Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart sbugliat pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Sand Strangler ---- Sifter Wurm Kefnet's Last Word
1 - 2 Open Fire ---- Sand Strangler Ambuscade
1 - 3 Burning-Fist Minotaur ---- Open Fire Aerial Guide
1 - 4 Consign / Oblivion ---- Ambuscade Oketra's Avenger
1 - 5 Sunset Pyramid ---- Accursed Horde Lethal Sting
1 - 6 Dauntless Aven ---- Desert of the Fervent Aerial Guide
1 - 7 Dauntless Aven ---- Desert of the Indomitable Survivors' Encampment
1 - 8 Marauding Boneslasher ---- Consign / Oblivion Unsummon
1 - 9 Ruin Rat ---- Desert of the Indomitable Blur of Blades
1 - 10 Desert of the True ---- Carrion Screecher Unsummon
1 - 11 Ruin Rat ---- Refuse / Cooperate Proven Combatant
1 - 12 Djeru's Renunciation ---- Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Thorned Moloch
1 - 13 Manalith ---- Survivors' Encampment Crypt of the Eternals
1 - 14 Liliana's Defeat ---- Seer of the Last Tomorrow Steadfast Sentinel
1 - 15 Life Goes On ---- Dutiful Servants God-Pharaoh's Faithful
2 - 1 Samut, the Tested ---- Burning-Fist Minotaur Majestic Myriarch
2 - 2 Torment of Venom ---- Torment of Scarabs Ominous Sphinx
2 - 3 Lethal Sting ---- Puncturing Blow Devotee of Strength
2 - 4 Oasis Ritualist ---- Oasis Ritualist Oketra's Avenger
2 - 5 Rhonas's Stalwart ---- Oasis Ritualist Aerial Guide
2 - 6 Dauntless Aven ---- Riddleform Oasis Ritualist
2 - 7 Apocalypse Demon ---- Accursed Horde Frontline Devastator
2 - 8 Unsummon ---- Firebrand Archer Ruin Rat
2 - 9 Unsummon ---- Blur of Blades Sidewinder Naga
2 - 10 Blur of Blades ---- Feral Prowler Manalith
2 - 11 Appeal / Authority ---- Marauding Boneslasher Appeal / Authority
2 - 12 Saving Grace ---- Gilded Cerodon Mummy Paramount
2 - 13 Frilled Sandwalla ---- Aven of Enduring Hope Lurching Rotbeast
2 - 14 Seer of the Last Tomorrow ---- Proven Combatant Saving Grace
2 - 15 Dune Diviner ---- Crash Through God-Pharaoh's Faithful
3 - 1 Angler Drake ---- Prepare / Fight Hazoret the Fervent
3 - 2 Magma Spray ---- Stir the Sands Devoted Crop-Mate
3 - 3 Cartouche of Ambition ---- Soul-Scar Mage Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
3 - 4 Labyrinth Guardian ---- Labyrinth Guardian Cursed Minotaur
3 - 5 Nef-Crop Entangler ---- Vizier of Tumbling Sands Wayward Servant
3 - 6 Unwavering Initiate ---- Start / Finish Splendid Agony
3 - 7 Evolving Wilds ---- Grim Strider Essence Scatter
3 - 8 Nef-Crop Entangler ---- Rhonas's Monument Impeccable Timing
3 - 9 Woodland Stream ---- Cartouche of Solidarity Impeccable Timing
3 - 10 Cartouche of Zeal ---- Cartouche of Solidarity Illusory Wrappings
3 - 11 Bloodlust Inciter ---- In Oketra's Name Festering Mummy
3 - 12 Pouncing Cheetah ---- Pouncing Cheetah Pursue Glory
3 - 13 Forsake the Worldly ---- Fling Nimble-Blade Khenra
3 - 14 Spidery Grasp ---- Pathmaker Initiate Kefnat's Monument
3 - 15 Spidery Grasp ---- Violent Impact Oashra Cultivator