The Tesseract 4.3

Ended 3 years ago

Player glenb8 pie chart IgorLakitu pie chart sephimax3 pie chart odaik pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4
1 - 1 Harmonic Prodigy Dragonlord Silumgar Hero of Bladehold Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker
1 - 2 Torrential Gearhulk Mana Crypt Accorder Paladin Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
1 - 3 Firebolt Snap Intrepid Adversary Cathartic Pyre
1 - 4 Anticipate Counterspell Welcoming Vampire Pia and Kiran Nalaar
1 - 5 Brainstorm Inquisition of Kozilek Combat Calligrapher Fireflux Squad
1 - 6 Docent of Perfection  Flip Languish Battle Screech Fiery Confluence
1 - 7 Wild Slash Devastation Tide Kami's Flare Gilt-Leaf Winnower
1 - 8 Faithless Looting Gitaxian Probe Wingmate Roc Viashino Pyromancer
1 - 9 Dungeon Geists Blood Artist Restoration Angel Demon of Catastrophes
1 - 10 Unsummon Flooded Strand Priest of the Blessed Graf Order of Midnight
1 - 11 Falkenrath Noble Path to Exile Gush Hangarback Walker
1 - 12 Goblin Bushwhacker Oona's Prowler Voice of the Blessed Brutal Hordechief
1 - 13 Merchant Raiders Voracious Hydra Halana and Alena, Partners Firebrand Archer
1 - 14 Warrant / Warden God-Eternal Rhonas Indulging Patrician Falkenrath Aristocrat
1 - 15 Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter Tireless Tracker Barkhide Troll Fangren Firstborn
2 - 1 Icefall Regent Infernal Grasp Bloodthirsty Adversary Runaway Steam-Kin
2 - 2 Rionya, Fire Dancer Murderous Rider Impact Tremorsfoil Legion Warboss
2 - 3 Monastery Swiftspear Gyruda, Doom of Depths Archangel of Thune Goblin Rabblemaster
2 - 4 Crackling Drake Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip Cataclysmic Gearhulk Makindi Sliderunner
2 - 5 Baral, Chief of Compliance Fact or Fiction Shaile, Dean of Radiance  Flip Eradicator Valkyrie
2 - 6 Young Pyromancer Sleep Riddlemaster Sphinx Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
2 - 7 Polukranos, World Eater Harsh Scrutiny Trespasser's Curse Char
2 - 8 Curse of Disturbance Opt Gideon, Ally of Zendikar Thorn of the Black Rose
2 - 9 Aether Chaser Overwhelmed Apprentice Cathar Commando Scourge of Nel Toth
2 - 10 Riftwing Cloudskate Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer Mana Confluence Heir of Falkenrath  Flip
2 - 11 Nissa, Steward of Elements Witch of the Moors Syndic of Tithes Rakdos Headliner
2 - 12 Eater of Virtue Questing Beast Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip Vampire Outcasts
2 - 13 Territorial Allosaurus Oran-Rief Ooze Reflector Mage Lotleth Troll
2 - 14 Harrow Contortionist Troupe Den Protector Ordeal of Nylea
2 - 15 Scurry Oak Hardened Scales Gretchen Titchwillow Karlov of the Ghost Council
3 - 1 Thassa, Deep-Dwelling Barrin, Tolarian Archmage Archon of Absolution Robber of the Rich
3 - 2 Poppet Stitcher  Flip Cryptic Command *list* Serra Ascendant Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast
3 - 3 Snapcaster Mage Iymrith, Desert Doom Archangel Avacyn  Flip Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  Flip
3 - 4 Stern Dismissal Shriekmaw Elder Gargaroth Esika's Chariot
3 - 5 Umara Mystic Mist Raven Glorious Protector Fireblast
3 - 6 Pteramander String of Disappearances Oblivion Ring Thundering Rebuke
3 - 7 Whispering Wizard Select for Inspection Righteous Valkyrie Wanted Scoundrels
3 - 8 Knight of Meadowgrain Ponder Thorn Mammoth Somnophore
3 - 9 Temple Gardenfoil Hallowed Fountainfoil Charming Prince Gravelighter
3 - 10 Secrets of the Golden City Wayward Swordtooth Attended Knight Yahenni's Expertise
3 - 11 Consider Rishkar, Peema Renegade Ordeal of Heliod Bloodrage Brawler
3 - 12 Eldrazi Skyspawner Verdurous Gearhulk Visionary Augmenter Surrak, the Hunt Caller
3 - 13 Lion Sash Gnarlid Colony Primal Adversary Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
3 - 14 Wormfang Drake Goldnight Commander Conclave Mentor Syr Faren, the Hengehammer
3 - 15 Cliffhaven Vampire Untamed Kavu Gnoll Hunter Joraga Treespeaker