Ceci n'est pas une thread
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Aug. 30, 2014, 5:49 a.m. by ChiefBell
The representation or abstraction of the object is not the object.
Therefore magic online isn't actually magic.
Empirically, I cannot fully sense an online magic card - and therefore I cannot truly know an online magic card.
Servo_Token says... #5
Good thing this was posted. I'm actually twice the person I used to be after reading. 9/10, would read again.
August 30, 2014 10:33 a.m.
vampirelazarus says... #6
Yesterday, I abstracted a triangle so hard, I forgot what triangles look like. Are triangles real? How can I tell? I don't feel the triangle, only the paper it's drawn on.
TurboFagoot says... #2
"I just started Philosophy 101" the thread
August 30, 2014 6 a.m.