A Plea
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Sept. 1, 2017, 8:32 a.m. by Qolorful
So, I haven't been very updated with what's going on in the world, and I was only vaguely aware of what's happening in Texas right now until I saw hamiam's featured deck renamed to try and raise support for the people struggling there (which I very much respect).
After seeing that, I updated myself on all that's happening around the world, and I want to ask people to find it in their hearts to donate to Texas or to India . India is also dealing with flooding, and over 1,200 people have died there already to the best of my knowledge. For many of us they are both physically and culturally very distant, but they are still people in need and I would like us to help in anyway we can.
Obviously not everyone can afford to actually donate to these places, but everyone can keep these places in their thoughts and prayers, and everyone can help spread awareness of what is happening around the world to reach those who can help!
Thanks for hearing me out!