Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart emceefall pie chart orsleaze pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 - 1 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Bogbrew Witch ---- ---- Indulgent Tormentor Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
1 - 2 Guttersnipe Hoarding Dragon ---- ---- Survival Cache Spiritmonger
1 - 3 Thran Dynamo Rift Bolt ---- ---- Undercity Troll Jaddi Offshoot
1 - 4 AEtherize Pillar of Flame ---- ---- Emerge Unscathed Knight of the Reliquary
1 - 5 Wight of Precinct Six Pristine Talisman ---- ---- Emerge Unscathed Riverwheel Aerialists
1 - 6 Splatter Thug Amass the Components ---- ---- Lord of the Pit Guardian Idol
1 - 7 Dragon Bell Monk Dead Reveler ---- ---- Battle-Rattle Shaman Splatter Thug
1 - 8 Virulent Swipe Electrolyze ---- ---- Ainok Bond-Kin Doorkeeper
1 - 9 Vent Sentinel Timberland Guide ---- ---- Furnace Whelp Kiln Fiend
1 - 10 Search for Tomorrow Dragon Egg ---- ---- Bala Ged Scorpion Phantom Tiger
1 - 11 Manakin Dragon Bell Monk ---- ---- Festering Newt Battle-Rattle Shaman
1 - 12 Repeal Hammerhand ---- ---- Earth Elemental Fury Charm
1 - 13 Keldon Halberdier Coordinated Assault ---- ---- Trumpet Blast Runed Servitor
1 - 14 Nantuko Shaman Guided Strike ---- ---- Duress Nantuko Shaman
2 - 1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Bloodghast ---- ---- Crucible of Fire Hypersonic Dragon
2 - 2 Darksteel Axe Primeval Titan ---- ---- Jhessian Thief Riverwheel Aerialists
2 - 3 Guttersnipe Path of Bravery ---- ---- Fog Bank Dissolve
2 - 4 Dead Reveler Staggershock ---- ---- Fireball Jhessian Thief
2 - 5 Timberland Guide Prey's Vengeance ---- ---- Seeker of the Way Prey's Vengeance
2 - 6 Duskdale Wurm Dragon Egg ---- ---- Kiln Fiend Balustrade Spy
2 - 7 Crowned Ceratok Rosheen Meanderer ---- ---- Chronicler of Heroes Kolaghan Monument
2 - 8 Timberland Guide Jace's Phantasm ---- ---- Earth Elemental Ivy Elemental
2 - 9 Furnace Whelp Hunt the Weak ---- ---- Haunting Hymn Selesnya Sanctuary
2 - 10 Phyrexian Rager Disenchant ---- ---- Search for Tomorrow Evolving Wilds
2 - 11 Butcher's Glee Durkwood Baloth ---- ---- Wall of Roots Chronicler of Heroes
2 - 12 Inspiring Call Butcher's Glee ---- ---- Disenchant Bladewing the Risen
2 - 13 Pentarch Ward Keldon Halberdier ---- ---- Dragon Tempest Pentarch Ward
2 - 14 Doorkeeper Pentarch Ward ---- ---- Duress Tormenting Voice
3 - 1 Riverwheel Aerialists Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur ---- ---- Savageborn Hydra Ryusei, the Falling Star
3 - 2 Mark of Mutiny Abzan Battle Priest ---- ---- Guardian Idol Pillar of Flame
3 - 3 Riverwheel Aerialists Swords to Plowshares ---- ---- Ulcerate Crowned Ceratok
3 - 4 Ojutai's Breath Jhessian Thief ---- ---- Moonglove Extract Ojutai's Breath
3 - 5 Dead Reveler Blinding Mage ---- ---- Prey's Vengeance Darksteel Axe
3 - 6 Ojutai's Breath Electrolyze ---- ---- Riverwheel Aerialists Foul-Tongue Invocation
3 - 7 Fireball Phantom Monster ---- ---- Blizzard Specter Darksteel Axe
3 - 8 Lightning Helix Doomed Traveler ---- ---- Diminish Doomed Traveler
3 - 9 Ajani's Pridemate Evolving Wilds ---- ---- Doorkeeper Blizzard Specter
3 - 10 Runed Servitor Guard Duty ---- ---- Rift Bolt Balustrade Spy
3 - 11 Hammerhand Eternal Thirst ---- ---- Nantuko Shaman Butcher's Glee
3 - 12 Nantuko Shaman Bladewing the Risen ---- ---- Bubbling Cauldron Dragonlord's Servant
3 - 13 Inspiring Call Aerial Predation ---- ---- Virulent Swipe Hammerhand
3 - 14 Guided Strike Phantom Tiger ---- ---- Lure Trumpet Blast