Ended 11 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart mtglol888 pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Seasoned Consultant Goblin Maskmaker Crowd-Control Warden Gearbane Orangutan Nervous Gardener Snarling Gorehound Slime Against Humanity Sanitation Automaton
1 - 2 Cold Case Cracker Tunnel Tipster Inside Source Slice from the Shadows Vitu-Ghazi Inspector Demand Answers Pick Your Poison Person of Interest
1 - 3 Escape Tunnel Projektor Inspector Public Thoroughfare Gravestone Strider Rakish Scoundrel Faerie Snoop Hedge Whisperer Rubblebelt Braggart
1 - 4 Tunnel Tipster On the Job Fanatical Strength Out Cold Benthic Criminologists Makeshift Binding Neighborhood Guardian Rot Farm Mortipede
1 - 5 Slice from the Shadows Defenestrated Phantom Wrench Slice from the Shadows Benthic Criminologists Faerie Snoop It Doesn't Add Up Tunnel Tipster
1 - 6 Benthic Criminologists Goblin Maskmaker Rakish Scoundrel Riftburst Hellion Due Diligence On the Job Buried in the Garden Sanguine Savior
1 - 7 Behind the Mask Museum Nightwatch Galvanize Offender at Large Reasonable Doubt Felonious Rage Island Innocent Bystander
1 - 8 Crowd-Control Warden Reasonable Doubt Cerebral Confiscation Topiary Panther Public Thoroughfare Innocent Bystander Rubblebelt Braggart Loxodon Eavesdropper
1 - 9 Agency Coroner Demand Answers Topiary Panther Auspicious Arrival Unauthorized Exit Vengeful Creeper Magnifying Glass Undercover Crocodelf
1 - 10 Defenestrated Phantom Unscrupulous Agent Topiary Panther Worldsoul's Rage Shady Informant Macabre Reconstruction Push / Pull Culvert Ambusher
1 - 11 Break Out Clandestine Meddler Presumed Dead Unauthorized Exit On the Job Out Cold Slimy Dualleech Mistway Spy
1 - 12 Absolving Lammasu Sanctuary Wall Soul Search Burden of Proof Chalk Outline Polygraph Orb Lightning Helix Defenestrated Phantom
1 - 13 Case of the Gateway Express Connecting the Dots Thundering Falls Harried Dronesmith Living Conundrum Essence of Antiquity Assassin's Trophy Torch the Witness
1 - 14 Proft's Eidetic Memory Kellan, Inquisitive Prodigy Magnifying Glass Red Herring Krenko, Baron of Tin Street Deadly Cover-Up Aurelia, the Law Above Agency Outfitter
1 - 15 Plains Mountain Plains Forest Forest Plains Shock Plains
2 - 1 Alley Assailant Benthic Criminologists Extract a Confession Suspicious Detonation Behind the Mask Gearbane Orangutan Red Herring Due Diligence
2 - 2 Rot Farm Mortipede Sanitation Automaton Slice from the Shadows Due Diligence Out Cold Macabre Reconstruction Soul Search Defenestrated Phantom
2 - 3 Faerie Snoop Seasoned Consultant Benthic Criminologists Sanitation Automaton Sanguine Savior Dog Walker Dog Walker Pick Your Poison
2 - 4 Topiary Panther Rot Farm Mortipede Loxodon Eavesdropper Bubble Smuggler Extract a Confession Wrench Shock The Chase is On
2 - 5 Marketwatch Phantom Basilica Stalker Due Diligence Makeshift Binding Out Cold Sanguine Savior Wrench Cerebral Confiscation
2 - 6 Nervous Gardener Airtight Alibi Agency Coroner Marketwatch Phantom Escape Tunnel Rubblebelt Braggart Aftermath Analyst Rubblebelt Braggart
2 - 7 They Went This Way Offender at Large Toxin Analysis Wrench On the Job Gadget Technician Magnifying Glass Seasoned Consultant
