Color Alignment
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on April 26, 2015, 11:58 p.m. by Defpotec
When I started playing magic, I was living with my parents in a very fundamentalist Christian home. Even though I didn't believe in half of the things they said, whenever I took a color alignment quiz, I ended up being placed wU, Azorius, or simply U.
After a couple years of living on my own, I decided to take those quizzes again. Now, I'm being placed uR and R. I suppose it speaks to how I've been learning to live more for the day and trying new things since I've entered this chapter in my life.
I'm interested in hearing other people's stories about the moment they found out their alignment changed.
I'm speaking more about the result you get from quizzes like this one or this one than your favorite colors to use in magic, even though both are likely connected to your play style.
April 27, 2015 12:06 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #4
I have always had a healthy dislike of authority and doing whatever I want when I wanted but doing so within a certain morality.
Mardu fits this pretty effectively though I will admit when I first picked up mtg when I was a young teen, I was all rakdos. Chaotic and crazed was my thing and along with that, a love of horror brought me to Vampires.
April 27, 2015 1:34 a.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #5
When I started out I loved green and all things stompy. Then my friend lent me his control deck for a game and I was blown away. IN that one game I moved away from green and away from aggro into blue and into control where Ive stayed ever since. I also like
as accompanying colors
April 27, 2015 1:59 a.m.
I have different tastes for different formats. Deep down, I love Black. It's the best color. It literally lets you do everything every other color does, it just costs a little more sometimes.
In terms of Sealed, I prefer to go Rakdos. I always feel more aggressive in Sealed events.
In draft, I tend to end up U/W/x. I'm a control player in the end, so I tend to go in the colors that best suit it without effort or luck.
I don't play standard.
Modern, Again, I centralize around black, but I usually sit on esper.
EDH, is basically the same as Modern.
Legacy wise, If I could afford it, I would play punishing Jund all day. as it stands, I'm about 10 cards away from finishing Miracles, So I guess USA?
April 27, 2015 5:42 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #7
In modern, I like all colours, but mainly U, W and R. In legacy, mono white is the way to go. This is because it's unreasonably expensive to play duals, and Death and Taxes can wreck everything, and is also incredibly fun to play.
April 27, 2015 6:05 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #8
33% on Red and Green, 22% on Blue, 17% on White and 0% on Black.
I like Blue by far the most, including that I like Simic, Izzet and Azorious from Ravnica the most and my favourite Clan from tarkir is Jeskai with Sultai being second. I think, however, that I had a tough time answering at lest 40% of the questions on the first test, since almost none of the answers fitted me.
Without bigger surprise, the dual colour test returned Green/Blue.
When I was around 13 and started the game, I liked white the most. After a year or so I realized that Counterspell was the best card one could have in a deck and built decks that had 16 counters and apart from that only flying creatures. That was where I went into Blue and after returning to the Game I played around with a lot but it turns out almost each deck I built had Blue in it. My Standard Decks had blue in it, my current deck has Blue in it (Jeskai Fireworks) and my first commander deck has Blue in it. Blue wins. Science, Knowledge and Thinking is awesome.
April 27, 2015 9:29 a.m.
Sparda1127 says... #9
Mine has always been U/B or B/R on those color tests bc I usually choose the more social-deviant of the choices (That's just the sort of person I am). It's only strengthened by the fact that these were the two Ravnica guilds I identified with immediately because of their flavor and ways of handling things.
April 27, 2015 9:43 a.m.
AngryBearTony says... #10
I tend to like G and W, and oftentimes together, with a smattering of blue and black. Most of my deck construction always begins with an idea usually rooted in either a white or green card and goes from there. I love green's creatures and card draw, and white's tokens and exile and tricks and flyers, and to me they make great combos of fun things. I'd love to find a G/W/U commander and build that before I complete my Animar deck. I guess I just like the natural order and nature of things as compared to the more controlling scheme or burning or death.
Mine changed when shifting formats.
A=I started out playing casual modern. I always played green and usualy red to acompany it. I was happy with this, and then I found Standard. Once I shfted to standard I went mostly mono-black and sometimes blue for draw and counters. It was fun for a while, but I got bored, so a for 2 years I just floated around different games coming back to mtg every now-and-then when I was bored.
THEN I found EDH. The moment I entered I realized I could play whatever I wanted with lots of different decks, so now I have no opinion about color and have 13 different decks, though I still tend to favor blue and disfavor red.
April 27, 2015 12:03 a.m.