Any diabetics out there?

The Blind Eternities forum

Posted on Aug. 29, 2017, 3:55 a.m. by Argy

I have been living with Type 1 diabetes for 41 years.

No complications.

Sometimes it makes me go low during tournaments, particularly if I am piloting a new deck and I have to concentrate a lot.

That is when I hook into some Passiona, which brings my BSL back into the normal range very quickly.

That's an Aussie passionfruit flavoured soft drink.

Any other diabetics out there?

ERoss8 says... #2

I'm not, at least for now. I've been tested and they said I don't have signs of genetic diabetes, as it runs in the family. I think you can contract it through lifestyle to though? But so far so good.

Passionfruit soda. How's that taste?

August 29, 2017 8:21 a.m.

Argy says... #3

It tastes bloody awesome.

It's VERY sweet, and a little bit tart.

You can become a Type 2 diabetic if you gain too much weight, or though a shock to the system like a bad car accident, or through pregnancy.

Or just through age.

My Dad has lived an insanely healthy life, but Type 2 eventually caught up with him in his 70s.

Then he said to me, "I am diabetic because of you."

To which I answered, "Excuse me?! They are your stupid diabetic genes!!"

August 29, 2017 9:35 a.m.

usaDiabetic says... #4

ERoss8 Yeah you should be ok as far at type 1 goes.(not sure how old you are, so don't take that as a definite). They say type 1 skips a generation, but I was screwed over in with that prediction so anything can happen.

My go to for lows is Gatorade, with a protein like cheese or peanut butter to maintain my BS level.

August 29, 2017 9:53 a.m.

Argy says... #5

I don't know where you heard that Type 1 skips a generation.

It's all to do with diabetic genes being passed down from both sides of your family, so it's very dependent on who a diabetic has children with.

If it's another person with a family history of diabetes then their children have a huge chance of being Type 1.

If they have no family history of diabetes then the children are less likely to inherit Type 1.

My Dad and my Mum's Mother both had Type 2 diabetes. Bingo!

August 29, 2017 9:59 a.m.

usaDiabetic says... #6

Argy I don't have an exact answer where I heard it. But, I distinctly remember hearing it shortly after being diagnosed.

Maybe it's one of those "facts" that changes after actual research is done. Diabetes research has come a long way in the last 20 years, even more so in the last 50.

Yeah my uncle on my dad's side is type 1, and my grandmother on my mother's side was type 2. So, it makes sense.

August 29, 2017 10:17 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #7

I'm type 1, however I wasn't diagnosed until the day I graduated college (happy graduation! Here, have some DIABETES!). I had a distant Aunt with diabetes, but I'm not sure it was type 1 or 2. I can agree about those diabetic "facts" usaDiabetic was talking about, since I heard that diabetes wasn't hereditary-like genetic. But shortly after I was diagnosed, a younger cousin of mine (who has been incredibly fit and active her whole life) also was diagnosed with type 1, so maybe my doctor was wrong.

I'm a bad diabetic though (not taking as much fast-acting as I should every day), so I rarely suffer from lows.

August 29, 2017 10:43 a.m.

usaDiabetic says... #8

GeminiSpartanX oh what a nice graduation gift haha.

Managing you diabetes is no picnic but, you have to stay on top of it. I was a bad diabetic through my late teens and early twenties, and I'm paying for it a little bit now.

I also used to run high BS levels, but on purpose because I was scared of going low and passing out. The unfortunate thing about that is, sustained highs over many years can cause all sorts of nerve damage and eye problems.

Not sure where you live, or what your health insurance situation is, but I would look into getting a CGM(if you dont already have one). I use a Dexcom G4, and it absolutley changed my life. I'm the healthiest I have ever been since I started using one 4 years ago, and have taken way better control of my management.

You really do have to stay on top of it though. There is no going back after complications start. There is nothing that says we can't make it to out 90s. I know it seems like a monumental pain to stay on top, but once you get into a rytheme it's a piece of cake....a piece of sugar free cake.

August 29, 2017 11:06 a.m.

Argy says... #9

Diabetes management is a pain in the arse.

No doubt about that.

It's complicated and as tiring as shit.

It's relentless. You never get to take a holiday from it.

The more you chip away it at, however, the more it becomes second nature.

That's the only hopeful thing I can tell you about it.

There's really no such thing as a "bad" diabetic.

There is a person who manages their diabetes well and one who doesn't.

The thing that helped in my diabetes management was getting my insulin dosage on a sliding scale.

If you are taking the same amount of insulin each day, you aren't mirroring what a pancreas does.

Talk to someone about learning how to inject the amount of insulin you need, for what you are about to eat.

It makes diabetes management a bit easier.

One more thing I should have mentioned about diabetes and genetics - it usually takes a stressor to activate the genetic predisposition.

For me it was getting a bad bout of bronchitis when I was a child.

August 29, 2017 12:42 p.m.

