Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart techingtenor pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Mentor of the Meek Slayer of the Wicked Creepy Doll Endless Ranks of the Dead ---- Divine Reckoning Geist of Saint Traft Stromkirk Noble
1 - 2 Morkrut Banshee Ambush Viper Mausoleum Guard Ambush Viper ---- Reaper from the Abyss Invisible Stalker Midnight Haunting
1 - 3 Boneyard Wurm Victim of Night Silver-Inlaid Dagger Victim of Night ---- Brimstone Volley Cackling Counterpart Mirror-Mad Phantasm
1 - 4 Rakish Heir Burning Vengeance Voiceless Spirit Deranged Assistant ---- Vampire Interloper Hamlet Captain Victim of Night
1 - 5 Doomed Traveler Ghoulraiser Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Grizzled Outcasts  Flip ---- Moorland Haunt Village Bell-Ringer Thraben Sentry  Flip
1 - 6 Dead Weight Chapel Geist Voiceless Spirit Markov Patrician ---- Makeshift Mauler Thraben Sentry  Flip Ghoulraiser
1 - 7 Feeling of Dread Sharpened Pitchfork Villagers of Estwald  Flip Stitched Drake ---- Makeshift Mauler Tormented Pariah  Flip Smite the Monstrous
1 - 8 Deranged Assistant Graveyard Shovel Festerhide Boar Nightbird's Clutches ---- Into the Maw of Hell Demonmail Hauberk Orchard Spirit
1 - 9 Sensory Deprivation Hollowhenge Scavenger Tormented Pariah  Flip Gruesome Deformity ---- Makeshift Mauler Night Revelers Caravan Vigil
1 - 10 Harvest Pyre Forbidden Alchemy Bump in the Night Memory's Journey ---- One-Eyed Scarecrow Silverchase Fox Corpse Lunge
1 - 11 Furor of the Bitten Full Moon's Rise Night Revelers Corpse Lunge ---- Ghoulraiser Purify the Grave Villagers of Estwald  Flip
1 - 12 Ghostly Possession Infernal Plunge Ghostly Possession Rotting Fensnake ---- Grave Bramble Moment of Heroism Stitcher's Apprentice
1 - 13 Burning Vengeance Sensory Deprivation Fortress Crab Infernal Plunge ---- Dream Twist Nightbird's Clutches Kindercatch
1 - 14 Hysterical Blindness Desperate Ravings Bramblecrush Riot Devils ---- Make a Wish Urgent Exorcism Island
2 - 1 Gavony Township Heretic's Punishment Dearly Departed Forest ---- Curiosity Balefire Dragon Moan of the Unhallowed
2 - 2 Ambush Viper Travel Preparations Devil's Play Curse of Oblivion ---- Vampiric Fury Gruesome Deformity Butcher's Cleaver
2 - 3 Ambush Viper Murder of Crows Sturmgeist Infernal Plunge ---- Skeletal Grimace Maw of the Mire Abattoir Ghoul
2 - 4 Hamlet Captain Delver of Secrets  Flip Endless Ranks of the Dead Wreath of Geists ---- Skeletal Grimace Ghoulcaller's Chant Cellar Door
2 - 5 Gallows Warden Mausoleum Guard Avacynian Priest Civilized Scholar  Flip ---- Spare from Evil Nightbird's Clutches Typhoid Rats
2 - 6 Victim of Night Stitched Drake Ambush Viper Lumberknot ---- Infernal Plunge Armored Skaab Prey Upon
2 - 7 Grizzled Outcasts  Flip Bonds of Faith Moon Heron Villagers of Estwald  Flip ---- Feral Ridgewolf Brain Weevil Abattoir Ghoul
2 - 8 Makeshift Mauler Villagers of Estwald  Flip Stitched Drake Bitterheart Witch ---- Grave Bramble One-Eyed Scarecrow Scourge of Geier Reach
2 - 9 Caravan Vigil Chapel Geist Selhoff Occultist Trepanation Blade ---- Villagers of Estwald  Flip Caravan Vigil Elder Cathar
2 - 10 Voiceless Spirit Claustrophobia Forbidden Alchemy One-Eyed Scarecrow ---- Moment of Heroism Village Bell-Ringer Typhoid Rats
2 - 11 Skaab Goliath Thraben Sentry  Flip Dissipate Walking Corpse ---- Rolling Temblor Curse of the Bloody Tome Cellar Door
2 - 12 Village Bell-Ringer Kindercatch Ghoulraiser Traveler's Amulet ---- Ghostly Possession Feeling of Dread Avacyn's Pilgrim
2 - 13 Grasp of Phantoms Spectral Flight Fortress Crab Rotting Fensnake ---- Orchard Spirit Village Ironsmith  Flip Fortress Crab
2 - 14 Bump in the Night Island Vampiric Fury Grasp of Phantoms ---- Harvest Pyre Island Cobbled Wings
3 - 1 Strangleroot Geist Thraben Doomsayer Hellrider Diregraf Captain ---- Fiend of the Shadows Geralf's Messenger Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip
3 - 2 Vengeful Vampire Ghoultree Somberwald Dryad Scorned Villager  Flip ---- Scorned Villager  Flip Lost in the Woods Pyreheart Wolf
3 - 3 Hinterland Hermit  Flip Deranged Outcast Gruesome Discovery Crushing Vines ---- Falkenrath Torturer Hollowhenge Spirit Tracker's Instincts
3 - 4 Fires of Undeath Thought Scour Warden of the Wall Bar the Door ---- Somberwald Dryad Avacyn's Collar Tower Geist
3 - 5 Young Wolf Somberwald Dryad Somberwald Dryad Sightless Ghoul ---- Favor of the Woods Break of Day Curse of Misfortunes
3 - 6 Hinterland Hermit  Flip Counterlash Artful Dodge Dawntreader Elk ---- Burning Oil Tower Geist Stormbound Geist
3 - 7 Silverclaw Griffin Talons of Falkenrath Farbog Boneflinger Curse of Thirst ---- Skillful Lunge Dawntreader Elk Farbog Boneflinger
3 - 8 Erdwal Ripper Chill of Foreboding Nearheath Stalker Evolving Wilds ---- Black Cat Young Wolf Ulvenwald Bear
3 - 9 Erdwal Ripper Silverclaw Griffin Favor of the Woods Saving Grasp ---- Death's Caress Chant of the Skifsang Ulvenwald Bear
3 - 10 Niblis of the Mist Chosen of Markov  Flip Wrack with Madness Bar the Door ---- Divination Heavy Mattock Thraben Heretic
3 - 11 Hunger of the Howlpack Evolving Wilds Highborn Ghoul Talons of Falkenrath ---- Hunger of the Howlpack Saving Grasp Markov Warlord
3 - 12 Chosen of Markov  Flip Grim Flowering Burden of Guilt Clinging Mists ---- Griptide Evolving Wilds Headless Skaab
3 - 13 Hunger of the Howlpack Wild Hunger Saving Grasp Midnight Guard ---- Fling Bone to Ash Russet Wolves
3 - 14 Altar of the Lost Screeching Skaab Bone to Ash Favor of the Woods ---- Deadly Allure Altar of the Lost Briarpack Alpha