2 - 8 Inside Source Buried in the Garden Topiary Panther Gravestone Strider Griffnaut Tracker Granite Witness Topiary Panther Wrench
2 - 9 Leering Onlooker Vitu-Ghazi Inspector Repeat Offender Haazda Vigilante Cold Case Cracker Person of Interest Plains Granite Witness
2 - 10 It Doesn't Add Up Agency Coroner Escape Tunnel Galvanize Riftburst Hellion Seasoned Consultant Case of the Gorgon's Kiss Case File Auditor
2 - 11 Forensic Researcher Frantic Scapegoat Agency Outfitter Buried in the Garden Essence of Antiquity Crimestopper Sprite Mountain Meddling Youths
2 - 12 Kraul Whipcracker Rope Festerleech Rune-Brand Juggler Buried in the Garden Hunted Bonebrute Swamp Fae Flight
2 - 13 Curious Cadaver No More Lies Soul Search Massacre Girl, Known Killer Red Herring Expose the Culprit Wojek Investigator Melek, Reforged Researcherfoil
2 - 14 No Witnesses Axebane Ferox Swamp Shock Krenko's Buzzcrusher Culvert Ambusher Red Herring Izoni, Center of the Web
2 - 15 Shock Red Herring Magnifying Glass Murder Swamp Forest Island Mountain
3 - 1 Unauthorized Exit Unscrupulous Agent Fanatical Strength Sanitation Automaton Crimestopper Sprite Reasonable Doubt Caught Red-Handed Suspicious Detonation
3 - 2 Cerebral Confiscation Make Your Move Crimestopper Sprite Macabre Reconstruction Due Diligence Defenestrated Phantom Greenbelt Radical Shady Informant
3 - 3 Undercover Crocodelf Person of Interest Novice Inspector Innocent Bystander Galvanize Gadget Technician Push / Pull Macabre Reconstruction
3 - 4 Pick Your Poison Fanatical Strength Fanatical Strength Fanatical Strength Slice from the Shadows Vengeful Creeper Pick Your Poison Macabre Reconstruction
3 - 5 Sanitation Automaton Makeshift Binding Out Cold Marketwatch Phantom Cold Case Cracker Makeshift Binding Swamp Undercover Crocodelf
3 - 6 Tunnel Tipster Bubble Smuggler Nervous Gardener Crimestopper Sprite Unauthorized Exit Alley Assailant Gearbane Orangutan Dog Walker
3 - 7 Rakish Scoundrel Airtight Alibi Gadget Technician Escape Tunnel The Chase is On Nervous Gardener Unscrupulous Agent Crowd-Control Warden
3 - 8 Repeat Offender The Chase is On Demand Answers Goblin Maskmaker Goblin Maskmaker Hotshot Investigators Tin Street Gossip Thinking Cap
3 - 9 Felonious Rage Goblin Maskmaker Deduce Crowd-Control Warden Seasoned Consultant Cornered Crook Buried in the Garden Macabre Reconstruction
3 - 10 Due Diligence Sanguine Savior Festerleech Felonious Rage Bubble Smuggler Wrench Insidious Roots Extract a Confession
3 - 11 Crowd-Control Warden Detective's Satchel Candlestick Pompous Gadabout Gearbane Orangutan Harried Dronesmith Magnifying Glass Commercial District
3 - 12 Swamp Harried Dronesmith Evidence Examiner Absolving Lammasu Insidious Roots Hedge Whisperer Forest Branch of Vitu-Ghazi
3 - 13 It Doesn't Add Up Red Herring No Witnesses Lamplight Phoenix Crime Novelist Coveted Falcon Homicide Investigator Flotsam / Jetsam
3 - 14 Concealed Weapon Cryptex Shock Mountain Red Herring Commercial District Swamp Call a Surprise Witness
3 - 15 Scene of the Crime Officious Interrogation Mountain Magnifying Glass Murder Island Forest Red Herring