Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart madchat pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Angel of Condemnation Champion of Wits Pride Sovereign ---- Rhonas's Last Stand Steward of Solidarity Overcome Resilient Khenra
1 - 2 Open Fire Supreme Will Overcome ---- Fervent Paincaster Tenacious Hunter Apocalypse Demon Ominous Sphinx
1 - 3 Sandblast Fervent Paincaster Bitterbow Sharpshooters ---- Sifter Wurm Vizier of the True Khenra Scrapper Rhonas's Stalwart
1 - 4 Vizier of the Anointed Abandoned Sarcophagus Puncturing Blow ---- Lethal Sting Dauntless Aven Sandblast Unraveling Mummy
1 - 5 Unquenchable Thirst Inferno Jet Khenra Eternal ---- Dauntless Aven Sandblast Consign / Oblivion Sunset Pyramid
1 - 6 Feral Prowler Riddleform Dauntless Aven ---- Inferno Jet Frontline Devastator Vizier of the Anointed Rampaging Hippo
1 - 7 Unconventional Tactics Mummy Paramount Frontline Devastator ---- Thorned Moloch Resolute Survivors Khenra Eternal Consign / Oblivion
1 - 8 Desert of the Indomitable Feral Prowler Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs ---- Spellweaver Eternal Appeal / Authority Sidewinder Naga Mummy Paramount
1 - 9 Appeal / Authority Unconventional Tactics Mummy Paramount ---- Desert of the Indomitable Feral Prowler Marauding Boneslasher Aven of Enduring Hope
1 - 10 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Marauding Boneslasher Harrier Naga ---- Survivors' Encampment Striped Riverwinder Marauding Boneslasher Frilled Sandwalla
1 - 11 Striped Riverwinder Aven Reedstalker Frilled Sandwalla ---- Frilled Sandwalla Scrounger of Souls Defiant Khenra Solitary Camel
1 - 12 Gift of Strength Proven Combatant Steadfast Sentinel ---- Act of Heroism Beneath the Sands Act of Heroism Crash Through
1 - 13 Cunning Survivor Granitic Titan Graven Abomination ---- Scrounger of Souls Djeru's Renunciation Kindled Fury Djeru's Renunciation
1 - 14 Life Goes On Dutiful Servants Graven Abomination ---- Gift of Strength Seer of the Last Tomorrow Seer of the Last Tomorrow Dutiful Servants
2 - 1 Banewhip Punisher Overcome Abrade ---- Struggle / Survive Puncturing Blow Tenacious Hunter The Scarab God
2 - 2 Fervent Paincaster Nimble Obstructionist Rhonas's Last Stand ---- Hour of Eternity Sunscourge Champion Khenra Scrapper Sandblast
2 - 3 Open Fire Unraveling Mummy Hour of Revelation ---- Bloodwater Entity Bloodwater Entity Aerial Guide Khenra Scrapper
2 - 4 Sidewinder Naga Ramunap Ruins Hashep Oasis ---- Sinuous Striker Unsummon Oketra's Avenger Puncturing Blow
2 - 5 Ruin Rat Sandblast Rhonas's Stalwart ---- Unconventional Tactics Sandblast Sunscourge Champion Desert of the Indomitable
2 - 6 Aerial Guide Unquenchable Thirst Unsummon ---- Oasis Ritualist Lethal Sting Blur of Blades Frontline Devastator
2 - 7 Hazoret's Undying Fury Rampaging Hippo Aven Reedstalker ---- Oketra's Avenger Feral Prowler Sidewinder Naga Khenra Eternal
2 - 8 Desert of the Glorified Gift of Strength Rampaging Hippo ---- Claim / Fame Thorned Moloch Traveler's Amulet Sidewinder Naga
2 - 9 Proven Combatant Endless Sands Spellweaver Eternal ---- Desert of the True Aven of Enduring Hope Rampaging Hippo Desert of the True
2 - 10 Desert of the Glorified Desert of the Fervent Desert of the True ---- Without Weakness Desert of the True Gilded Cerodon Scavenger Grounds
2 - 11 Harrier Naga Desert of the Mindful Solitary Camel ---- Marauding Boneslasher Dunes of the Dead Grisly Survivor Granitic Titan
2 - 12 Survivors' Encampment Chandra's Defeat Crash Through ---- Survivors' Encampment Cunning Survivor Dune Diviner Appeal / Authority
2 - 13 Beneath the Sands Nissa's Defeat Steadfast Sentinel ---- Djeru's Renunciation Crash Through Steadfast Sentinel Solitary Camel
2 - 14 Dutiful Servants Graven Abomination Crash Through ---- God-Pharaoh's Faithful Moaning Wall Saving Grace Moaning Wall
3 - 1 Prowling Serpopard Edifice of Authority Insult / Injury ---- Ahn-Crop Crasher Trial of Strength Cartouche of Strength Samut, Voice of Dissent
3 - 2 Binding Mummy Compulsory Rest Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun ---- Plague Belcher Neheb, the Worthy Rags / Riches Trial of Knowledge
3 - 3 Labyrinth Guardian Tah-Crop Elite Cartouche of Ambition ---- Synchronized Strike Trial of Ambition Tah-Crop Elite Gust Walker
3 - 4 Rhonas's Monument Binding Mummy Warfire Javelineer ---- Fan Bearer Tah-Crop Elite Final Reward Rhonas's Monument
3 - 5 Hooded Brawler Cursed Minotaur Sheltered Thicket ---- Soulstinger Soulstinger Cartouche of Knowledge Decimator Beetle
3 - 6 Fan Bearer Ornery Kudu Nef-Crop Entangler ---- Cryptic Serpent Tah-Crop Elite Tah-Crop Elite Ahn-Crop Champion
3 - 7 Aven Initiate Shimmerscale Drake Blighted Bat ---- Shimmerscale Drake River Serpent Greater Sandwurm Ahn-Crop Champion
3 - 8 Doomed Dissenter Cursed Minotaur Bitterblade Warrior ---- Ornery Kudu Bitterblade Warrior Initiate's Companion Cursed Minotaur
3 - 9 Flameblade Adept Compelling Argument Cartouche of Solidarity ---- Vizier of Remedies Thresher Lizard Floodwaters Anointer Priest
3 - 10 Pouncing Cheetah Gift of Paradise Forsake the Worldly ---- Aven Initiate Pitiless Vizier Desert Cerodon Supernatural Stamina
3 - 11 Shed Weakness Cancel Hapatra's Mark ---- Wander in Death Anointer Priest Gift of Paradise Pitiless Vizier
3 - 12 Hapatra's Mark Oashra Cultivator Painted Bluffs ---- Blazing Volley Pathmaker Initiate Pouncing Cheetah Unburden
3 - 13 Fling Tormenting Voice Trespasser's Curse ---- Mighty Leap Embalmer's Tools Honed Khopesh Fling
3 - 14 Hyena Pack Scribe of the Mindful Sunscorched Desert ---- Dissenter's Deliverance Benefaction of Rhonas Dissenter's Deliverance Pursue Glory