Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart afs333 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Reaver Ambush ---- Zetalpa, Primal Dawn Angrath's Ambusher Woodland Stream Champion of Twilight Jadelight Ranger Nezahal, Primal Tide
1 - 2 Martyr of Dusk ---- Daring Buccaneer Needletooth Raptor Legion Lieutenant Ravenous Chupacabra Martyr of Dusk Bombard
1 - 3 Storm Fleet Swashbuckler ---- Impale Thrashing Brontodon Waterknot Bombard Siegehorn Ceratops Squire's Devotion
1 - 4 Cacophodon ---- Squire's Devotion Siren Reaver Dusk Legion Zealot Relentless Raptor Siegehorn Ceratops Forerunner of the Heralds
1 - 5 Dusk Legion Zealot ---- Dusk Legion Zealot Strength of the Pack Waterknot Atzocan Seer Martyr of Dusk Luminous Bonds
1 - 6 Mausoleum Harpy ---- Aquatic Incursion Jungleborn Pioneer Giltgrove Stalker Dead Man's Chest Squire's Devotion Deadeye Rig-Hauler
1 - 7 Shake the Foundations ---- Martyr of Dusk Deadeye Rig-Hauler Mist-Cloaked Herald Deadeye Rig-Hauler Dusk Legion Zealot Mutiny
1 - 8 Deadeye Rig-Hauler ---- Voracious Vampire Mist-Cloaked Herald Knight of the Stampede Cacophodon Jungle Creeper Exultant Skymarcher
1 - 9 Sanguine Glorifier ---- Sun-Collared Raptor Soul of the Rapids Sanguine Glorifier Fathom Fleet Boarder Mutiny Swaggering Corsair
1 - 10 Hornswoggle ---- Grasping Scoundrel Grasping Scoundrel Spire Winder Gleaming Barrier Stampeding Horncrest Jade Bearer
1 - 11 Gleaming Barrier ---- Crashing Tide Jadecraft Artisan Jade Bearer Swaggering Corsair Dusk Charger Hornswoggle
1 - 12 Jadecraft Artisan ---- Jadecraft Artisan Soul of the Rapids River Darter Overgrown Armasaur Brazen Freebooter Orazca Raptor
1 - 13 Sworn Guardian ---- Orazca Frillback Orazca Raptor Spire Winder Gleaming Barrier Dusk Charger Cleansing Ray
1 - 14 Gruesome Fate ---- Jade Bearer Overgrown Armasaur Gruesome Fate Grasping Scoundrel Dusk Charger Gruesome Fate
1 - 15 Canal Monitor ---- Canal Monitor Gruesome Fate Sworn Guardian Dark Inquiry Dusk Charger Canal Monitor
2 - 1 Needletooth Raptor ---- Tetzimoc, Primal Death Silverclad Ferocidons Charging Tuskodon Foul Orchard Needletooth Raptor Baffling End
2 - 2 Luminous Bonds ---- Reckless Rage World Shaper Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Dire Fleet Neckbreaker Metzali, Tower of Triumph  Flip Captain's Hook
2 - 3 Legion Lieutenant ---- Luminous Bonds Waterknot Admiral's Order Thrashing Brontodon Oathsworn Vampire Oathsworn Vampire
2 - 4 Impale ---- Martyr of Dusk Squire's Devotion Squire's Devotion Dusk Legion Zealot See Red Baffling End
2 - 5 Oathsworn Vampire ---- Frilled Deathspitter Moment of Triumph Squire's Devotion Jungleborn Pioneer Needletooth Raptor Frilled Deathspitter
2 - 6 Exultant Skymarcher ---- Sanguine Glorifier Dinosaur Hunter Voracious Vampire Exultant Skymarcher Thunderherd Migration Voracious Vampire
2 - 7 Strength of the Pack ---- Moment of Triumph Sun Sentinel Squire's Devotion Giltgrove Stalker Goblin Trailblazer Pride of Conquerors
