Ended 9 months ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart BadBadNotThisDeck pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Fable of Wolf and Owl Swamp Divinity of Pride Waves of Aggression Cascade Bluffs Primalcrux Ward of Bones Cinder Pyromancer
1 - 2 Dream Fracture Wistful Selkie Needle Specter Crumbling Ashes Twinblade Slasher Shrewd Hatchling Canker Abomination Outrage Shaman
1 - 3 Groundling Pouncer Razorfin Abolisher Outrage Shaman Soul Reap Merrow Levitator Smoldering Butcher Double Cleave Puncture Blast
1 - 4 Savage Conception Hag Hedge-Mage Cauldron Haze Patrol Signaler Selkie Hedge-Mage Quillspike Favor of the Overbeing Puncture Blast
1 - 5 Hearthfire Hobgoblin Idle Thoughts Recumbent Bliss Puncture Blast Favor of the Overbeing Restless Apparition Nightsky Mimic Duergar Hedge-Mage
1 - 6 Beckon Apparition Slippery Bogle Double Cleave Merrow Levitator Merrow Levitator Nettle Sentinel Puncture Blast Flame Jab
1 - 7 Harvest Gwyllion Rendclaw Trow Desecrator Hag Tilling Treefolk Edge of the Divinity Harvest Gwyllion Hobgoblin Dragoon Harvest Gwyllion
1 - 8 Favor of the Overbeing Rendclaw Trow Fang Skulkin Shorecrasher Mimic Odious Trow Slippery Bogle Rugged Prairie Noggle Bandit
1 - 9 Slippery Bogle Drain the Well Wickerbough Elder Woodlurker Mimic Clout of the Dominus Fang Skulkin Fire at Will Battlegate Mimic
1 - 10 Ballynock Trapper Beckon Apparition Kithkin Zealot Woodlurker Mimic Desecrator Hag Merrow Bonegnawer Trapjaw Kelpie Riverfall Mimic
1 - 11 Woodlurker Mimic Shorecrasher Mimic Harvest Gwyllion Banishing Knack Cache Raiders Duergar Assailant Talara's Bane Duergar Assailant
1 - 12 Ballynock Trapper Talara's Bane Gift of the Deity Kithkin Zealot Oona's Grace Shell Skulkin Oona's Grace Noggle Ransacker
1 - 13 Noggle Bridgebreaker Shorecrasher Mimic Noggle Bridgebreaker Shell Skulkin Merrow Bonegnawer Talonrend Antler Skulkin Hoof Skulkin
1 - 14 Swirling Spriggan Grazing Kelpie Antler Skulkin Wilderness Hypnotist Hoof Skulkin Antler Skulkin Wilderness Hypnotist Jawbone Skulkin
1 - 15 Island Kithkin Spellduster
2 - 1 Waterspout Weavers Swamp Swamp Boldwyr Heavyweights Cloak and Dagger Winnower Patrol Bramblewood Paragon Release the Ants
2 - 2 Stonybrook Banneret Mind Shatter Meadowboon Diviner's Wand Unstoppable Ash Scarblade Elite Mountain Meadowboon
2 - 3 Recross the Paths Weight of Conscience Changeling Sentinel Elvish Warrior Swell of Courage Swell of Courage Stonybrook Banneret Sunflare Shaman
2 - 4 Violet Pall Maralen of the Mornsong Ballyrush Banneret Weight of Conscience Waterspout Weavers Winnower Patrol Oona's Blackguard Pyroclast Consul
2 - 5 Veteran's Armaments Brighthearth Banneret Ballyrush Banneret Stonybrook Banneret Brighthearth Banneret Burrenton Bombardier Burrenton Bombardier Seething Pathblazer
2 - 6 Oona's Blackguard Kithkin Zephyrnaut Idyllic Tutor Changeling Sentinel Fertilid Reins of the Vinesteed Oona's Blackguard Shard Volley
