Gathan Raiders Gathan Raiders Deepcavern Imp Grave Scrabbler Patrician's Scorn Cutthroat il-Dal
2 - 14 ---- Cutthroat il-Dal Cutthroat il-Dal Gift of Granite Unblinking Bleb Rift Elemental Saltskitter Grave Scrabbler
3 - 1 ---- Magus of the Future Cloud Key Spin into Myth Goldmeadow Lookout Tolaria West Mystic Speculation Sword of the Meek
3 - 2 ---- Spirit en-Dal Pooling Venom Bonded Fetch Magus of the Future Sword of the Meek Magus of the Future Take Possession
3 - 3 ---- Linessa, Zephyr Mage Shimian Specter Skizzik Surger Witch's Mist Utopia Mycon Sprout Swarm Sword of the Meek
3 - 4 ---- Imperiosaur Kavu Primarch Llanowar Reborn Ghostfire Virulent Sliver Witch's Mist Death Rattle
3 - 5 ---- Homing Sliver Llanowar Empath Narcomoeba Ghostfire Blade of the Sixth Pride Leaden Fists Death Rattle
3 - 6 ---- Darksteel Garrison Death Rattle Grave Peril Llanowar Augur Ichor Slick Sparkspitter Oblivion Crown
3 - 7 ---- Leaden Fists Ghostfire Ghostfire Lost Hours Bogardan Lancer Quiet Disrepair Infiltrator il-Kor
3 - 8 ---- Wrap in Vigor Oblivion Crown Sparkspitter Blade of the Sixth Pride Narcomoeba Aven Augur Whip-Spine Drake
3 - 9 ---- Grinning Ignus Lost Hours Lymph Sliver Nessian Courser Infiltrator il-Kor Marshaling Cry Mass of Ghouls
3 - 10 ---- Char-Rumbler Venser's Diffusion Char-Rumbler Fomori Nomad Samite Censer-Bearer Sporoloth Ancient Lumithread Field
3 - 11 ---- Grave Scrabbler Judge Unworthy Bogardan Lancer Judge Unworthy Unblinking Bleb Llanowar Empath Logic Knot
3 - 12 ---- Fatal Attraction Unblinking Bleb Deepcavern Imp Petrified Plating Bogardan Lancer Gathan Raiders Bogardan Lancer
3 - 13 ---- Fomori Nomad Patrician's Scorn Rift Elemental Unblinking Bleb Unblinking Bleb Grave Scrabbler Lucent Liminid
3 - 14 ---- Deepcavern Imp Minions' Murmurs Unblinking Bleb Flowstone Embrace Gathan Raiders Saltskitter Gathan Raiders