I'm actually not averse to using a CGM usaDiabetic, however my endo says that there is 0% chance of insurance covering one for me unless I can test 4 times a day for 3-4 months straight. So far, I manage to test about 2 times a day. I haven't talked to my insurance directly though, so I still need to confirm that what she says is true. I consistently take the slow-acting every morning, but for me it's tough to take the fast acting insulin when I'm out and about or if I'm not sure how many carbs I'll eat in a meal, so taking it before a meal seems pointless (what if I want seconds? That just means I need to stick myself again which is unpleasant). And then I'll plain forget to do it when I'm done eating. My wife is supportive though, and since she loves cooking/baking, she tries to keep meals diabetic-friendly which helps. But since I work a desk job and I know I'm not exercising enough, that probably cancels out the benefits of eating right.

August 29, 2017 1:07 p.m.

usaDiabetic says... #11

Argy, just thought of this... in response to your thread opener about going low during tournament play.We should try and get a judge in this thread to comment on rulings for people needing to treat lows or highs during tournament play and, during drafts.

It could be good to know what the official ruling is, as not to incur a penalty of some sort.

August 29, 2017 1:20 p.m.

usaDiabetic says... #12

GeminiSpartanX yeah, you really have to test more, if you're just flying by the seat of your pants, you will end up with some real problems down the road.

When I got my CGM they needed either 3 or 6 months of blood sugar records. When I submitted that they covered the CGM 100%. If you find that too daunting, screw it just make them up. From reading what you're saying, a CGM will definitely change your life.

As far as fast acting isulin goes, I really have only one way to say this...Just buck up and get it done!! If you think shots hurt, just wait until the diabetic nerve pain sets in down the road.

Also, for you, maybe look into getting a pump, or the OmniPod.(I don't particularly like or trust pumps, but that's my own issue) Alternatively, you can get your insulin is easy to carry pens instead of vial and syringe.

Nothing will take away the benefits of eating right, and even if things can, eating right will do nothing to hurt you.

August 29, 2017 1:33 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #13

Type 1 isn't fitness related. My wife was diagnosed when she was 6, and despite being told for the past 25 years Type 1 is genetic, there had never been another person in her family with it. The reasoning they gave was "environmental factors."

Type two on the other hand has a correlation with genetics. Most of my family members over the age of 40 are aware that their lifestyle needs to change to manage/prevent symptoms. There's some decent research out there's to suggest a heavy correlation between trauma and type 2 as well, so "genetics" might just be environmental, learned coping skills mental health counsellor friends look at me funny when I talk about Type 2 and addictions in the same sentence.

August 29, 2017 1:34 p.m.

Argy says... #14

I only play FNM and EDH, or muck around with janky decks with friends at home, so I guess I've never been too worried about how to treat my hypo.

I just check with my Opponent that it's OK to stop the game, do a blood test, then grab a drink if need be.

It's an interesting question, though.

GeminiSpartanX the four tests a day for four months sounds hard ... but if you remind yourself that it's only for four months you might be able to do it.

I had to undergo that before being put on a pump.

How long have you been diagnosed with diabetes?

Most diabetics get used to jabbing themselves frequently.

Again, it seems like a pain but once you get used to it you just kind of go, "Do I want another slice of pie for a treat? WHY YES I DO!!"


My partner says to me, "Go stab yoirself," which I find kind of cute and funny.

You may need to talk to a dietician about learning how to calculate how many carbohydrates are in each type of food you eat.

Again, that sounds like something you'd never be able to work out but, once you've had a bit of practice, it becomes second nature.

Diabetes management is sort of like MtG - a very steep learning curve, but with a bit of practice it all becomes so much easier.

I hope I don't sound preachy. I'm trying to encourage you because I found it all overwhelming, until I was shown how to treat diabetes more effectively.

It's a game you can win.

August 29, 2017 1:39 p.m. Edited.

Argy says... #15

Sorry MindAblaze I'm gonna have to correct a few things you said.

I don't recall anyone in this topic saying that Type 1 had anything to do with fitness.

Just because no one was diagnosed with diabetes in your wife's family DOESN'T mean that they weren't carrying the diabetes gene.

It is a RECESSIVE gene. That means that it has to occur in BOTH parents.

The thing can be passed down and passed down through a line and never produce a diabetic UNTIL it hits the right situation where it meets the genetic code of another carrier then VOILA!

Even then everything has to fall into place. That's why you can end up with a situation like mine where my younger Sister isn't diabetic. Yet. She will may develop Type 2 when she ages.

My mother has not yet developed diabetes, even though her mother had it.

I know this not just from my own diabetes education, but because I was an Animal Technician in a lab that was doing a lot of tests with transplanting pig Insulin islet cells into chimpanzees.

The researchers would discuss diabetes with me a LOT, because they knew I had a vested interest.

I was diagnosed when I was 9 and I was a very healthy child.

I just happen to be in a situation where it was very clear where the diabetes fell in my genetic history.

August 29, 2017 1:52 p.m. Edited.

I've been dealing with it for 6 years now. I use the pens, so it's as convenient as it's going to get for now. I know all the general info about dealing with diabetes (so you're not talking to a noob here for your reference), but just as all my previous attempts at working out and exercising have gone, consistency is my downfall. I know what I 'should' be doing, but creating the ideal diabetic habits hasn't clicked for me yet. I could blame it on a host of things, like how I got type 1 somewhat later in life or improper instruction when I was first diagnosed (a bad beat story for sure), but it really just boils down to me not doing well at it and it's nobody's fault but mine. Not for a lack of desire, but rather my inability to keep it up for more than the first week or so after my doctor's appointments.

