Ended 1 week ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart Sigmarizzler2828 pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Roc of Kher Ridges Dark Ritual Balance Word of Command Mox Emerald Dark Ritual Jump Terror
1 - 2 Clone Dragon Whelp Glasses of Urza Dragon Whelp Copper Tablet Terror Red Elemental Blast Magical Hack
1 - 3 Cursed Land Llanowar Elves Fireball Sengir Vampire Crystal Rod Sinkhole Unsummon Sinkhole
1 - 4 Wall of Ice Regrowth Disintegrate Pestilence Living Lands Drudge Skeletons Red Elemental Blast Llanowar Elves
1 - 5 Wall of Stone Sunglasses of Urza Stone Rain Wild Growth Library of Leng Pestilence Power Sink Drain Life
1 - 6 Castle Unholy Strength Regrowth Power Sink Power Sink Conservator Goblin Balloon Brigade Psychic Venom
1 - 7 Stream of Life Juggernaut Castle Paralyze Spell Blast Weakness Unsummon Drain Life
1 - 8 War Mammoth Giant Spider Mesa Pegasus Stream of Life Steal Artifact Gray Ogre Invisibility Psychic Venom
1 - 9 Grizzly Bears Wild Growth Mesa Pegasus Scathe Zombies Craw Wurm False Orders Orcish Oriflamme Blue Elemental Blast
1 - 10 Wall of Wood Wall of Wood Hill Giant Fear Hill Giant Craw Wurm Sea Serpent Mesa Pegasus
1 - 11 Holy Strength Hurloon Minotaur Fog Craw Wurm Dwarven Warriors Firebreathing Invisibility Regeneration
1 - 12 Fog Disenchant Burrowing Spell Blast Ironroot Treefolk Lure Flight Power Leak
1 - 13 Blue Ward Tranquility Benalish Hero Phantasmal Forces Blue Elemental Blast Fog Circle of Protection: Blue Sea Serpent
1 - 14 Guardian Angel Disenchant Healing Salve Guardian Angel Phantasmal Terrain Circle of Protection: White Holy Armor
2 - 1 Wall of Earth Deadfall Chain Lightning Whirling Dervish Backfire Shimian Night Stalker Silhouette Vampire Bats
2 - 2 Horn of Deafening Moss Monster Osai Vultures Urborg Storm Seeker Pyrotechnics Flash Flood Force Spike
2 - 3 Pyrotechnics Arboria Subdue Wall of Shadows Cat Warriors Barbary Apes Devouring Deep Karakas
2 - 4 Tetsuo Umezawa Moss Monster Firestorm Phoenix Fallen Angel Hornet Cobra Wall of Shadows Boomerang Chains of Mephistopheles
2 - 5 Crookshank Kobolds Moss Monster Raging Bull Pit Scorpion Field of Dreams Chain Lightning AErathi Berserker Demonic Torment
2 - 6 Crookshank Kobolds Wolverine Pack White Mana Battery Wall of Tombstones Chain Lightning Blazing Effigy Enchantment Alteration Walking Dead
2 - 7 Emerald Dragonfly Giant Turtle Floral Spuzzem Syphon Soul Hornet Cobra Darkness Raging Bull Vampire Bats
2 - 8 Equinox Barbary Apes Torsten Von Ursus Blight Wall of Vapor Lost Soul Giant Strength Walking Dead
2 - 9 Raging Bull Durkwood Boars Wall of Caltrops Spirit Shackle Giant Turtle Syphon Soul The Brute Azure Drake
2 - 10 Crookshank Kobolds Rust Enchanted Being Hell Swarm Wolverine Pack Giant Slug Land's Edge Wall of Vapor
2 - 11 Backdraft Glyph of Reincarnation Holy Day Lost Soul Silhouette Glyph of Doom Anti-Magic Aura D'Avenant Archer
2 - 12 Enchanted Being Clergy of the Holy Nimbus Amrou Kithkin Living Plane Glyph of Reincarnation Giant Turtle Enchanted Being Energy Tap
2 - 13 Seafarer's Quay Emerald Dragonfly Wall of Caltrops Glyph of Doom Undertow Glyph of Reincarnation Devouring Deep Enchantment Alteration
2 - 14 Backdraft Rust Kasimir the Lone Wolf Wall of Caltrops Glyph of Reincarnation Syphon Soul Energy Tap
3 - 1 Desert City of Brass Desert City of Brass Library of Alexandria Oubliette City of Brass Khabal Ghoul
3 - 2 Rukh Egg Eye for an Eye Desert Cuombajj Witches Bazaar of Baghdad Sorceress Queen Sandals of Abdallah City in a Bottle
3 - 3 City of Brass Ghazban Ogre Army of Allah Cuombajj Witches Desert Diamond Valley Stone-Throwing Devils Cuombajj Witches
3 - 4 Singing Tree Nafs Asp Shahrazad Oubliette Wyluli Wolf Flying Carpet Dandan Desert
3 - 5 Bird Maiden Sandstorm Moorish Cavalry Cuombajj Witches Jeweled Bird Stone-Throwing Devils Kird Ape Old Man of the Sea
3 - 6 Hurr Jackal Wyluli Wolf Sandals of Abdallah Khabal Ghoul Unstable Mutation Cuombajj Witches Rukh Egg Flying Men
3 - 7 Desert Twister Sandstorm Repentant Blacksmith Hasran Ogress Ghazban Ogre Erg Raiders Bird Maiden Stone-Throwing Devils
3 - 8 Rukh Egg Sandals of Abdallah War Elephant Erg Raiders Unstable Mutation Cuombajj Witches Bird Maiden Cuombajj Witches
3 - 9 Magnetic Mountain Cyclone Moorish Cavalry Hasran Ogress Nafs Asp Jeweled Bird Giant Tortoise Hasran Ogress
3 - 10 Hurr Jackal Army of Allah Moorish Cavalry Mountain Dandan Magnetic Mountain Dandan Rukh Egg
3 - 11 Rukh Egg Cyclone Piety Metamorphosis Kird Ape Hasran Ogress Piety Army of Allah
3 - 12 Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Eye for an Eye Hasran Ogress Merchant Ship Desert Nomads Mountain War Elephant
3 - 13 Army of Allah Mountain Mountain Giant Tortoise Giant Tortoise Hurr Jackal Camel Camel
3 - 14 Piety Metamorphosis Piety Mountain Camel