M11 / RIX / ICE

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Glacium pie chart DraftBot pie chart Algarith pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Sword of Vengeance Lightning Bolt Cudgel Troll Platinum Angel ---- Black Knight ---- Cyclops Gladiator
1 - 2 Garruk's Packleader Hornet Sting Voltaic Key Birds of Paradise ---- Incite ---- Cudgel Troll
1 - 3 Acidic Slime AEther Adept Voltaic Key Hoarding Dragon ---- Infantry Veteran ---- Hoarding Dragon
1 - 4 Bloodcrazed Goblin Cloud Crusader Stone Golem Jace's Ingenuity ---- Sleep ---- Black Knight
1 - 5 Jinxed Idol Prodigal Pyromancer Yavimaya Wurm Pyretic Ritual ---- Cultivate ---- Wall of Vines
1 - 6 Berserkers of Blood Ridge Wall of Vines Pyretic Ritual Greater Basilisk ---- Ajani's Mantra ---- Incite
1 - 7 Hornet Sting Unholy Strength Berserkers of Blood Ridge Assassinate ---- Infantry Veteran ---- Dragonskull Summit
1 - 8 Liliana's Specter Sylvan Ranger Blinding Mage Manic Vandal ---- Sacred Wolf ---- Unsummon
1 - 9 Lava Axe Fling Greater Basilisk Sign in Blood ---- Garruk's Companion ---- Shiv's Embrace
1 - 10 Squadron Hawk Back to Nature Sign in Blood Fiery Hellhound ---- Goblin Balloon Brigade ---- Squadron Hawk
1 - 11 Gravedigger Brindle Boar Fiery Hellhound Scroll Thief ---- Wild Griffin ---- Jace's Erasure
1 - 12 Nature's Spiral Runeclaw Bear Nightwing Shade Harbor Serpent ---- Goblin Balloon Brigade ---- Flashfreeze
1 - 13 Harbor Serpent Vulshok Berserker Armored Cancrix Canyon Minotaur ---- Back to Nature ---- Squadron Hawk
1 - 14 Disentomb Nightwing Shade Cloud Elemental Naturalize ---- Demolish ---- Giant Spider
2 - 1 Deeproot Elite Huatli, Radiant Champion Tilonalli's Summoner Bombard ---- Silverclad Ferocidons ---- Bombard
2 - 2 Reckless Rage Reckless Rage Thrashing Brontodon Woodland Stream ---- Vona's Hunger ---- Temple Altisaur
2 - 3 Forerunner of the Legion Dead Man's Chest Journey to Eternity  Flip Majestic Heliopterus ---- Impale ---- Charging Tuskodon
2 - 4 Storm Fleet Sprinter Siren Reaver Exultant Skymarcher Sadistic Skymarcher ---- Forerunner of the Coalition ---- Frilled Deathspitter
2 - 5 Dusk Legion Zealot Enter the Unknown Kitesail Corsair Siegehorn Ceratops ---- Waterknot ---- Pride of Conquerors
2 - 6 Deadeye Rig-Hauler Frilled Deathspitter Storm Fleet Swashbuckler Exultant Skymarcher ---- Mist-Cloaked Herald ---- Martyr of Dusk
2 - 7 Mausoleum Harpy Raging Regisaur Deadeye Rig-Hauler Exultant Skymarcher ---- Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Crashing Tide
2 - 8 Dusk Legion Zealot Arterial Flow Frilled Deathspitter Giltgrove Stalker ---- Exultant Skymarcher ---- Shake the Foundations
2 - 9 Soul of the Rapids Mist-Cloaked Herald Sun Sentinel Stampeding Horncrest ---- Swaggering Corsair ---- Giltgrove Stalker
2 - 10 Cherished Hatchling Spire Winder Sun Sentinel Jungleborn Pioneer ---- Soul of the Rapids ---- Sun-Crested Pterodon
2 - 11 Swaggering Corsair Spire Winder Fanatical Firebrand River Darter ---- Knight of the Stampede ---- Sanguine Glorifier
2 - 12 Grasping Scoundrel Stampeding Horncrest Orazca Frillback Swaggering Corsair ---- Hardy Veteran ---- Overgrown Armasaur
2 - 13 Brazen Freebooter Overgrown Armasaur Orazca Frillback Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Fathom Fleet Boarder ---- Overgrown Armasaur
2 - 14 Sworn Guardian Canal Monitor Overgrown Armasaur Overgrown Armasaur ---- Dusk Charger ---- Overgrown Armasaur
3 - 1 Kjeldoran Skyknight Infinite Hourglass Fyndhorn Elder Jester's Cap ---- Balduvian Bears ---- Dark Ritual
3 - 2 Soul Burn Icequake Freyalise Supplicant Onyx Talisman ---- Brainstorm ---- Binding Grasp
3 - 3 Enervate Withering Wisps Tinder Wall Hurricane ---- Dark Ritual ---- Hipparion
3 - 4 Soul Burn Mystic Remora Cooperation Prismatic Ward ---- Zuran Spellcaster ---- Ice Floe
3 - 5 Kjeldoran Dead Brine Shaman Skull Catapult Stench of Evil ---- Balduvian Bears ---- Wings of Aesthir
3 - 6 Zuran Spellcaster Balduvian Hydra Adarkar Unicorn Balduvian Bears ---- Norritt ---- Orcish Farmer
3 - 7 Sibilant Spirit Fyndhorn Elves Kelsinko Ranger Hyalopterous Lemure ---- Lava Burst ---- Songs of the Damned
3 - 8 Word of Undoing Flare Rime Dryad Rime Dryad ---- Mind Ravel ---- Fyndhorn Bow
3 - 9 Word of Undoing Mistfolk Gangrenous Zombies Thermokarst ---- Mountain Goat ---- Brine Shaman
3 - 10 Tarpan Wild Growth Lim-Dul's Cohort Circle of Protection: Black ---- Songs of the Damned ---- Wall of Pine Needles
3 - 11 Mistfolk Bone Shaman Regeneration Wall of Pine Needles ---- Tarpan ---- Snow Devil
3 - 12 Errant Minion Woolly Mammoths Balduvian Shaman Shield Bearer ---- Shatter ---- Woolly Spider
3 - 13 Cloak of Confusion Cloak of Confusion Foxfire Land Cap ---- Ray of Erasure ---- Essence Flare
3 - 14 Illusionary Terrain Fyndhorn Brownie Balduvian Conjurer Circle of Protection: Red ---- Cold Snap ---- Fyndhorn Brownie