elijah 2017 cube update

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart baxter_ pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart bigclick900 pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Hour of Devastation ---- Labyrinth Guardian Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip Nissa, Voice of Zendikarfoil Vizier of Many Faces ---- Rattleclaw Mystic
1 - 2 Solemn Simulacrum ---- Chandra, Torch of Defiance Glorybringer Griselbrand Doom Blade ---- Batterskull
1 - 3 Ancestral Vision ---- Hedron Archivefoil Cryptic Command *list* Grave Titan Whirler Rogue ---- Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1 - 4 Ob Nixilis Reignited ---- Fact or Fiction Orim's Thunder Counterspell Reanimate ---- Syncopate
1 - 5 Hymn to Tourach ---- Skysovereign, Consul Flagship Jace Beleren Misty Rainforest Gisela, Blade of Goldnight ---- Scab-Clan Berserker
1 - 6 Exhumefoil ---- Scalding Tarn Tamiyo, the Moon Sage Mind Stone Ruinous Path ---- Scattered Groves
1 - 7 Shrine of Loyal Legions ---- Heart of Kiran Inkwell Leviathan Liliana, Death's Majesty Strip Mine ---- Ultimate Price
1 - 8 Bonfire of the Damned ---- Bloodstained Mire Pia and Kiran Nalaar Bloodgift Demon Brimaz, King of Oreskos ---- Creeping Tar Pit
1 - 9 Inferno Titan ---- Everflowing Chalice Necromancy Gitaxian Probe Sphere of the Suns ---- Reality Smasher
1 - 10 Balance ---- Lodestone Golem Ajani Vengeantfoil Hallowed Fountainfoil Catacomb Sifter ---- Stoneforge Mystic
1 - 11 Baneslayer Angel ---- Koth of the Hammerfoil Duress Armageddon Slaughter Pact ---- Sea Gate Oracle
1 - 12 Exclude ---- Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip Godless Shrinefoil Exquisite Firecraft Ajani, Caller of the Pride ---- Precursor Golem
1 - 13 Gideon's Lawkeeper ---- Hellrider Underworld Connections Adarkar Wastes Elves of Deep Shadow ---- Boros Reckoner
1 - 14 Fireblast ---- Terminus Vivid Marsh Bone Shredder Rootbound Crag ---- Stormblood Berserker
1 - 15 Lumbering Falls ---- Sulfur Falls Isamaru, Hound of Konda Trygon Predator Dryad Militant ---- Falkenrath Aristocrat
2 - 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor ---- Oketra the True Sword of Feast and Famine Demonic Tutor Sundering Titan ---- Consecrated Sphinx
2 - 2 Tidings ---- Sorin, Grim Nemesis Torrential Gearhulk Mulldrifter Liliana of the Veil ---- Umezawa's Jitte
2 - 3 Ahn-Crop Crasher ---- Verdurous Gearhulk Hornet Queen Primeval Titan Geist-Honored Monk ---- Phyrexian Metamorph
2 - 4 Glyph Keeper ---- Ponder Coalition Relic Young Pyromancer Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver ---- Sword of Light and Shadow
2 - 5 Austere Command ---- Preordain Thirst for Knowledge Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Scatter to the Winds ---- Sword of War and Peace
2 - 6 Venser, Shaper Savant ---- Oblivion Stone Chameleon Colossus Sylvan Caryatid Craterhoof Behemoth ---- Stingerfling Spider
2 - 7 Myr Battlesphere ---- Desecration Demon Miscalculation Martial Coup Languish ---- Oblivion Ring
2 - 8 Godless Shrinefoil ---- Go for the Throat Condescend Fellwar Stone Prismatic Lens ---- Cultivate
2 - 9 Careful Study ---- Sakura-Tribe Elder Sun Titan Buried Alive Watery Gravefoil ---- Victim of Night
2 - 10 Watery Gravefoil ---- Journey to Nowhere Blood Cryptfoil Celestial Colonnade Jace, Architect of Thought ---- Harmonize
2 - 11 Breeding Poolfoil ---- Birthing Pod Angelic Destiny Kodama's Reach Rancor ---- Sheltered Thicket
2 - 12 Den Protector ---- Read the Bones Steam Ventsfoil Overgrown Tombfoil Faith's Fetters ---- Abyssal Persecutor
2 - 13 Wall of Omens ---- Silumgar's Command Repeal Crystal Shard Shambling Vent ---- Hero of Oxid Ridge
2 - 14 Fire / Ice ---- Silverblade Paladin All is Dust Engineered Explosives Terramorphic Expanse ---- Stromkirk Noble
2 - 15 Canyon Slough ---- Boom / Bust Jackal Pup Glorious Anthem Wildfire ---- Firedrinker Satyr
3 - 1 Mindwrack Demon ---- Adorned Pouncer Glory-Bound Initiate Regal Caracal Coldsteel Heart ---- Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
3 - 2 Recurring Nightmare ---- Rampaging Baloths Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet Nahiri, the Harbinger Censor ---- Path to Exile
3 - 3 Steam Ventsfoil ---- Upheaval Geist of Saint Traft Thought-Knot Seer Arlinn Kord  Flip ---- Pack Rat
3 - 4 Dismember ---- Wretched Confluence Dig Through Time Deathrite Shaman Cloudblazer ---- Elspeth, Sun's Champion
3 - 5 Swords to Plowshares ---- Unburial Rites Avenger of Zendikar Brainstorm Greenwarden of Murasa ---- Advent of the Wurm
3 - 6 Fetid Pools ---- Vraska the Unseen Stormbreath Dragon Shriekmaw Rampant Growth ---- Frost Titan
3 - 7 AEtherling ---- Remand Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker Electrolyze Banishing Light ---- Psionic Blast
3 - 8 Vivid Creek ---- Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Mana Leak Magister of Worth Careful Consideration ---- Elvish Mystic
3 - 9 Impulse ---- Phantasmal Image Hallowed Fountainfoil Green Sun's Zenith Blinkmoth Nexus ---- Man-o'-War
3 - 10 Staggershock ---- Wolfir Silverheart Woodfall Primus Magma Jet Terastodon ---- Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
3 - 11 Primal Command ---- Fauna Shaman Ash Zealot Harsh Mentor Grafted Wargear ---- Nekrataal
3 - 12 Burst Lightning ---- Jilt Searing Spear Reclamation Sage Zurgo Bellstriker ---- Dissolve
3 - 13 Flamewake Phoenix ---- Unlicensed Disintegration Drowned Catacomb Enclave Cryptologist Brain Maggot ---- Mystic Snake
3 - 14 Dragonskull Summit ---- Vivid Grove Yavimaya Coast Overgrown Tombfoil Caves of Koilos ---- Spear of Heliod
3 - 15 Bounding Krasis ---- Llanowar Wastes Woodland Cemetery Searing Blaze Lavaclaw Reaches ---- Smash to Smithereens