Banned for speculating?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Dec. 24, 2020, 6:02 p.m. by RNR_Gaming
So, recently the owner of the LGS I frequent has told me they're highly considering banning me from buying cards because I speculate on cards.
Long story short. Squirrel commander was spoiled and I made an online order of all the cards I thought were good for the commander.They cancle my order and message my girlfriend saying they're considering banning me from buying cards.
The card prices haven't spiked or fluctuated and I got them all for the same price or lower off of tcgplayer less than an hour later.
I find this to be infuriating. Am I in the wrong for wanting to make a few bucks flipping some cards? Is the store owner being a jerk?
RNR_Gaming says... #3
MagicMarc that's an interesting perspective. Though it's not guaranteed that any of these card spike - I'm assuming a risk. The product they buy they get for pennies on the dollar and I'm buying it at tcg mid - even if it spikes or doesn't they would of made a profit.
December 24, 2020 9:06 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #4
Also, I'll add a note that I did in fact try to buy "all" the copies of cards that I thought would be good - kinda what you do when you speculate.
December 24, 2020 9:16 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
There is also the consideration that you are trying to buy out the complete stock of (assumed) powerful cards from them. If you make successful predictions often enough they will perpetually not have "good" cards from the newest set for others to buy. This leads other customers to go online or to a competitor for those cards, and eventually for all cards.
If you want to speculate I would buy online. That way you are not buying your LGS out. You are either buying from a massive retailer or you are buying the stock that other stores are willing to not sell in their brick-and-mortar location(s).
December 24, 2020 9:52 p.m.
One of my LGS stores that I play at will not let you purchase more than a playset of any card. Their system will flag it and they will tell you that you cannot buy more. They even have cards on their version of a restricted list where you are only allowed to buy 1 copy from them.
This can be kind of frustrating when I am trying out different versions of a deck, and like to have 2 physical sets of cards.
December 24, 2020 10:50 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #8
Gidgetimer - I'm buying older cards for commander and modern periodically. I don't speculate on standard ever it's too volatile. Though I do like your insight.
shadow63 like 3-4 basically a play set of the older squirrel stuff or 1 to use and 1 to flip. The store typically doesn't hold more than a play set.
Mcat1999 - some of these criticisms are unfair. The intent is to make a few dollars here and there by being knowledgeable about a game I love and have played for many years - thinking someone is unpleasant because they flip magic cards or any other item for that matter, comes off as narrow minded.
I will add I typically buy a copy or play set to play and any surplus will later be sold.
I do not have any insider knowledge nor do I get priority when buying things - (the shop has an MVP monthly subscription program). There is no disparity in oppurnity - other patrons have the same opportunity to buy cards that I do; some are even better positioned to do so than me - like I wouldn't be mad if someone waited in line longer than me and got 1st dibs on something even if they bought the very last taco, I'd just go somewhere else.
Though I do appreciate your prospective and story; I have a feeling you'd get a long great with the lgs owner.
I'd also note that I wasn't buying singles regularly from my lgs before because I used tcgplayer to do some flips and raise equity in my collection prior to covid.
December 24, 2020 11:06 p.m. Edited.
sergiodelrio says... #10
Totally infuriating indeed! While in principle I totally agree with a business owner doing business with whom they want and may refuse and or require changes to transactions, their reasoning to do so in this case is nonsense if you're not buying them out.
If it's not for sale, don't offer it! At least be openly transparent with your sales policy (sth like 4x copies per person max of one specific card and that would be true for everybody). Making new rules for each customer is unfair. False advertising. If this was me I'd tell them I'll take my business and my money elswhere.
December 25, 2020 3:55 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #11
shadow63 no, even with a spike that would net me a negative. I sell on tcgplayer. The margins for price increases have only been a max of about 6 dollars.
sergiodelrio - at the end of the day I respect a buisness owners right to refuse service to anyone; I do plan on taking my buisness else where, spent a little over a grand at that shop this year and have been a patreon for over 5 years. I'm an acceptable loss. Also, I'll add another tidbit - my girlfriend works there and I'm the only customer who gets cross examined. They literally pull cards after I order them until the prices fluctuate.
December 25, 2020 12:13 p.m.
Geez they seem salty just because your more knowledgeable then they are
December 25, 2020 1:50 p.m.
Chromium_Overseer says... #13
shadow63 no kidding
But in all reality, I don't personally believe a business should be able to refuse service to anyone, unless that person has done something to threaten the safety of the store. And making a few bucks 3very now and then woukd not be noticeable in even a small business's economics. But if they do refuse you service, i wish you best of luck in finding a new one or a new way to play.
December 26, 2020 2:03 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #14
Chromium_Overseer they won't ban me from in store events. I'm not disruptive or abusive towards other members of any community. At most they'll ban me from buying singles - they just said they were seriously considering it; hasn't been put into effect yet. Which is erikson but there are plenty of other marketplaces to get cards.
December 26, 2020 3:39 a.m.
Chromium_Overseer says... #15
Ah okay. Then banning you may actually hurt them in the long run, i dont know.
December 26, 2020 3:44 a.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #16
Banning anyone from buying cards during a pandemic seems like a bad buisness move lol but I've never run an lgs.
December 26, 2020 5:05 a.m.
RoarMaster says... #17
Speculating on cards probably has a similar effect on the market as flipping houses. It artificially inflates prices that will usually never return to as low as they should have been originally. In that regard, I think speculation is bad.
On the otherhand, I purchase a lot of uncommons and dollar rares because I think they may eventually have a place in a deck and become more valuable, so Im a bit hypocritical in that regard.
But I wouldnt buy a store out of stock on a card just on speculation, as that strikes me as a 'limited buyout' in the area, and that is just bad. Buyouts suck, as they are a blatant abuse of capitalism, and one of the reasons monopolies are generally frowned upon or illegal in many countries.
December 26, 2020 10:54 p.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #18
RNR_Gaming, I am not an expert on economics, but my personal opinion is that the owner of your LGS is a major jerk, and you should not give that store your business if they are threatening to ban you for being economically savvy.
December 28, 2020 5:02 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #19
DemonDragonJ - that's probably what I'm going to do.
MagicMarc says... #2
Even though they come across as being a jerk the honest truth is that if you buy more than a playset then you are/may be speculating.
If you are speculating, you plan on re-selling the cards at a later date when prices spike.
That makes you a direct competitor with your LGS.
December 24, 2020 8:55 p.m.