Battle Stories
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2014, 11:03 p.m. by Rhinowarrior
Today me and this kid were engaged in battle, me being 130 pounds and athletic and him being about 170 and athletic, and so while engaged in battle I ran up the side of the locker and rolled over his back (think flip of wall) and as I came down on the otherside iI put him in a headlock and proceded to render the boys defenses useless. Holding my grasp until he finally conceded. It just may be one of the coolest things I have ever done in my life as far as athleticism and skillage goes. AndTell me children, what are some of your battle stories, and no not mtg. Btw. Nobody was harmed in the making of this story.
miracleHat says... #4
I don't do physical fights, I reduce kids to tears and shame with my word smarts and wordplay (puns, witty remarks, rhyming insults, sarcasm...).
That being said, a kid said that i was a failure at everything so i kicked him in the balls. He realized that he was a failure at self defense while i kick balls (ass, whatever).
September 25, 2014 11:22 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #6
That's my natural defense too, miracleHat. Screw the fact that it's "dirty fighting," I'm a weak skinny kid that barely weighs 130 pounds. If I'm in a fight, I'll run away and take cheap shots all day.
September 25, 2014 11:36 p.m.
Dalektable says... #7
I did karate for nine years, so I have many many stories though none in an uncontrolled environment. The coolest that I can think of off the top of my head is when I was fourteen and in a competition, competing for first place in my division. I weighed in at probably 115 pounds and 5'7, and this kid was easily 150+ and close to six feet. Long story short, bigger people fall harder and I flipped him in various ways multiple times. Still have the first place trophy, haha :) Though I did once do a backflip off a wall into drop kicking the top of their head...think the new "karate kid" movie only off a wall, haha.
September 25, 2014 11:40 p.m.
miracleHat says... #8
@GoldGhost012, i have never heard it considered dirty fighting. To me, dirty fighting is fighting the the mud. I am also a weak skinny kid 6' 2" and 140 LB. I have read enough books and watched enough college lectures on how to debate that for normally i don't have to fight. The easiest thing is to act not afraid and push their buttons riling them up. That may sound like suicide, if you are a quick enough runner (like me at 5 min 10 sec. miles!), it works.
Thankfully though, i have a tendency to gather a lot from people through reading in between the lines.
I do play basketball though, sadly I am center. I am that guy who is the tallest on my team (small school) and has to go up against kids that are 6' 5" and 250LB and I "fight dirty". Just as long as the coach doesn't see it, it is fair game.
Final note, if you are a skinny weak kid, don't play waterpolo. It may seem like a nice sport, but it is one of the most vicious sports. My older brother used to play, thank god for him that he was a black belt in karate, otherwise he would have to lose his manhood.
September 25, 2014 11:53 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #10
I haven't gotten into any battles yet, I haven't finished my team... although, I know Aegislash is going to be on it.
September 26, 2014 12:45 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #11
Your Aegislash falls to my Shuckle, which I have appropriately named Sir Wall of Doom.
September 26, 2014 12:46 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #12
Shuckle is and always has been quite the beast.
September 26, 2014 12:47 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #13
One time I took down 3 members of the opposing team with Shuckle alone.
September 26, 2014 12:48 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #14
What i like about Aegislash is that I got a perfect IV one on wonder trade. (I also just got the game last week, so I have some catching up to do to everyone else.)
September 26, 2014 12:52 a.m.
Rhinowarrior says... #18
miracleHat are you sure you are 140? 6,2 and 140 seems awfully skinny and even me at 130 and 5,6 is considered skinny. Btw. I have a pectus excavatum. Anybody see one of these before? Lol look it up. Fucked up shit right there.
September 26, 2014 6:20 a.m.
weisemanjohn says... #19
I was the first kid to get detention at a school that had been open for a total of two days. I got into a fight with a kid that was cutting in line at the slide... About 10 years ago... That's probably the most heroic fight I've been in, otherwise its just play fighting with friends. PS, I envy you tall people. 5'4" 195 lbs
September 26, 2014 7:58 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #21
Moved to BE. Only BE supports non-MTG stories.
