Experiment Un

Ended 7 years ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Vorinclex666 pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Very Cryptic Command A Really Epic Punch The Grand Calcutron ---- Curious Killbot Boomflinger Chaotic Goo Double Dip
1 - 2 Defective Detective By Gnome Means Just Desserts ---- Mons's Goblin Waiters Clocknapper Knight of the Kitchen Sink A Knight of the Kitchen Sink A
1 - 3 Phoebe, Head of S.N.E.A.K. Weight Advantage Split Screen ---- Handy Dandy Clone Machine Mother Kangaroo Mogg Assassin Deadly Poison Sampler
1 - 4 Painiac Duplication Device City of Ass ---- Tread Mill Lobe Lobber Refibrillator Everythingamajig A
1 - 5 Knight of the Kitchen Sink A Bee-Bee Gun Steamflogger Service Rep ---- Crow Storm Knight of the Kitchen Sink A Very Cryptic Command A S.N.E.A.K. Dispatcher
1 - 6 More or Less Question Elemental? Double Header ---- Sentinel Dispatch Carnivorous Death-Parrot Caller of the Untamed Hypnotic Swirly Disc
1 - 7 Ordinary Pony Changeling Hero Poultrygeist ---- Gift Horse Chicken Egg Goblin Slingshot Taurean Mauler
1 - 8 Selesnya Signet Azorius Signet Dogsnail Engine ---- Sly Spy A Snickering Squirrel Moriok Rigger Azorius Keyrune
1 - 9 Steamflogger of the Month Foresee B-I-N-G-O ---- Topsy Turvy Sly Spy A Summon the Pack Rock Lobster
1 - 10 Five-Finger Discount Shambling Vent Creature Guy ---- Hold the Perimeter Steamflogger Temp Watermarket Steady-Handed Mook
1 - 11 Prismatic Wardrobe Fated Infatuation Molten Birth ---- Changeling Titan Scissors Lizard Over my Dead Bodies Archfiend of Ifnir
1 - 12 Blacker Lotus Animus of Predation Deranged Hermit ---- Selesnya Sanctuary Rare-B-Gone Boros Garrison Old Guard
1 - 13 Rakdos Carnarium Record Store Land Aid '04 ---- Gruul Turf Toy Boat Cheatyface The Fallen Apart
1 - 14 Changeling Berserker Ancient Den Steamflogger Boss ---- Temple of Mystery Free-for-All Mothdust Changeling Joyride Rigger
1 - 15 Mesa Chicken Symbol Status Meddling Kids ---- Lore Seeker Stone-Cold Basilisk Rakdos Keyrune Graveyard Busybody
2 - 1 Ydwen Efreet Dual Doomsuits Super-Duper Death Ray ---- Goblin Assassin Modular Monstrosity Land Leeches Faerie Aerie
2 - 2 Woodland Changeling Wild Crocodile Water Gun Balloon Game ---- Sex Appeal Squirrel-Powered Scheme Arms Depot Swarmyard
2 - 3 Knight of the Kitchen Sink A First Pick Fat Ass ---- Rules Lawyer Garbage Elemental A Chittering Doom Division Table
2 - 4 Cramped Bunker Enraged Killbot Earl of Squirrel ---- Sly Spy A Oaken Power Suit Who / What / When / Where / Why Squirrel Mob
2 - 5 Miss Demeanor Zzzyxas's Abyss Arcane Savant ---- The Countdown Is at One Quick-Stick Lick Trick Avian Changeling Side to Side
2 - 6 Hard Hat Area Prognostic Sphinx Inflation Station ---- Elvish House Party Erase (Not the Urza's Legacy One) Molten Sentry Optical Optimizer
2 - 7 AEther Searcher Moniker Mage Karplusan Minotaur ---- Simic Signet R&D's Secret Lair Backup Plan Jack-in-the-Mox
2 - 8 Overt Operative Skull Saucer Glassdust Hulk ---- Emissary's Ploy Kindly Cognician Winding Constrictor Catacomb Sifter
2 - 9 Archdemon of Paliano Boros Keyrune Work a Double ---- Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Fieldmist Borderpost Spire Phantasm
2 - 10 Rocket-Powered Turbo Slug Lexivore Magic Word ---- Azorius Chancery Fowl Play Animate Library Krark's Other Thumb
2 - 11 Enter the Dungeon Incite Insight Infernal Spawn of Infernal Spawn of Evil ---- Artful Looter Nameless Inversion Temple of Deceit Chivalrous Chevalier
2 - 12 Ajani Unyielding Squirrel Nest Elvish Impersonators ---- Aerial Toastmaster Temple of Enlightenment Common Courtesy Clan Defiance
2 - 13 Simic Keyrune Acorn Catapult Izzet Boilerworks ---- Cheap Ass Harsh Scrutiny Reaper of the Wilds Orzhov Basilica
2 - 14 Eager Beaver Llanowar Wastes Double Take ---- Letter Bomb Supersize Dimir Aqueduct Seat of the Synod
2 - 15 Time Out Hydradoodle Cogwork Spy ---- Midlife Upgrade GO TO JAIL Behemoth Sledge Orzhov Keyrune
3 - 1 Hammer Jammer Goblin Archaeologist Wordmail ---- Do-It-Yourself Seraph Sundering Fork X Oddly Uneven
3 - 2 Viashino Sandswimmer Knight of the Hokey Pokey Masterful Ninja ---- Hangman Shaggy Camel Jackknight Mise
3 - 3 Rapid Prototyper Dispatch Dispensary Ladies' Knight ---- Tavern Swindler Odds / Ends Better Than One Bosom Buddy
3 - 4 Fascist Art Director Djinn Illuminatus Ineffable Blessing a ---- Ground Pounder Look at Me, I'm R&D Hammer Helper Squirrel Dealer
3 - 5 Garbage Elemental A Granny's Payback Liege of the Hollows ---- Sly Spy A Vile Bile Treasure Map  Flip Mandatory Friendship Shackles
3 - 6 Squirrel Wrangler Dirty Rat "Ach! Hans, Run!" ---- Top-Secret Tunnel Despondent Killbot Golgari Signet Ghazban Ogress
3 - 7 Mana Screw Sovereign's Realm Mary O'Kill ---- Booster Tutor Reason / Believe Chicken a la King Baron Von Count
3 - 8 Phyrexian Librarian Steamfloggery Shapesharer ---- Buzzing Whack-a-Doodle AWOL Knight of the Kitchen Sink A Cardpecker
3 - 9 Preordain Chipper Chopper Paliano Vanguard ---- Magical Hacker Power Play Golgari Keyrune capital offense
3 - 10 Brainstorm Clam-I-Am Leovold's Operative ---- Boros Signet Hidden Stockpile Deal Broker Dr. Julius Jumblemorph
3 - 11 Deadhead Timmy, Power Gamer Double Deal ---- Chameleon Colossus Archive Trap Paper Tiger Game-Trail Changeling
3 - 12 Curse of the Fire Penguin Izzet Keyrune Orzhov Signet ---- Mirror Entity Simic Growth Chamber Cairn Wanderer Paliano, the High City
3 - 13 Dimir Keyrune Acorn Harvest Stirring Wildwood ---- Vault of Whispers Double Play Neural Network Selesnya Keyrune
3 - 14 Golgari Rot Farm Mystic Speculation Flamewright ---- Shardless Agent Tree of Tales Spell Suck Infernal Spawn of Evil
3 - 15 Finders, Keepers Old Fogey Shellephant ---- Cogwork Librarian *list* Nut Collector Renowned Weaponsmith Dumb Ass