Anyone Play D&d?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on July 13, 2016, 11:52 p.m. by Postmortal_Pop
I'm running a homebrew campaign with a few friends and I was wondering if anyone might have some ideas for filler missions? I've got the main story laid out but I'm having a hard time making missions for the in between so they can get to the encounters I have planned.
Postmortal_Pop says... #3
I am interested actually, I'm running a very loose 3.5. At the moment we're about level 3 but my players are actually really over powered. Last meet one of them one punched a cr4 boss at level 2.
I'll take any details you've got ,this could actually slot into my story really well
July 14, 2016 12:50 a.m.
We ran a murder on a ship. Not much combat in it but a good "who dun' it" mystery. Crew member of ship is murdered, the rest threaten to mutiny, unrest grows; find the killer before the whole place erupts into chaos. Do they make up who the killer is to stop the unrest or do they properly investigate it whilst tensions grow in order to find the right person? How is the person punished? Lots of interest there.
Deliver a magical item to a wizard who lives in a forest or something. Guild type activity. Classic delivery type quest but you get to choose locations, encounters, what the item is, and who it goes to. Do the players steal the item or deliver it? Is it a trap? Do they like or hate the person they deliver it to? Do they have to journey through a forest? That kind of stuff.
You could run a scenario where drugs are being shipped into the city and you need to find a way to infiltrate who's doing it and then either kill them, hand them in to the authorities, or join them for profit. Could become a longer quest as well if you it to turn out that the guys who smuggle the drugs in are just small players in a much larger conspiracy that's maybe connected to a lord or monarch or something.
July 14, 2016 7:32 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #5
I've run 3.5 and 2ed games, but idk if my campaigns have anything to offer you to make yours better. Mine usually center around finding some sort of mystical artifact(s), then training up to fight the big bad guy. It usually never gets old because my playgroups rotate out after each campaign so I'm working with different players each time. :P
If you want to talk non-D&D systems... Damn that's a lot. And that's just the ones I've played in/run.
July 14, 2016 10:36 a.m.
Our DM tried the murder on a ship one before. The barbarian decided (five minutes into our investigation) that he had had enough of this "thinking" shit and started killing the sailors. They fought back, the party joined the barbarian, and after everyone was dead we then continued on in the quest. Mystery solved.
Another time, we had a character who wasn't all there, and was also a wizard. we met the mayor of a town to receive a quest, this guy decided the mayor was a vampire (he had made a big chart of things he could think of people, 100 different items, and would roll a D100 to see which he would think, it was pretty awesome). He cast fireball on the mayor, and it turned out he was a vampire, who was going to send us on increasingly difficult quests, to try and kill us. Crisis averted.
Personally, my favourite quests are time based on, like "Rescue this person", "Deliver this letter before something happens", etc. It lets you drop hints at other things as the players go, and forces them to stay on target. I've also really enjoyed it when the DM randomizes how the quest giver acts (a simpler form of the wizard's chart I mentioned) to keep us on our toes in NPC interactions.
Whatever side quests you do make, plan for the possibility of your players deciding to kill everyone, including the quest giver. It happens, more than I care to admit.
July 14, 2016 11:36 a.m.
Postmortal_Pop says... #7
I really like the d% for npc effects, that sounds really fun.
The Murder boat I could do easily, they're close to ports at the moment and will need to travel.
You guys are a huge help!
SwiftDeath says... #2
You could run my scenario but I don't know how what version your playing ex. 3, 3.5, 5e. Also I ran it in Pathfinder so if it is 3.5 you will have an easier time converting it. I ran a scenario that had the players investigating a town that had random disappearances occurring. They had to question townsfolk, stakeout, deduce and track down a cult that was sacrificing people to appease and summon a shadow demon. I used some known enemies to fill in the roles and one self made boss type. The boss was a lich that was remade and seeking revenge after dying 400 years ago and he was trying to summon the shadow demon to kill all the locals in the region. If you're interested then let know and I can go over details of the scenario or you can just modify it to your own liking. I also have many other ideas for scenarios I have already done and ones for the future.
July 14, 2016 12:22 a.m.