Ended 6 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart nickdemson1995 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Moment of Craving Highland Lake Woodland Stream Woodland Stream Radiant Destiny ---- Foul Orchard Jadelight Ranger
1 - 2 Legion Lieutenant Luminous Bonds Champion of Dusk Moment of Craving Baffling End ---- Moment of Craving Tetzimoc, Primal Death
1 - 3 Needletooth Raptor Waterknot Deadeye Brawler Bombard Needletooth Raptor ---- Crested Herdcaller Temple Altisaur
1 - 4 Deadeye Brawler Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Dusk Legion Zealot World Shaper Raging Regisaur ---- Impale Bombard
1 - 5 Waterknot Everdawn Champion Dusk Legion Zealot Relentless Raptor Swift Warden ---- Siegehorn Ceratops Sadistic Skymarcher
1 - 6 Kitesail Corsair Riverwise Augur Everdawn Champion Exultant Skymarcher Martyr of Dusk ---- Voracious Vampire Waterknot
1 - 7 Dusk Legion Zealot Jungleborn Pioneer Mist-Cloaked Herald Dusk Legion Zealot Mutiny ---- Majestic Heliopterus Cacophodon
1 - 8 Dinosaur Hunter Pride of Conquerors Release to the Wind Knight of the Stampede Knight of the Stampede ---- Squire's Devotion Exultant Skymarcher
1 - 9 Knight of the Stampede Sanguine Glorifier Mist-Cloaked Herald Goblin Trailblazer Soul of the Rapids ---- Knight of the Stampede Knight of the Stampede
1 - 10 Stampeding Horncrest Crashing Tide Spire Winder Jade Bearer Hornswoggle ---- Crashing Tide Deadeye Rig-Hauler
1 - 11 Tilonalli's Crown Jade Bearer Buccaneer's Bravado Jadecraft Artisan Hardy Veteran ---- Swaggering Corsair Stampeding Horncrest
1 - 12 Vampire Revenant Secrets of the Golden City Gruesome Fate Fanatical Firebrand Orazca Relic ---- Spire Winder Orazca Relic
1 - 13 Orazca Raptor Sun-Crested Pterodon Jadecraft Artisan Dark Inquiry Gruesome Fate ---- Dusk Charger Vampire Revenant
1 - 14 Jade Bearer Sea Legs Overgrown Armasaur Hardy Veteran Canal Monitor ---- Sworn Guardian Canal Monitor
2 - 1 Overcome Ambuscade Sand Strangler Angel of Condemnation Angel of Condemnation ---- Hour of Glory Ammit Eternal
2 - 2 Ifnir Deadlands Ambuscade Banewhip Punisher Tenacious Hunter Ambuscade ---- Bloodwater Entity Open Fire
2 - 3 Eternal of Harsh Truths Khenra Scrapper Sunscourge Champion Struggle / Survive Ambuscade ---- Ifnir Deadlands Manticore Eternal
2 - 4 Sinuous Striker Vizier of the Anointed Open Fire Torment of Scarabs Dauntless Aven ---- Puncturing Blow Rampaging Hippo
2 - 5 Oasis Ritualist Vizier of the True Unquenchable Thirst Quarry Beetle Oasis Ritualist ---- Desert of the Glorified Dauntless Aven
2 - 6 Khenra Scrapper Aerial Guide Manalith Desert of the Fervent Uncage the Menagerie ---- Firebrand Archer Gilded Cerodon
2 - 7 Bitterbow Sharpshooters Striped Riverwinder Refuse / Cooperate Unraveling Mummy Unsummon ---- Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Unquenchable Thirst
2 - 8 Survivors' Encampment Blur of Blades Firebrand Archer Khenra Eternal Frontline Devastator ---- Vile Manifestation Magmaroth
2 - 9 Angel of the God-Pharaoh Harrier Naga Oketra's Last Mercy Feral Prowler Mummy Paramount ---- Tragic Lesson Imaginary Threats
2 - 10 Carrion Screecher Aven Reedstalker Ipnu Rivulet Defiant Khenra Aven of Enduring Hope ---- Strategic Planning Desert of the True
2 - 11 Marauding Boneslasher Defiant Khenra Countervailing Winds Gilded Cerodon Marauding Boneslasher ---- Defiant Khenra Aven of Enduring Hope
2 - 12 Mummy Paramount Scrounger of Souls Marauding Boneslasher Beneath the Sands Graven Abomination ---- Proven Combatant Frilled Sandwalla
2 - 13 Steadfast Sentinel Solitary Camel Cunning Survivor Kindled Fury Dutiful Servants ---- Gift of Strength Scrounger of Souls
2 - 14 Grisly Survivor Grisly Survivor Dutiful Servants Life Goes On Kindled Fury ---- Crash Through Dutiful Servants
3 - 1 Sparring Mummy Honed Khopesh Honed Khopesh Electrify Vizier of Many Faces ---- Compelling Argument Honored Hydra
3 - 2 Pouncing Cheetah Miasmic Mummy Dusk / Dawn Deem Worthy Splendid Agony ---- Spidery Grasp Bloodrage Brawler
3 - 3 Slither Blade Sacred Cat Shefet Monitor Cartouche of Ambition Tah-Crop Elite ---- Dune Beetle Pull from Tomorrow
3 - 4 Winged Shepherd Trial of Strength Bone Picker Battlefield Scavenger Lord of the Accursed ---- Kefnet's Monument Electrify
3 - 5 Oketra's Monument Soulstinger Vizier of Deferment Bitterblade Warrior Fan Bearer ---- Horror of the Broken Lands Shadowstorm Vizier
3 - 6 Slither Blade Cartouche of Knowledge Open Into Wonder Bitterblade Warrior Gust Walker ---- Colossapede Naga Vitalist
3 - 7 Cryptic Serpent Wasteland Scorpion Cradle of the Accursed Hooded Brawler Rhet-Crop Spearmaster ---- Shimmerscale Drake Pouncing Cheetah
3 - 8 Naga Oracle Cradle of the Accursed Throne of the God-Pharaoh Wayward Servant Festering Mummy ---- Soulstinger Bitterblade Warrior
3 - 9 Hekma Sentinels Festering Mummy Wayward Servant Pouncing Cheetah Anointer Priest ---- Cartouche of Knowledge Ornery Kudu
3 - 10 Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Floodwaters Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Stinging Shot Djeru's Resolve ---- Decimator Beetle Greater Sandwurm
3 - 11 Binding Mummy Vizier of Remedies Minotaur Sureshot Oashra Cultivator Glorious End ---- Essence Scatter Initiate's Companion
3 - 12 Miasmic Mummy Oashra Cultivator Pitiless Vizier Ahn-Crop Champion Wayward Servant ---- Winds of Rebuke Onward / Victory
3 - 13 Decision Paralysis Evolving Wilds Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun Giant Spider Approach of the Second Sun ---- Scribe of the Mindful Nest of Scarabs
3 - 14 Benefaction of Rhonas Those Who Serve Embalmer's Tools Tormenting Voice Cancel ---- Ancient Crab Giant Spider