Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart C4reynol pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Sram's Expertise Exquisite Archangel Call for Unity ---- Rishkar's Expertise Peacewalker Colossus Walking Ballista Fatal Push
1 - 2 Midnight Entourage Pacification Array Hungry Flames ---- Shock Gifted Aetherborn Airdrop Aeronauts Treasure Keeper
1 - 3 Daring Demolition Daring Demolition Shock ---- Scrounging Bandar Chandra's Revolution Pacification Array Daring Demolition
1 - 4 Shielded Aether Thief Shock Tezzeret's Touch ---- Renegade Rallier Cogwork Assembler Lifecraft Cavalry Tezzeret's Touch
1 - 5 Cruel Finality Aether Swooper Skyship Plunderer ---- Renegade Map Renegade Map Highspire Infusion Aetherstream Leopard
1 - 6 Spire Patrol Audacious Infiltrator Irontread Crusher ---- Prey Upon Prey Upon Sweatworks Brawler Implement of Examination
1 - 7 Leave in the Dust Aether Swooper Ghirapur Osprey ---- Prey Upon Welder Automaton Aether Swooper Alley Strangler
1 - 8 Foundry Assembler Augmenting Automaton Hidden Stockpile ---- Night Market Aeronaut Aether Herder Ghirapur Osprey Aerial Modification
1 - 9 Irontread Crusher Conviction Crackdown Construct ---- Verdant Automaton Alley Strangler Welder Automaton Alley Strangler
1 - 10 Leave in the Dust Silkweaver Elite Night Market Guard ---- Unbridled Growth Universal Solvent Implement of Malice Watchful Automaton
1 - 11 Night Market Guard Universal Solvent Foundry Assembler ---- Universal Solvent Countless Gears Renegade Natural Obsolescence Universal Solvent
1 - 12 Shipwreck Moray Embraal Gear-Smasher Resourceful Return ---- Universal Solvent Alley Evasion Audacious Infiltrator Bastion Enforcer
1 - 13 Aegis Automaton Implement of Improvement Universal Solvent ---- Night Market Guard Wrangle Consulate Turret Wrangle
1 - 14 Take into Custody Prizefighter Construct Resourceful Return ---- Wrangle Reservoir Walker Bastion Enforcer Lathnu Sailback
2 - 1 Ridgescale Tusker Vengeful Rebel Lifecrafter's Bestiary ---- Untethered Express Aethertide Whale Solemn Recruit Ridgescale Tusker
2 - 2 Monstrous Onslaught Monstrous Onslaught Ridgescale Tusker ---- Druid of the Cowl Maulfist Revolutionary Thopter Arrest Shielded Aether Thief
2 - 3 Daring Demolition Barricade Breaker Maverick Thopterist ---- Winding Constrictor Daring Demolition Prey Upon Inspiring Statuary
2 - 4 Dawnfeather Eagle Aether Chaser Enraged Giant ---- Aid from the Cowl Mobile Garrison Servo Schematic Shock
2 - 5 Aeronaut Admiral Siege Modification Cruel Finality ---- Implement of Ferocity Implement of Ferocity Aether Poisoner Invigorated Rampage
2 - 6 Implement of Ferocity Mobile Garrison Countless Gears Renegade ---- Audacious Infiltrator Rogue Refiner Aether Herder Aether Poisoner
2 - 7 Ice Over Bastion Inventor Ghirapur Osprey ---- Mobile Garrison Ice Over Prey Upon Audacious Infiltrator
2 - 8 Highspire Infusion Night Market Aeronaut Bastion Inventor ---- Silkweaver Elite Irontread Crusher Defiant Salvager Augmenting Automaton
2 - 9 Implement of Malice Ice Over Bastion Inventor ---- Ghirapur Osprey Silkweaver Elite Gonti's Machinations Implement of Examination
2 - 10 Night Market Guard Illusionist's Stratagem Night Market Guard ---- Embraal Gear-Smasher Reservoir Walker Decommission Frontline Rebel
2 - 11 Foundry Assembler Alley Evasion Universal Solvent ---- Bastion Enforcer Augmenting Automaton Secret Salvage Shipwreck Moray
2 - 12 Implement of Improvement Reservoir Walker Destructive Tampering ---- Implement of Combustion Aegis Automaton Consulate Turret Resourceful Return
2 - 13 Implement of Improvement Implement of Improvement Dispersal Technician ---- Dispersal Technician Fourth Bridge Prowler Negate Resourceful Return
2 - 14 Renegade's Getaway Take into Custody Destructive Tampering ---- Bastion Enforcer Lathnu Sailback Prizefighter Construct Bastion Enforcer
3 - 1 Key to the City Skyship Stalker Harnessed Lightning ---- Aethersquall Ancient Longtusk Cub Harnessed Lightning Armorcraft Judge
3 - 2 Sky Skiff Arborback Stomper Aether Hub ---- Filigree Familiar Fairgrounds Warden Renegade Freighter Bomat Bazaar Barge
3 - 3 Revoke Privileges Underhanded Designs Essence Extraction ---- Gearshift Ace Bomat Bazaar Barge Ovalchase Dragster Depala, Pilot Exemplar
3 - 4 Sky Skiff Fabrication Module Dhund Operative ---- Elegant Edgecrafters Wildest Dreams Peema Outrider Whirler Virtuoso
3 - 5 Hunt the Weak Glint-Sleeve Artisan Authority of the Consulate ---- Peema Outrider Impeccable Timing Gearseeker Serpent Propeller Pioneer
3 - 6 Chandra's Pyrohelix Thriving Grubs Restoration Gearsmith ---- Malfunction Empyreal Voyager Thriving Grubs Maulfist Squad
3 - 7 Thriving Ibex Aviary Mechanic Wild Wanderer ---- Propeller Pioneer Contraband Kingpin Aviary Mechanic Self-Assembler
3 - 8 Subtle Strike Sage of Shaila's Claim Gearseeker Serpent ---- Aviary Mechanic Aviary Mechanic Aviary Mechanic Gearseeker Serpent
3 - 9 Narnam Cobra Spireside Infiltrator Wild Wanderer ---- Fragmentize Live Fast Spontaneous Artist Gearseeker Serpent
3 - 10 Highspire Artisan Highspire Artisan Highspire Artisan ---- AEther Tradewinds Lawless Broker Built to Last Appetite for the Unnatural
3 - 11 Glassblower's Puzzleknot Ambitious Aetherborn Metalspinner's Puzzleknot ---- Thriving Turtle Mind Rot Cogworker's Puzzleknot Larger Than Life
3 - 12 Fortuitous Find Nimble Innovator Built to Last ---- Vedalken Blademaster Consulate Surveillance Perpetual Timepiece Built to Last
3 - 13 Workshop Assistant Ornamental Courage Larger Than Life ---- Take Down Cathartic Reunion Nimble Innovator Prakhata Club Security
3 - 14 Tasseled Dromedary Tasseled Dromedary Terror of the Fairgrounds ---- Giant Spectacle Renegade Tactics Failed Inspection Torch Gauntlet