2 - 8 Sun Sentinel ---- Grasping Scoundrel Knight of the Stampede Stampeding Horncrest Sanguine Glorifier Stampeding Horncrest Knight of the Stampede
2 - 9 Arterial Flow ---- Crashing Tide Sun Sentinel Arterial Flow Sun Sentinel Fathom Fleet Boarder Swaggering Corsair
2 - 10 Cleansing Ray ---- Swaggering Corsair Stampeding Horncrest Swaggering Corsair Vampire Revenant Sun-Crested Pterodon Fathom Fleet Boarder
2 - 11 Tilonalli's Crown ---- Sun Sentinel Induced Amnesia Sun Sentinel Jadecraft Artisan Stampeding Horncrest Gruesome Fate
2 - 12 Hardy Veteran ---- Jade Bearer Tilonalli's Crown Brazen Freebooter Sun Sentinel Flood of Recollection Jade Bearer
2 - 13 Grasping Scoundrel ---- River Darter Overgrown Armasaur Jade Bearer Swab Goblin Brazen Freebooter Orazca Frillback
2 - 14 Snubhorn Sentry ---- Orazca Raptor Swab Goblin Sea Legs Snubhorn Sentry Orazca Relic Jade Bearer
2 - 15 Gruesome Fate ---- Swab Goblin Dark Inquiry Orazca Relic Canal Monitor Brazen Freebooter Gruesome Fate
3 - 1 Goring Ceratops ---- Tishana, Voice of Thunder Conqueror's Galleon  Flip Fathom Fleet Captain Dowsing Dagger  Flip Conqueror's Galleon  Flip Savage Stomp
3 - 2 Lost Vale  Flip ---- Merfolk Branchwalker Kitesail Freebooter Vicious Conquistador Drover of the Mighty Snapping Sailback Raging Swordtooth
3 - 3 Pounce ---- Deadeye Plunderers Belligerent Brontodon Siren Stormtamer Bishop's Soldier Kitesail Freebooter Marauding Looter
3 - 4 Siren Lookout ---- Vanquish the Weak Verdant Rebirth Pious Interdiction Tishana's Wayfinder Duskborne Skymarcher Wanted Scoundrels
3 - 5 Siren Lookout ---- River Sneak Vineshaper Mystic Queen's Bay Soldier New Horizons Run Aground Tilonalli's Knight
3 - 6 Unknown Shores ---- Pious Interdiction Wildgrowth Walker Dusk Legion Dreadnought Jade Guardian Sword-Point Diplomacy New Horizons
3 - 7 Dire Fleet Hoarder ---- Tishana's Wayfinder Skymarch Bloodletter Nest Robber Frenzied Raptor Depths of Desire Nest Robber
3 - 8 Raptor Companion ---- Deadeye Tormentor Skulduggery Sword-Point Diplomacy Blossom Dryad Pirate's Prize Skymarch Bloodletter
3 - 9 Deadeye Tormentor ---- Skyblade of the Legion Pterodon Knight Storm Sculptor Colossal Dreadmaw Storm Fleet Pyromancer Ravenous Daggertooth
3 - 10 Mark of the Vampire ---- Headwater Sentries Pterodon Knight Verdant Rebirth Sun-Crowned Hunters New Horizons Pirate's Prize
3 - 11 Headstrong Brute ---- Legion Conquistador March of the Drowned Ravenous Daggertooth Legion Conquistador Raptor Companion One With the Wind
3 - 12 Lurking Chupacabra ---- Vampire's Zeal Desperate Castaways Spreading Rot Ixalli's Keeper Ixalli's Keeper Frenzied Raptor
3 - 13 Queen's Bay Soldier ---- Spreading Rot Swashbuckling Rile Sunrise Seeker Anointed Deacon Costly Plunder
3 - 14 Ritual of Rejuvenation ---- Legion Conquistador Mark of the Vampire Ixalli's Keeper Duress Sure Strike Rile
3 - 15 Brazen Buccaneers ---- Hijack Ancient Brontodon Vampire's Zeal Island Jungle Delver Makeshift Munitions