Ended 8 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart GrumpyKate pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Solemn Recruit ---- Shock Sram, Senior Edificer Ridgescale Tusker Aethersphere Harvester Rishkar's Expertise Yahenni, Undying Partisan
1 - 2 Airdrop Aeronauts ---- Shock Rogue Refiner Hungry Flames Daring Demolition Aether Chaser Felidar Guardian
1 - 3 Druid of the Cowl ---- Aether Chaser Aether Chaser Dawnfeather Eagle Renegade Rallier Inspiring Statuary Tezzeret's Touch
1 - 4 Servo Schematic ---- Enraged Giant Prey Upon Aeronaut Admiral Cogwork Assembler Prey Upon Druid of the Cowl
1 - 5 Hidden Stockpile ---- Prey Upon Dawnfeather Eagle Hidden Stockpile Lifecrafter's Gift Aerial Modification Cruel Finality
1 - 6 Deft Dismissal ---- Cruel Finality Consulate Dreadnought Countless Gears Renegade Weldfast Engineer Cogwork Assembler Whir of Invention
1 - 7 Decommission ---- Mobile Garrison Sweatworks Brawler Efficient Construction Audacious Infiltrator Sweatworks Brawler Unbridled Growth
1 - 8 Highspire Infusion ---- Audacious Infiltrator Countless Gears Renegade Welder Automaton Irontread Crusher Irontread Crusher Welder Automaton
1 - 9 Alley Strangler ---- Foundry Assembler Welder Automaton Audacious Infiltrator Highspire Infusion Night Market Guard Hinterland Drake
1 - 10 Decommission ---- Implement of Examination Conviction Silkweaver Elite Destructive Tampering Foundry Assembler Reservoir Walker
1 - 11 Consulate Turret ---- Implement of Malice Frontline Rebel Night Market Guard Frontline Rebel Salvage Scuttler Universal Solvent
1 - 12 Consulate Turret ---- Watchful Automaton Destructive Tampering Consulate Turret Filigree Crawler Implement of Combustion Renegade's Getaway
1 - 13 Aegis Automaton ---- Negate Embraal Gear-Smasher Implement of Improvement Implement of Improvement Precise Strike Bastion Enforcer
1 - 14 Prizefighter Construct ---- Fourth Bridge Prowler Precise Strike Implement of Improvement Renegade's Getaway Wrangle Lathnu Sailback
2 - 1 Rishkar, Peema Renegade ---- Quicksmith Spy Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Gifted Aetherborn Chandra's Revolution Yahenni's Expertise Scrap Trawler
2 - 2 Midnight Entourage ---- Treasure Keeper Druid of the Cowl Aether Chaser Gifted Aetherborn Reckless Racer Wind-Kin Raiders
2 - 3 Barricade Breaker ---- Pia's Revolution Aid from the Cowl Daredevil Dragster Shock Scrounging Bandar Maulfist Revolutionary
2 - 4 Reckless Racer ---- Trophy Mage Cruel Finality Aether Chaser Renegade Map Daredevil Dragster Cruel Finality
2 - 5 Siege Modification ---- Dawnfeather Eagle Chandra's Revolution Lifecrafter's Gift Druid of the Cowl Dawnfeather Eagle Weldfast Engineer
2 - 6 Tezzeret's Touch ---- Barricade Breaker Ironclad Revolutionary Countless Gears Renegade Invigorated Rampage Aether Herder Efficient Construction
2 - 7 Bastion Inventor ---- Implement of Ferocity Aether Herder Aether Herder Irontread Crusher Welder Automaton Dawnfeather Eagle
2 - 8 Siege Modification ---- Welder Automaton Gremlin Infestation Ghirapur Osprey Bastion Inventor Audacious Infiltrator Ghirapur Osprey
2 - 9 Welder Automaton ---- Highspire Infusion Conviction Ice Over Irontread Crusher Night Market Aeronaut Aether Swooper
2 - 10 Metallic Rebuke ---- Filigree Crawler Filigree Crawler Illusionist's Stratagem Metallic Rebuke Irontread Crusher Bastion Inventor
2 - 11 Embraal Gear-Smasher ---- Universal Solvent Indomitable Creativity Decommission Metallic Rebuke Ice Over Watchful Automaton
2 - 12 Negate ---- Destructive Tampering Shipwreck Moray Wrangle Frontline Rebel Night Market Guard Shipwreck Moray
2 - 13 Resourceful Return ---- Renegade's Getaway Aegis Automaton Foundry Assembler Destructive Tampering Wrangle Fourth Bridge Prowler
2 - 14 Negate ---- Take into Custody Bastion Enforcer Natural Obsolescence Dispersal Technician Dispersal Technician Renegade's Getaway
3 - 1 Fairgrounds Warden ---- Armorcraft Judge Master Trinketeer Aetherstorm Roc Dovin Baan Longtusk Cub Weaponcraft Enthusiast
3 - 2 Empyreal Voyager ---- Revoke Privileges Prophetic Prism Revoke Privileges Welding Sparks Peema Outrider Elegant Edgecrafters
3 - 3 Tidy Conclusion ---- Voltaic Brawler Weaponcraft Enthusiast Consul's Shieldguard Fabrication Module Aether Hub Inventor's Apprentice
3 - 4 Trusty Companion ---- Veteran Motorist Riparian Tiger Hunt the Weak Chandra's Pyrohelix Brazen Scourge Glint-Nest Crane
3 - 5 Hunt the Weak ---- Hunt the Weak Fateful Showdown Midnight Oil Consul's Shieldguard Aetherflux Reservoir Decoction Module
3 - 6 Tidy Conclusion ---- Weldfast Monitor Speedway Fanatic Attune with Aether Thriving Turtle Foundry Screecher Spireside Infiltrator
3 - 7 AEther Tradewinds ---- Speedway Fanatic Lawless Broker Spirebluff Canal Wind Drake Prakhata Pillar-Bug Narnam Cobra
3 - 8 Prakhata Pillar-Bug ---- Hunt the Weak Aether Theorist Built to Smash Thriving Grubs Prakhata Pillar-Bug Reckless Fireweaver
3 - 9 Spontaneous Artist ---- Start Your Engines Eager Construct Skyswirl Harrier Rush of Vitality Maulfist Squad Built to Smash
3 - 10 Built to Last ---- Reckless Fireweaver Wayward Giant Subtle Strike Ambitious Aetherborn Consulate Surveillance Prakhata Pillar-Bug
3 - 11 Reckless Fireweaver ---- Bastion Mastodon Aradara Express Vedalken Blademaster Rush of Vitality Metalspinner's Puzzleknot Herald of the Fair
3 - 12 Larger Than Life ---- Glassblower's Puzzleknot Nimble Innovator Ambitious Aetherborn Take Down Woodweaver's Puzzleknot Larger Than Life
3 - 13 Hijack ---- Built to Last Cowl Prowler Renegade Tactics Madcap Experiment Dukhara Scavenger Dukhara Scavenger
3 - 14 Dramatic Reversal ---- Hijack Dramatic Reversal Giant Spectacle Dramatic Reversal Ornamental Courage Curio Vendor