September 26, 2014 9:08 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #22
Epoch doesn't want to get into his fight club days.
September 26, 2014 9:53 a.m.
miracleHat says... #23
@Rhinowarrior, god! pectus excavatum looks brutal. Yes, I am 6' 2" and i just scaled myself and it said that i was 133LB. I never trust electronic scales in the first place but i know that i am ~140 because my doctor was pissed of at my for being underweight.
@GoldGhost012, 5' 9" is about average for males i think. I am blessed with my fathers genes of having an early growth spurt and my mothers genes of having a late growth spurt. Have no idea how tall I am going to end up. Also, how is your name supposed to be pronounced?
"zero one two" "twelve" "one two" "zero twelve?". I wonder if i should make a forum post...
September 26, 2014 12:59 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #24
Jeez, miracleHat, put some meat on those bones. My HS's Varsity soccer coach would tell you to load up on the bacon grease.
The reason I asked is because even though I'm the tallest person in my family by about 2 inches, it still seems like everyone else towers over me, haha.
I pronounce it "zero one two." I actually made a forum post a long time ago about how people pronounced their username.
September 26, 2014 3:45 p.m.
Rhinowarrior says... #25
Yeah mines not that bad and I am pretty muscular so it hides it a little bit but it is still super embarrasing. People in the locker room are always like o_O... nevermind girls or sex.
September 26, 2014 4:25 p.m.
miracleHat says... #26
@GoldGhost012, I don't go for muscle. I go for stamina and cardiovascular exercises. That being said, i can still pull off enough pull ups to impress people...
My HS's basketball coach tells me to start drinking protein shakes, but i can't get them down cuz my gag reflexes say NO.
September 26, 2014 8:25 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #27
Battle stories? I have still know my MMA stuff. Well, still know my kickboxing stuff. I can't remember the locks or grabs from MMA. But what's nice about learning how to fight is that it is like learning how to read a book or drive a car, once you know it it stays with you. I particularly enjoy going for the liver, heart and throat.
While I was never a really good fighter (grade 8 student facing against 20-30 year old men who were 180-250 pounds of pure muscle?), mainly because I'm really passive in hand to hand combat (give me a polearm or a staff of some sort), it was still really fun. The place I went to learn MMA at was really well known, and while there was no shortage of profanities, it was professional and everyone behaved extremely well.
I stopped mainly because something about the place kept on giving me nose bleeds, which was a serious problem I had before I moved to Vancouver. High elevation made random spontaneous nose bleeds happen that could last for 10 minutes to 7 hours. But I believe that it was the oh so lovely workout room sweaty grain the air has to it. You can SMELL THE GRAIN of sweat in the air whenever you entered, definitely not good for my nose. Ankle lock! Nosebleed. Clinch! Nosebleed. And oddly enough, never got a nosebleed from getting punched in the face. Not once.
October 5, 2014 7:16 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #28
Wait, did anyone else notice the coincidental first and second posts?
October 5, 2014 7:46 p.m.
miracleHat says... #29
Yes, it caused me to smile. Also GoldGhost012, if forgot to mention that i am the shortest of the males in my family (at 6' 2") except for my brother. He still calls me "shorty" or "shortstop", freaking annoying.
October 5, 2014 7:53 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #30
I'm like 5' 7". I want to be shorter. That way I won't have to wear leggings or pants on my dresses because they are too short and they flash my panties more often than I would like.
October 5, 2014 8:25 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #31
I punched a dude who tried to pickpocket me on the #1 train in NYC one time. I made him bleed because he tried to steal from me and I was a poor graduate student who couldn't afford to be the target of a successful theft. He declined to continue the altercation, leaving the subway car. I was angry and pretty embarrassed. He was a skinny man who seemed rather sketch. It is good that I struck him, because I'll bet that he hesitated the next time he considered relieving an innocent person of their property.
Not that it matters, but I am 5'10", 175. No combat training at all, ever. Outside of competition, fights are pretty pathetic. Like, let's be grownups or whatever.
GoldGhost012 says... #2
Once I shoved a kid.
September 25, 2014 11:09 p.m.