2 - 7 Prickly Boggart Ballyrush Banneret Bosk Banneret Moonglove Changeling Luminescent Rain Bosk Banneret Fire Juggler Release the Ants
2 - 8 Fertilid Ambassador Oak Revive the Fallen Festercreep Pack's Disdain Burrenton Shield-Bearers Nightshade Schemers Mudbutton Clanger
2 - 9 Redeem the Lost Sage of Fables Mudbutton Clanger Kithkin Zephyrnaut Distant Melody Fire Juggler Latchkey Faerie War-Spike Changeling
2 - 10 Luminescent Rain Stingmoggie Frogtosser Banneret Festercreep Reins of the Vinesteed Final-Sting Faerie Fire Juggler Roar of the Crowd
2 - 11 Merrow Witsniper Everbark Shaman Stingmoggie Roar of the Crowd Weed-Pruner Poplar Burrenton Shield-Bearers Frogtosser Banneret Kindled Fury
2 - 12 Wandering Graybeard Negate Luminescent Rain Wandering Graybeard Roar of the Crowd Ink Dissolver Final-Sting Faerie Mothdust Changeling
2 - 13 Forfend Morsel Theft Morsel Theft Floodchaser Lunk Errant Pulling Teeth Deglamer Lunk Errant
2 - 14 Merrow Witsniper Deglamer Ink Dissolver Forest Ink Dissolver Graceful Reprieve Negate Squeaking Pie Grubfellows
2 - 15 Negate Stream of Unconsciousness
3 - 1 Everlasting Torment Augury Adept Swamp Mystic Gate River Kelpie Briarberry Cohort Oracle of Nectars Flame Javelin
3 - 2 Order of Whiteclay Thoughtweft Gambit Fists of the Demigod Painter's Servant Dawnglow Infusion Inkfathom Infiltrator Safehold Duo Manamorphose
3 - 3 Reknit Devoted Druid Farhaven Elf Reknit Pale Wayfarer Torture Pili-Pala Mudbrawler Cohort
3 - 4 Dawnglow Infusion Puncture Bolt Gloomlance Faerie Swarm Put Away Leech Bonder Elvish Hexhunter Mine Excavation
3 - 5 Biting Tether Puresight Merrow Wingrattle Scarecrow Helm of the Ghastlord Morselhoarder Safehold Duo Put Away Scar
3 - 6 Goldenglow Moth Runes of the Deus Gloomlance Barkshell Blessing Tattermunge Maniac Gloomlance Puncture Bolt Manaforge Cinder
3 - 7 Smolder Initiate Sinking Feeling Beseech the Queen Barkshell Blessing Sootwalkers Memory Sluice Gravelgill Duo Tattermunge Witch
3 - 8 Wingrattle Scarecrow Scuttlemutt Hollowsage Wildslayer Elves Deep-Slumber Titan Tatterkite Tattermunge Duo Chainbreaker
3 - 9 Gleeful Sabotage Wildslayer Elves Wanderbrine Rootcutters Trip Noose Torture Wildslayer Elves Power of Fire Slinking Giant
3 - 10 Gloomwidow's Feast Rune-Cervin Rider Medicine Runner Foxfire Oak Thistledown Duo Torpor Dust Thornwatch Scarecrow Intimidator Initiate
3 - 11 Ballynock Cohort Thornwatch Scarecrow Crabapple Cohort Ballynock Cohort Sinking Feeling Barrenton Cragtreads Splitting Headache Rustrazor Butcher
3 - 12 Revelsong Horn Last Breath Sickle Ripper Viridescent Wisps Rustrazor Butcher Rune-Cervin Rider Smash to Smithereens Barrenton Medic
3 - 13 Loch Korrigan Inquisitor's Snare Viridescent Wisps Disturbing Plot Sapseep Forest Gravelgill Axeshark Lockjaw Snapper Woeleecher
3 - 14 Boggart Arsonists Rattleblaze Scarecrow Blistering Dieflyn Heap Doll Kinscaer Harpoonist Parapet Watchers Heap Doll Faerie Macabre
3 - 15 Poison the Well Forest