Ended 5 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart B4THEND pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Hold the Line ---- Nagao, Bound by Honor Kumano, Master Yamabushi He Who Hungers Cut the Tethers Myojin of Life's Web Soratami Savant
1 - 2 Takeno, Samurai General ---- Reciprocate Orochi Sustainer Kami of the Painted Road Mothrider Samurai Honden of Life's Web Swallowing Plague
1 - 3 Orochi Sustainer ---- Shidako, Broodmistress Eerie Procession Hinder Waterveil Cavern Soratami Savant Initiate of Blood  Flip
1 - 4 Ronin Houndmaster ---- Kami of Twisted Reflection Kashi-Tribe Warriors Hisoka's Defiance Deathcurse Ogre Soulless Revival Tobita, Master of Winds
1 - 5 Wicked Akuba ---- Kashi-Tribe Reaver Lifted by Clouds Glacial Ray No-Dachi Strength of Cedars Deathcurse Ogre
1 - 6 Stone Rain ---- Reach Through Mists Soilshaper Gibbering Kami Soratami Rainshaper Pious Kitsune Call to Glory
1 - 7 Devoted Retainer ---- Call to Glory Kashi-Tribe Warriors Deathcurse Ogre Wandering Ones Yamabushi's Storm Soratami Mirror-Guard
1 - 8 Vine Kami ---- Blood Speaker Psychic Puppetry Pull Under Gibbering Kami Distress Rend Spirit
1 - 9 Terashi's Cry ---- Moss Kami Unnatural Speed Pious Kitsune Soul of Magma Battle-Mad Ronin Thoughtbind
1 - 10 Unnatural Speed ---- Callous Deceiver Ember-Fist Zubera Ashen-Skin Zubera Callous Deceiver Nezumi Ronin Soulless Revival
1 - 11 Yamabushi's Flame ---- Wear Away Serpent Skin Floating-Dream Zubera Dampen Thought Ashen-Skin Zubera Thoughtbind
1 - 12 Otherworldly Journey ---- Yamabushi's Storm Strange Inversion Matsu-Tribe Decoy Rend Spirit Otherworldly Journey Dampen Thought
1 - 13 Unearthly Blizzard ---- Hana Kami Pinecrest Ridge Silent-Chant Zubera Scuttling Death Distress Waking Nightmare
1 - 14 Hana Kami ---- Order of the Sacred Bell Rag Dealer Sokenzan Bruiser Hana Kami Kami of Ancient Law Myojin of Infinite Rage
2 - 1 Orochi Eggwatcher  Flip ---- Student of Elements  Flip Nezumi Shortfang  Flip Nezumi Graverobber  Flip Desperate Ritual Konda, Lord of Eiganjo Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
2 - 2 Blood Rites ---- Lure Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep Myojin of Seeing Winds Sire of the Storm Cut the Tethers No-Dachi
2 - 3 Dripping-Tongue Zubera ---- Student of Elements  Flip Kabuto Moth Pull Under Psychic Puppetry Kabuto Moth Hinder
2 - 4 Kami of the Palace Fields ---- Honor-Worn Shaku Kumano's Pupils Hideous Laughter Gibbering Kami Sakura-Tribe Elder Kashi-Tribe Warriors
2 - 5 Ragged Veins ---- Eye of Nowhere Sift Through Sands Lifted by Clouds Psychic Puppetry Goka the Unjust  Flip Deathcurse Ogre
2 - 6 Hearth Kami ---- Vine Kami Kashi-Tribe Warriors Kami of Fire's Roar Kami of Twisted Reflection Shidako, Broodmistress Kami of the Hunt
2 - 7 Crushing Pain ---- Ethereal Haze Call to Glory Stone Rain Gibbering Kami Devoted Retainer Yamabushi's Storm
2 - 8 Lantern Kami ---- Midnight Covenant Blood Speaker Frostwielder Dripping-Tongue Zubera Devoted Retainer Moss Kami
2 - 9 Zo-Zu the Punisher ---- Cruel Deceiver Kitsune Blademaster Mystic Restraints Silent-Chant Zubera Reach Through Mists Kitsune Healer
2 - 10 Kodama's Reach ---- Yamabushi's Flame Quiet Purity Jukai Messenger Soratami Mirror-Mage Dampen Thought Vigilance
2 - 11 Order of the Sacred Bell ---- Ashen-Skin Zubera Kitsune Healer Akki Avalanchers Candles' Glow Brutal Deceiver Thief of Hope
2 - 12 Jukai Messenger ---- Indomitable Will Kitsune Riftwalker Thief of Hope Cursed Ronin Otherworldly Journey River Kaijin
2 - 13 Kitsune Healer ---- Field of Reality Terashi's Cry Moss Kami Matsu-Tribe Decoy Kami of Ancient Law Humble Budoka
2 - 14 Dampen Thought ---- Otherworldly Journey Waterveil Cavern Jukai Messenger Hana Kami Kami of Ancient Law Blessed Breath
3 - 1 Gibbering Kami ---- Jugan, the Rising Star Gutwrencher Oni Kusari-Gama Seshiro the Anointed Pull Under Pinecrest Ridge
3 - 2 Hundred-Talon Kami ---- Hinder Orochi Sustainer Kabuto Moth Mystic Restraints Bloodthirsty Ogre Sosuke, Son of Seshiro
3 - 3 Kitsune Blademaster ---- Kabuto Moth Soratami Seer Swallowing Plague Konda's Hatamoto Crushing Pain Crushing Pain
3 - 4 Kitsune Blademaster ---- Orochi Sustainer Thousand-legged Kami Lava Spike Cloudcrest Lake Burr Grafter Counsel of the Soratami
3 - 5 Gibbering Kami ---- Eye of Nowhere Moss Kami Strength of Cedars Samurai of the Pale Curtain Pull Under Dance of Shadows
3 - 6 Deathcurse Ogre ---- Eye of Nowhere Initiate of Blood  Flip Unearthly Blizzard Feral Deceiver Devoted Retainer Lifted by Clouds
3 - 7 Teller of Tales ---- Ethereal Haze Hundred-Talon Kami Akki Rockspeaker Silent-Chant Zubera Ronin Houndmaster Kami of Twisted Reflection
3 - 8 Kodama's Reach ---- Consuming Vortex Ragged Veins Nezumi Ronin Cruel Deceiver Indomitable Will Brutal Deceiver
3 - 9 Indomitable Will ---- Rend Flesh Ragged Veins Sift Through Sands Pious Kitsune Kami of Fire's Roar Hair-Strung Koto
3 - 10 Akki Coalflinger ---- Cursed Ronin Nezumi Ronin Unearthly Blizzard Nine-Ringed Bo Floating-Dream Zubera Wicked Akuba
3 - 11 Vine Kami ---- Thief of Hope Thoughtbind Vine Kami Hana Kami Quiet Purity Soul of Magma
3 - 12 Orochi Ranger ---- Harsh Deceiver Kodama's Reach Midnight Covenant Wear Away Dampen Thought Orbweaver Kumo
3 - 13 Thief of Hope ---- Unnatural Speed Hana Kami Otherworldly Journey Distress Kitsune Diviner Petals of Insight
3 - 14 Kitsune Riftwalker ---- Wicked Akuba Cursed Ronin Sokenzan Bruiser Waking Nightmare Silent-Chant Zubera Field of Reality