Player SorinSolemnVisitor pie chart bearman7775 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Falke pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 ---- ---- Aethersphere Harvester Karn Liberated ---- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Watery Gravefoil Polluted Delta
1 - 2 ---- ---- Tidings Chromatic Lantern ---- Jace Beleren Bloom Tender Sorin Markov
1 - 3 ---- ---- Path to Exile Odric, Lunarch Marshal ---- Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil Hedron Archivefoil Glen Elendra Archmage
1 - 4 ---- ---- Shrine of Loyal Legions Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni ---- Elspeth, Knight-Errant Goblin Rabblemaster Verdurous Gearhulk
1 - 5 ---- ---- Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Scatter to the Winds ---- Masked Admirers Saheeli Rai Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1 - 6 ---- ---- Flooded Strand Precursor Golem ---- Pia and Kiran Nalaar Brimaz, King of Oreskos Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
1 - 7 ---- ---- Spellskite Body Double ---- Whipflare Vraska the Unseen Creeping Tar Pit
1 - 8 ---- ---- Solemn Recruit Verdant Catacombs ---- Lightning Strike Distended Mindbender Shelldock Isle
1 - 9 ---- ---- Arid Mesa Devoted Druid ---- Tasigur, the Golden Fang Hellrider Asylum Visitor
1 - 10 ---- ---- Thrun, the Last Troll Flinthoof Boar ---- Avenger of Zendikar Azure Mage Mirror Entity
1 - 11 ---- ---- Staggershock Devour Flesh ---- Joraga Treespeaker Journey to Nowhere Banishing Light
1 - 12 ---- ---- Oust Stirring Wildwood ---- Phyrexian Revoker Progenitor Mimic Silent Departure
1 - 13 ---- ---- Kessig Wolf Run Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ---- Knight of Meadowgrain Chandra's Phoenix Temporal Isolation
1 - 14 ---- ---- Greater Gargadon Chained to the Rocks ---- Crystal Shard Canopy Vista Borderland Marauder
1 - 15 ---- ---- Garruk Relentless  Flip Torch Fiend ---- Windbrisk Heights Disenchant Geralf's Messenger
2 - 1 ---- ---- Vendilion Clique Thriving Grubs ---- Batterskull Birds of Paradise Genju of the Spires
2 - 2 ---- ---- Mulldrifter Temporal Mastery ---- Thalia, Heretic Cathar Sower of Temptation Yahenni's Expertise
2 - 3 ---- ---- Mind Stone Prophet of Kruphix ---- Rampaging Baloths Goldnight Castigator Trophy Mage
2 - 4 ---- ---- Thoughtseize Hangarback Walker ---- Cyclonic Rift Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip Thunderbreak Regent
2 - 5 ---- ---- Gideon, Champion of Justice Elvish Mystic ---- Glint-Sleeve Siphoner Farseek Sylvan Advocate
2 - 6 ---- ---- Searing Blood Mikaeus, the Lunarch ---- Young Pyromancer Misty Rainforest Oracle of Mul Daya
2 - 7 ---- ---- Elspeth Tirel Rabid Bite ---- Felidar Guardian Palladium Myr Geist of Saint Traft
2 - 8 ---- ---- Psionic Blast Devil's Play ---- Night's Whisper Martial Coup Hornet Nest
2 - 9 ---- ---- Duress Craterhoof Behemoth ---- Viridian Emissary Valorous Stance Twilight Mire
2 - 10 ---- ---- Go for the Throat Tooth and Nail ---- Garruk, Primal Hunter Avacyn's Pilgrim Zealous Conscripts
2 - 11 ---- ---- Anger of the Gods Blade Splicer ---- Grim Lavamancer Release the Gremlins Gideon's Lawkeeper
2 - 12 ---- ---- Voice of Resurgence Condemn ---- Fleecemane Lion Overgrown Tombfoil Electrolyze
2 - 13 ---- ---- Whisperwood Elemental Kor Hookmaster ---- Profane Command Maelstrom Pulse Sakura-Tribe Elder
2 - 14 ---- ---- Voltaic Brawler Spirit of the Labyrinth ---- Graveborn Muse Stromkirk Noble Eldritch Evolution
2 - 15 ---- ---- Shrine of Burning Rage Temple of Malady ---- Trygon Predator Karplusan Forest Vengevine
3 - 1 ---- ---- Rune Snag Archangel Avacyn  Flip ---- Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip Gilded Lotusfoil Noble Hierarch
3 - 2 ---- ---- Lotus Cobra Nahiri, the Harbinger ---- Winding Constrictor Primeval Titan Consecrated Sphinx
3 - 3 ---- ---- Ulcerate Restoration Angel ---- Flame Slash Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip Mind Control
3 - 4 ---- ---- Spell Queller Bribery ---- Whirler Rogue Entreat the Angels Chandra, Flamecaller
3 - 5 ---- ---- Dead / Gone Liliana Vess ---- Mayor of Avabruck  Flip Mimic Vat Prismatic Lens
3 - 6 ---- ---- Skysovereign, Consul Flagship Chasm Skulker ---- Essence Scatter Phantasmal Image Quarantine Field
3 - 7 ---- ---- Arlinn Kord  Flip Lash Out ---- Seachrome Coast Gifts Ungiven Rishkar, Peema Renegade
3 - 8 ---- ---- Inferno Titan Doom Blade ---- Cascade Bluffs Pestermite Terastodon
3 - 9 ---- ---- Stratus Dancer Polukranos, World Eater ---- Utopia Sprawl Ruthless Ripper Pyroclasm
3 - 10 ---- ---- Kitchen Finks Koth of the Hammerfoil ---- Far / Away Pilgrim's Eye Kiora, Master of the Depths
3 - 11 ---- ---- Wake Thrasher Looter il-Kor ---- Despise Arbor Elf Inquisition of Kozilek
3 - 12 ---- ---- Overwhelming Stampede Student of Warfare ---- Bonesplitter Exquisite Firecraft Traverse the Ulvenwald
3 - 13 ---- ---- Seeker of the Way Boggart Ram-Gang ---- Selesnya Charm Hero of Oxid Ridge Managorger Hydra
3 - 14 ---- ---- Search for Tomorrow Adarkar Wastes ---- Temple of Triumph Porcelain Legionnaire Stormblood Berserker
3 - 15 ---- ---- Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Fertile Ground ---- Wickerbough Elder Firedrinker Satyr Jinxed Choker