Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart austnaile pie chart alkaline211 pie chart DraftBot pie chart vexedpenguin pie chart TheElfTribalLord pie chart DraftBot pie chart Tyrinus pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Dark Nourishment ---- ---- Kitesail Freebooter ---- ---- Wanted Scoundrels ----
1 - 2 Drover of the Mighty ---- ---- Kitesail Freebooter ---- ---- Ixalan's Binding ----
1 - 3 Thrash of Raptors ---- ---- Bonded Horncrest ---- ---- Siren Stormtamer ----
1 - 4 Bloodcrazed Paladin ---- ---- Bonded Horncrest ---- ---- Vanquish the Weak ----
1 - 5 Marauding Looter ---- ---- Siren Stormtamer ---- ---- Pirate's Cutlass ----
1 - 6 Pious Interdiction ---- ---- Vicious Conquistador ---- ---- Legion's Judgment ----
1 - 7 River Sneak ---- ---- Tishana's Wayfinder ---- ---- Sword-Point Diplomacy ----
1 - 8 Lurking Chupacabra ---- ---- Unclaimed Territory ---- ---- Skyblade of the Legion ----
1 - 9 Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- ---- Grim Captain's Call ---- ---- Dire Fleet Hoarder ----
1 - 10 Headwater Sentries ---- ---- Sure Strike ---- ---- Sailor of Means ----
1 - 11 Fathom Fleet Firebrand ---- ---- March of the Drowned ---- ---- Storm Sculptor ----
1 - 12 Queen's Agent ---- ---- Wind Strider ---- ---- Legion Conquistador ----
1 - 13 March of the Drowned ---- ---- Sure Strike ---- ---- Hierophant's Chalice ----
1 - 14 Encampment Keeper ---- ---- Ritual of Rejuvenation ---- ---- Shore Keeper ----
2 - 1 Deadeye Tracker ---- ---- Huatli, Warrior Poet ---- ---- Settle the Wreckage ----
2 - 2 Wanted Scoundrels ---- ---- Bonded Horncrest ---- ---- Headwater Sentries ----
2 - 3 Repeating Barrage ---- ---- Grim Captain's Call ---- ---- Lookout's Dispersal ----
2 - 4 River Sneak ---- ---- Imperial Aerosaur ---- ---- Storm Fleet Aerialist ----
2 - 5 Watertrap Weaver ---- ---- Dark Nourishment ---- ---- Contract Killing ----
2 - 6 Unfriendly Fire ---- ---- Territorial Hammerskull ---- ---- Sailor of Means ----
2 - 7 Wanted Scoundrels ---- ---- Pounce ---- ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat ----
2 - 8 Fathom Fleet Cutthroat ---- ---- Pirate's Prize ---- ---- Deeproot Warrior ----
2 - 9 Steadfast Armasaur ---- ---- Fathom Fleet Cutthroat ---- ---- Headwater Sentries ----
2 - 10 Queen's Bay Soldier ---- ---- Opt ---- ---- Legion's Judgment ----
2 - 11 March of the Drowned ---- ---- Crushing Canopy ---- ---- Pterodon Knight ----
2 - 12 Lurking Chupacabra ---- ---- Emergent Growth ---- ---- Desperate Castaways ----
2 - 13 Shipwreck Looter ---- ---- Headstrong Brute ---- ---- Wily Goblin ----
2 - 14 Demystify ---- ---- Hijack ---- ---- Demystify ----
3 - 1 Tishana, Voice of Thunder ---- ---- Headwater Sentries ---- ---- Bloodcrazed Paladin ----
3 - 2 Dark Nourishment ---- ---- Hierophant's Chalice ---- ---- Thaumatic Compass  Flip ----
3 - 3 Vanquish the Weak ---- ---- Wildgrowth Walker ---- ---- Kinjalli's Sunwing ----
3 - 4 Vineshaper Mystic ---- ---- Grim Captain's Call ---- ---- Bishop of Rebirth ----
3 - 5 Storm Fleet Aerialist ---- ---- Drover of the Mighty ---- ---- Shapers of Nature ----
3 - 6 Ruthless Knave ---- ---- Unclaimed Territory ---- ---- Dire Fleet Captain ----
3 - 7 Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- ---- Raptor Companion ---- ---- Emissary of Sunrise ----
3 - 8 Tishana's Wayfinder ---- ---- Shining Aerosaur ---- ---- Nest Robber ----
3 - 9 Queen's Bay Soldier ---- ---- Skulduggery ---- ---- Headwater Sentries ----
3 - 10 Storm Fleet Pyromancer ---- ---- Nest Robber ---- ---- Encampment Keeper ----
3 - 11 Wily Goblin ---- ---- Rigging Runner ---- ---- Queen's Bay Soldier ----
3 - 12 Unknown Shores ---- ---- Ancient Brontodon ---- ---- Legion Conquistador ----
3 - 13 Vampire's Zeal ---- ---- Siren's Ruse ---- ---- Spike-Tailed Ceratops ----
3 - 14 Cancel ---- ---- Rile ---- ---- Opt ----