The Blind Eternities MTG Forum
Funniest Card Alters (Closed)
AMA - Spootyone (Closed)
Soo.. (Closed)
Buzzed AMA (Closed)
May the 4th be with you... (Closed)
What have I missed?! (Closed)
[[shell of the last kappa]] (Closed)
100 :) (Closed)
clash of clans (Closed)
Who's Saccing Goats?!?! (Closed)
4 blank foils (Closed)
Giving away free tokens (Closed)
Arkham City (Closed)
Color Alignment (Closed)
Politeness (Closed)
I took a new photo... (Closed)
Blanc a blanc (Closed)
Streaming League of Legends. (Closed)
Discussing ASMR (Closed)
I Made It To The Top 500! (Closed)
[[Stony Silence]] (Closed)
Anyone play RotMG? (Closed)
Who else? (Closed)
Star wars episode 7 trailer! (Closed)
Dark Souls II Isn't Hard (Closed)
I'm a bit drunk right now. (Closed)
I'm bored, so AMA (Closed)
Rank 20 (Closed)
Nightwish - EFMB (Closed)
Mtg: suff about family and sexuality (Closed)
Toilet paper. (Closed)
I'm bored - AMA? (Closed)
The Greatest Matchup of All (Closed)
Here, have that cookie you wanted. (Closed)
The race is on, and I'd like help. (Closed)
Your mutation!! (Closed)
Star Trek: TOS or TNG? (Closed)
OMG You won't believe this (Closed)
Hey everyone! I'm starting a cult! (Closed)
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