Argy- My wife tells me to 'do my stabs' after meals. The best phrase I've heard of so far referring to injecting insulin comes from my cousin, whose brother says it's time for her to 'juice up', or accuses her of 'juicing' after meals :)

August 29, 2017 2:04 p.m.

I think MindAblaze was referring to my first post when I mentioned my cousin, where neither of us had much family history with it but she got it anyway. I mentioned her physical activity only to reaffirm that type 1 doesn't care how active or healthy you are, you can still get it, but I wasn't very clear on that point.

August 29, 2017 2:08 p.m.

usaDiabetic says... #18

Argy I really like the correlation of learning MtG and learning to manage diabetes. That was great!

August 29, 2017 3:27 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #19

I like how she corrected my experience though. With lots of capital letters for emphasis.

I didn't discount any of that with my statement Argy. I'm just suggesting that it's not exactly clear with Type 1, but it's likely primarily genetic.

On the other hand, Type 2 could potentially be called something different, other than the fact that it's related to your pancreas (islets) shutting down. Most of the evidence that I've read for Type 2 suggests that a combination of lifestyle factors, traumatic experiences and genetic predispositions contribute to the slow death of your pancreas' ability to produce insulin.

I'm not disagreeing with anyone's experience, I'm just sharing what I've learned from living in the north where every second person has diabetes, having a wife with Type 1 and at least half a dozen uncles aunts and grandparents with the condition. Working as an addictions counsellor up here you run into quite a bit of it too, so you kind of want an understanding.

August 29, 2017 3:46 p.m.

usaDiabetic says... #20

Okkkayy everyone, we're not her to debate what causes diabetes...lets shift this discussion.

What's everyone's favorite diabetic candy?

My favorite is none of them...because they are all disgusting. :-)

August 29, 2017 8:57 p.m.

Argy says... #21

GeminiSpartanX why do you inject AFTER you eat?

You're supposed to do it before?

August 30, 2017 1:38 a.m.

Argy says... #22

Type 2 isn't your pancreas shutting down.

That's Tyoe 1. Hence why you inject Insulin.

Type 2 is your body not recognising your Insulin cells. That's why you take tablets, not Insulin.

The Insulin is already there.

August 30, 2017 1:45 a.m.

usaDiabetic says... #23

ArgyGeminiSpartanX Yeah, you should almost always inject before.(unless instructed otherwise).

I know when I had digestive issues 2 or 3 years ago, I was told to inject 15min after I started eating. After my symptoms subsided, I went back to shooting up before meals.

August 30, 2017 1:47 a.m. Edited.

Argy says... #24

Before human Insulin was a thing, and we were using Pig or Cow Insulin, we had to Inject half an hour before we ate.

Now THAT was annoying. Also very tricky to get the timing right, if you were eating in a restaurant.

There was no ultra long acting Insulin either, so you had to have long acting in the morning AND at night.

When I was first diagnosed the syringes were glass. You boiled them in a saucepan on the stove to sterilise them, and you used the same needle all the time, which was huge.

If I can be bothered I'll dig them out and post a picture.

August 30, 2017 2 a.m. Edited.

usaDiabetic says... #25

Yup, I remeber using Humilin twice daily for long lasting. I'm currently on Tuejeo, which I am loving at the moment.

I do not remember using glass syringes though. Thank goodness haha.

August 30, 2017 2:17 a.m.

Argy says... #26

Glass syringes and urine testing in the morning.

You had to put a couple of drops of urine, and some drops of water, in a test tube, put an acid tablet in, wait for it to stop fizzing, then compare the colour on it to a chart.

From memory orange meant you were really high and blue was low.

When urine testing sticks came in we thought they were SO advanced because all you had to do was urinate on them.

My first blood testing machine was the size of a brick.

You had to calibrate it every morning.

It had a flickering needle and could only be powered by electricity.

August 30, 2017 4:15 a.m.

I shoot up after meals only when I don't know how many carbs I'll have eaten until after the meal. If I pack a lunch for work, I know how many carbs are in it and can inject before eating like a good diabetic. For dinner at home, I don't know if I'll have seconds (or thirds), so I don't bother injecting beforehand until I can calculate how many carbs I've eaten for that meal (right now I'm on a 7/1 ratio) and can therefore take a correct dose.

August 30, 2017 7:01 a.m.

Argy says... #28

Once again, there's no such thing as a "good" diabetic.

That kind of thinking may be what's holding you back from achieving better control.

You do MUCH better taking Insulin, then taking MORE if you choose to eat more, for these reasons:

  1. You don't FORGET to take your Insulin. It's amazing how many times that can happen.

  2. It more accurately reflects what a pancreas does. The closer you can replicate that, the better it is for your system.

  3. You don't let a post-dinner high happen because it took you longer to inject than you expected.

August 30, 2017 9:33 a.m.

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