The Blind Eternities MTG Forum
Happy New Year!!! (Closed)
Sad Day for Raider Nation (Closed)
I'm creating a language! (Closed)
The Skysovereign Song (Closed)
RIP USA (Closed)
Yandere Simulator (Closed)
Wizard or Jedi? (Closed)
"Name that tune" sickness (Closed)
Bullies in my class (Closed)
Cooking Thread (Closed)
Fantasy Football (Closed)
I wrote some magic parodies (Closed)
WotC and Advertising (Closed)
I made another song :) (Closed)
Online Dating (Closed)
Musicians With No Bad Albums (Closed)
Discord Server - Come in for a chat (Closed)
24 (Closed)
Anybody know 3D printers? (Closed)
Anyone have plumbing experience? (Closed)
Deep Magic Cards (Closed)
EVO 2016! (Closed)
Bastille Day Massacre (Closed)
Anyone Play D&d? (Closed)
I have a kitten, help me name him! (Closed)
Ideas For My Thirtieth Birthday (Closed)
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Recently Added
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- Hybrid Theory: the 25th Anniversary
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- The Incredibles: the 20th Anniversary
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