Do you ever dream of magic?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Nov. 4, 2018, 10:27 p.m. by shadow63
Do you ever have dreams with magic cards in them? The last few month I've been having like 1 or two dreams a week with magic cards in them somewhere. The other night I had a dream where a friend of mine gave me a pack of world wake and I pulled jace memory adpet out of it somehow and not Jace, the Mind Sculptor lol while we where in a vr rpg. I also recently had one where I was in an airport and I saw display in one of the shops there. If you have any dreams like these share them below. It's never the main part of the dream they're just kind of there for me how about you?
Rabid_Wombat says... #3
I have recurring dreams about kicking back and playing games of 93/94 with the homies like we used to...before RL stepped in with kids, work and responsibilities :/
November 5, 2018 12:08 a.m.
I have nightmares about waiting endless amounts of time for storm players to see if their deck went off or not. Sometimes, that dream becomes a reality.
Remember, friends don't let friends play combo decks that take 20 minute turns.
November 5, 2018 5:32 p.m.
Its not a nightmare, you just fell asleep and they haven't finished by the time you woke up!
November 6, 2018 2:14 a.m.
TezzeretofCarmot21 says... #6
I had a dream where I was at my LGS and my friend kept on asking me for an Assassin's Trophy for his Sidisi Commander deck (that’s actually on TappedOut) and I ended up getting angry and buying a pack of Guilds. I opened it up and took out the cards. In the back I saw a Trophy.
But suddenly, I felt the inside of the pack again. There was another card... I took it. Another Trophy. Then another card fell out, and then another. I just stood stock-still in this dream for about ten minutes while chase rares spilled on the ground. People were stopping to look. Finally, when the Trophies were up to my knees, I took one out, gave it to my friend, and turned to the guys at the counter, who were staring open mouthed.
Casually holding up the pack, which was still flowing with cards, I said, “How much you want for this?”
Then I woke up and, once I had realized this, angrily said “There goes that Gaea's Cradle that I wanted to buy.”
(And when I saw this discussion, I had to post.)
Deathdragon says... #2
I had a dream a few months ago where I found a box of a non-existing set (core 2007) at Walmart for $27, such a rip off the set doesn’t even exist and they want $27!
November 4, 2018 11:45 p.m.