Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Azthozy pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Imprisoned in the Moon Faith Unbroken ---- Docent of Perfection  Flip Elder Deep-Fiend Bloodhall Priest Docent of Perfection  Flip Collective Brutality
1 - 2 Faith Unbroken Smoldering Werewolf  Flip ---- Clear Shot Savage Alliance Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip Geist of the Archives Ruthless Disposal
1 - 3 Choking Restraints Shrill Howler  Flip ---- Drogskol Shieldmate Haunted Dead Murder Ruthless Disposal Curious Homunculus  Flip
1 - 4 Mercurial Geists Tangleclaw Werewolf  Flip ---- Dusk Feaster Permeating Mass Gnarlwood Dryad Shrill Howler  Flip Geist of the Archives
1 - 5 Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Desperate Sentry ---- Extricator of Sin  Flip Drag Under Grizzled Angler  Flip Geist of the Archives Permeating Mass
1 - 6 Liliana's Elite Gavony Unhallowed ---- Midnight Scavengers  Meld Blood Mist Mockery of Nature Thermo-Alchemist Midnight Scavengers  Meld
1 - 7 Cryptolith Fragment  Flip Drag Under ---- Exultant Cultist Mind's Dilation Guardian of Pilgrims Succumb to Temptation Succumb to Temptation
1 - 8 Bloodbriar Dawn Gryff ---- Stensia Banquet Primal Druid Enlightened Maniac Bloodbriar Faithbearer Paladin
1 - 9 Borrowed Grace Borrowed Malevolence ---- Faithbearer Paladin Spectral Reserves Spectral Reserves Terrarion Borrowed Hostility
1 - 10 Bold Impaler Borrowed Malevolence ---- Stensia Banquet Fiend Binder Fortune's Favor Certain Death Long Road Home
1 - 11 Wolfkin Bond Strange Augmentation ---- Campaign of Vengeance Spectral Reserves Woodland Patrol Waxing Moon Stensia Innkeeper
1 - 12 Woodcutter's Grit Field Creeper ---- Laboratory Brute Skirsdag Supplicant Swift Spinner Thraben Foulbloods Weirded Vampire
1 - 13 Cemetery Recruitment Thraben Standard Bearer ---- Displace Lunarch Mantle Displace Wailing Ghoul Wolfkin Bond
1 - 14 Thraben Standard Bearer Ironwright's Cleansing ---- Weirded Vampire Springsage Ritual Thirsting Axe Wailing Ghoul Ironwright's Cleansing
2 - 1 Slayer's Plate Soul Swallower ---- Geier Reach Bandit  Flip Ever After Silverfur Partisan Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip Markov Dreadknight
2 - 2 Lambholt Pacifist  Flip Flameblade Angel ---- Pale Rider of Trostad Autumnal Gloom  Flip Dead Weight Avacynian Missionaries  Flip Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
2 - 3 Pale Rider of Trostad Kindly Stranger  Flip ---- Murderer's Axe Reaper of Flight Moonsilver Thraben Inspector Uninvited Geist  Flip Sinister Concoction
2 - 4 Incorrigible Youths Skin Invasion  Flip ---- Malevolent Whispers Fiery Temper Niblis of Dusk Drunau Corpse Trawler Village Messenger  Flip
2 - 5 Olivia's Bloodsworn Bloodmad Vampire ---- Foul Orchard Rise from the Tides Grotesque Mutation Dead Weight Dauntless Cathar
2 - 6 Angelic Purge Ghoulsteed ---- Stone Quarry Hope Against Hope Compelling Deterrence Crow of Dark Tidings Murderous Compulsion
2 - 7 Eerie Interlude Insolent Neonate ---- Stallion of Ashmouth Grotesque Mutation Corrupted Grafstone Ghoulcaller's Accomplice Rush of Adrenaline
2 - 8 Throttle Throttle ---- Insolent Neonate Foul Orchard Vessel of Nascency Vessel of Nascency Stromkirk Mentor
2 - 9 Vessel of Ephemera Magnifying Glass ---- Howlpack Wolf Biting Rain Fleeting Memories Jace's Scrutiny Creeping Dread
2 - 10 Clip Wings Sanguinary Mage ---- Confront the Unknown Epitaph Golem Confront the Unknown Intrepid Provisioner Just the Wind
2 - 11 Farbog Revenant Stromkirk Mentor ---- Vessel of Malignity Vessel of Malignity Fork in the Road Loam Dryad Silent Observer
2 - 12 Explosive Apparatus Merciless Resolve ---- Shard of Broken Glass Loam Dryad Tormenting Voice Macabre Waltz Stormrider Spirit
2 - 13 Furtive Homunculus Stoic Builder ---- Clip Wings Pious Evangel  Flip Furtive Homunculus Rush of Adrenaline Vessel of Malignity
2 - 14 Loam Dryad Rottenheart Ghoul ---- Might Beyond Reason Pieces of the Puzzle Rottenheart Ghoul Open the Armory Press for Answers
3 - 1 Ulrich of the Krallenhorde  Flip Boon of Emrakul ---- Tree of Perdition Blood Mist Dark Salvation Geist-Fueled Scarecrow Bruna, the Fading Light  Flip  Meld
3 - 2 Nebelgast Herald Ulvenwald Observer ---- Grizzled Angler  Flip Ruthless Disposal Docent of Perfection  Flip Geist of the Lonely Vigil Somberwald Stag
3 - 3 Savage Alliance Thraben Foulbloods ---- Galvanic Bombardment Geist-Fueled Scarecrow Blessed Alliance Gnarlwood Dryad Savage Alliance
3 - 4 Deranged Whelp Lone Rider  Flip ---- Galvanic Bombardment Lone Rider  Flip Geist of the Lonely Vigil Midnight Scavengers  Meld Extricator of Sin  Flip
3 - 5 Oath of Liliana Skirsdag Supplicant ---- Wretched Gryff Drownyard Behemoth Blessed Alliance Primal Druid Desperate Sentry
3 - 6 Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Gavony Unhallowed ---- Drownyard Behemoth Ulvenwald Captive  Flip Grizzled Angler  Flip Lashweed Lurker Take Inventory
3 - 7 Grapple with the Past Graf Rats  Flip  Meld ---- It of the Horrid Swarm Gavony Unhallowed Slayer's Cleaver Thermo-Alchemist Thermo-Alchemist
3 - 8 Borrowed Grace Stensia Banquet ---- Succumb to Temptation Borrowed Grace Ingenious Skaab Enlightened Maniac Mockery of Nature
3 - 9 Faithbearer Paladin Weirded Vampire ---- Prey Upon Backwoods Survivalists Guardian of Pilgrims Drag Under Alchemist's Greeting
3 - 10 Borrowed Grace Fogwalker ---- Swift Spinner Falkenrath Reaver Laboratory Brute Displace Olivia's Dragoon
3 - 11 Thraben Standard Bearer Skirsdag Supplicant ---- Borrowed Hostility Woodcutter's Grit Lunar Force Falkenrath Reaver Vildin-Pack Outcast  Flip
3 - 12 Make Mischief Field Creeper ---- Stensia Innkeeper Campaign of Vengeance Borrowed Hostility Distemper of the Blood Wailing Ghoul
3 - 13 Give No Ground Cemetery Recruitment ---- Cathar's Shield Displace Crossroads Consecrator Otherworldly Outburst Prying Questions
3 - 14 Strange Augmentation Ironwright's Cleansing ---- Prophetic Ravings Graf Harvest Prophetic Ravings Skirsdag Supplicant Shreds of Sanity